Learning The Basics

Four years past after the naming ceremony, in the patriach manors garden a silver haired little boy with full attention is reading a book, but also there a lot open books are scatter around. When Svaily was one years old, he finally can talk easily and when he was two years old, he learned to read, With that being done he finally can read about magic in book so it was his plan. But after books after books from the library he understood where he stood in the contitent it was a shock for him, Beacause he was from Bain Clan one of the great powers on the continent and it is not over with this his mother from Hain Clan which is also a great power. With those two backing can be said he is without an equal. If he didn't retain his memories of his past life, under these conditions he'd be number one arrogant young master of the continent.

All of these not so important to him anyway he wanted to know about magic, but when he learned it was not magic, it kind of magic but in this world people can cultivate, have unimaginable strenght and make their life longer. For him to know all of this he read the book named "How The Pig Became Immortal – Cultivation for Dummies" it is really a simple book and tell the ones who wants to become a cultivator, what needs to be known. In simple there is an omnipresent energy which they call "Qi" which is basic for cultivation, but it doesn't mean you can only cultivate with qi actually there is three types of cultivation, these are: number one; The Martial Way, in this cultivation you'd temper body to the extremes and it'll cause your body to change in quality and you'll become a cultivator as a Martial Artist, number two; The Soul Way, in soul way you'll cultivate your soul, actually this type of cultivation makes you a mage, they use their souls and their will to bend laws of the universe and because they'd temper their souls they're intellagent and good at formations, insciptions and alchemy, and number three; Normal Way, no seriously they really call it the normal way because nearly all of cultivators in the way of qi cultivation and they choose as their secondry cultivation soul or martial way to supplement their qi cultivation.

As for fire qi, water qi, death qi, emperor qi, all of them actually not so compicated, let's say you're an emperor and you have a demeanor of an emperor and a will of emperor this will cause the qi in body to react with your will or aura, it'll cause your qi to change in qualty and become emperor qi, as you gain insights about how an emperor should act and how should be, it'll cause your emperor qi to evolve furthermore. It was just and example but it is also the same for fire qi and any other kind of qi.

As he thinking about what he learned about cultivation and the world that he lives in the middle of mess of books, he didn't realise he's being watched by his father. As Vega was watching his son and saw the cover of the that he is holding corner of mouth couldn't help twitch, There is a pig holding world between its hooves.

"Svaily, What are you reading?"

"Ah... Dad you were here? Uhm I am trying to understand cultivation."

"That book has any help to you understand the cultivation?"

"Yes it helped me."

While Svaily talking always he talks little and simple because he thinks if he formed too complex sentences it'll blow his cover up. But acually he is overthinking because the density of the qi the kids tend to mature too early and if you think about Leria peninsula which is looking like homes of immortals, he can be considered as a normal kid in his age nothing more.

"Svaily, Acually there is the cultivation technique that I found in Heaven's Secret Realm I intent to give when you come to age to cultivate, you don't need to think about cultivation right now, okay?"

When Svaily heard his father talk about Heaven's Secret Realm he couldn't help but become excited. Heaven's Secret Realm, no one knows how came existence but all they know about it can be opened time to time and only Foundation realm cultivator can go in, if we talk about realms of cultivation Svaily only knows about Body Refining realm, Qi Refining realm, Foundation realm and Core realm but after that he doesn' know anything, it doesn't hold any importance to him anyway either. As Svaily thinking about these things his father continue to talk.

"You know, it's a one of kind cultivation technique, it's a body-qi dual cultivation technique and it's nature lightning one of the best, when you're age come i'll give you so you don't need to read these kind of books." As Vega saying he looked the cover of the book again he could help but judge the book by his cover, acually it couldn't be help as the cultivators in general too proud you can even call them arrogant and they always choose books hard to understand and overly mystified descriptions as their guide line maybe because of these there's always people who cannot overcome their boundries and they live in death seclusion. Thinking these Svaily couldn't say much more but just a "Hmm okay." Hearing the reply of his son Vega took his hand said to him.

"Come I'll bring you to your mom she's waiting for you."

Svaily just noded as a reply.

As son and dad duo came in front of the room that the Ice Goddess resting, the dad told to the son "Go in son, I need to go took care over clans bussinesses." Saying he just leaved his son in front of the and dissepared, Svaily looking to the door and knocked two times and the open by a servant of his mom, seeing that the young master the who came servant invited him inside in hurry. When he just took a step inside, he was greeted world of full of blue no it was turquoise but it wasn't main point, he couldn't breathe, all he could say "Mom let go I can't breathe" and the turquoise scenery got a little distance from him and now he could see Sonia in her turquoise dress. With motherly smile Sonia said to his son "My little angel do you how I missed you why didn't come to see your mom?" all Svaily can say;

"Mom we ate breakfast together and I was in garden not somewhere else."

"Anyway that's not the point my little angel you should always be with your mother okay?"

"Okay mom I understand, Dad said you were waiting for me?" While he's trying to talk Sonia just playing with his cheeks and hugging to him like even in she wouldn't let him go. She said to Svaily

"My little angel you know your grandfather is the patriach of the Hain Clan right?"


"You see because of that he couldn't came to see you and I thought while you have 5 years to cultivate we should go and see him, what do you say my angel?" While his mom calling him angel his mind drifted to description about the angels in the book he read, it's said angels are a type of fairy which is closest to the laws and they cannot be tainted easly and you ever caught a glimpse of them even crulest devil cultivator couldn't help soften in heart, while it's true it can also said they can be subordinate to someone with help of an ancient ritiual.

While his mind is drifting thought to thought, he looked the woman who is calling "my little angel" from the day he's born they tried their utmost to give him everything he wants and showered him with familial love. In his past life he had parents if you can call them so, Constant abusing was a daily event for him. And because of that he got to see why they are abusing him when he started to his job, it was because they didn't love each other and in constant fights they could only lash out their rage to his. When realised that he swored to himself he'll only will married if he could find his soulmate, if not he'll die alone that his commitment he fullfilled the promise of his to himself when he died alone. But for the second chance he decided he'll be very good son to his new parents and maybe it's foolish to search soulmate for a lifetime but in this world you can live up to thousands of years, if he still couldn't find might as he'll be the unlucky brian of cultivation world.

"Okay mom we'll go and see grandfather."