First Cultivation

5 years past when Sonia and Svaily went to White City to visit his grandfather. In these 5 years, Svaily didn't do much besides reading books about culture, geography, medicine and cultivation notes of his seniors in cultivation. In past years, Svaily, using knowledge of his previous life and cultivation notes of seniors, even created a cultivation road for him to take. All left for him to start to walk and for this Svaily right now sitting in front of his father. Looking at his son Vega said;

"Son, I've told you all you need to know for now, here is the cultivation method, it is a good cultivation manual for sturdy foundation. I'll watch you if there is anything wrong I'll stop you, take this. It's lightning attributed spiritual crystal it'll help you to cultivate"

Saying that Vega gave a yellow crystal and cultivation manual to Svaily, Taking these Svaily thanked Vega, Vega went to corner and sat down in lotus position while Svaily reading cultivation manual. It's named "Lightning Dual Cultivation Manual" after reading it for an hour he felt that he understood general general concept of this cultivation manual. It may sound like a lightning based cultivation technique but it also has several grades for it.

While starting this cultivation technique you'd sense other element with it and if you can successfully intigrade those elements to your cultivation your qi will become more pure. Understanding this Svaily sat down in lotus position and hold the lightning attributed crystal between in his hands. While he slowly closed his eyes, he started to clear his mind. After a while he begun to feel qi around and within him but utmost, he felt wild and untamed lightning qi between in hands then he tried to move his qi to the crystal. After a few unsuccessful attempts, his qi began to move by his will then he slowly moved his qi to the crystal. When his qi touched with lightning qi inside the crystal, he felt like he was electrocuted, after the shock he started to drag the lightning qi to himself with his qi. While he was dragging the qi in front of himself, He tried to sense around him for any other elements. There is four more elements that he sensed, he also tried to drag these elements with lightning qi but before that he tried to understand what are those elements, after a couple minutes, he sensed all of these elements, one of them is fire, it gave a strong and fiery feeling, other one is water, it gave a calm and easygoing feeling, 3rd one is air, it gave a shapeless and sharp feeling and the last one, earth, it gave sturdy and reliable feeling. While Svaily sensing these elements, he tried to integrate these elements with lighting qi. After having enough fire, water, earth and air, he started to guide them to his body along with lightning. When these elements entered his body, his qi started to change.

Qi all over in garden started rush in his body, filling his body to the its limit. When Svaily passed this stage he started to use his knowledge from his past life, he guided lightning qi to his brain and nervous system for he knows that nervous system work with electrical impulses,

he guided earth qi to all over his bones, flesh and organs, for water qi he guided to his blood veins, flesh organs, for air qi he guided to his lungs and blood veins, lastly for fire qi he guided it to his liver, organs, flesh. He meshed all these elements in his body for tempering. After first integration elements, His body started to power up and after eating spiritual meats and herbs, pills for enchanting his physique, drinking spiritual water for enchanting his potential, the qi from these started to integrate and help to strengthen his body. His cells started to die and new one started to grow with more power. Outside of his body his skin shed and new one appeared, and the new one died, more stronger and more soft skin grown. Out of his pores black impurities started oozing out, but it didn't stop there impurities changed color for start it was black after a while it was gray, in the end it was just white impurities got expelled from his body.

Seeing his son shedding skin after skin and expelling impurities in white color, Vega started to smile, because it means his foundation will be rock solid. While he was smiling, he started to notice his sons vitality started fading. It means, Svailys body doesn't have enough vital qi to support his tempering. With having came to this conclusion, he grabbed a crystal with full of vitality from his spatial ring and teleported near Svaily and immediately crushed it. Svailys body absorbed vital qi like a person who found water in the desert and continued to tempering. Seeing this Vega crushed a few more of this crystal to help his son. While Svaily body tempering itself Svaily is powering up, 1st grade Body Tempering Realm, 2nd grade Body Tempering Realm, 3rd grade Body Tempering Realm until 9th grade Body Tempering Realm. When he came to this stage, Svaily noticed changes in his body. The lightning qi, fire qi, water qi, air qi and earth qi came out from all over his body to over his dantian. With these five qis he forced his qi to open his dantian. He tried one time he couldn't open, he tried second, third and fourth time he pry opened his dantian. After that he couldn't rest, he have one more thing to do. According to cultivation technique, you have to make sigils with all qis you have. He made all of those sigils with their respective qis. After doing this he started rotated all his qi in his qi veins, with his qi started flow the impurities which he didn't expelled caught in the flow. He rotated his qi and gathered all impurities to his dantian, when he didn't find any impurities anymore, he tried to force out them, using his qi.

Outside Vega watching his son in silence, with his sense he understood that Svaily broke through to the Qi Refining Realm. After a while he saw that his son started puking out black substances which is impurities in the qi veins and dantian. Seeing this he can be assure there'll be no mishap for Svaily.

After 5 minutes Svaily opened his eyes and smiled to his dad which he smiled back to him then Svaily rosed up from lotus position but seeing black impurities all around his body, he made a frown. Seeing his son made a frown Vega laughed and pointed his index finger to his out of nowhere water started to pour on Svaily. After impurities washed out Vega said;

"With the impurities expelled, and being broke through to Qi refining Realm, you consolidate your foundation more and after that you should choose a weapon specialize."

"I got it dad, I made my mind I'll choose sword like my mother."

"If you made your mind I'll say no more, I'm not proficient in sword, so your mom can train you."

"I will ask mother after I consolidate my cultivation realm."

"Okay then I'll go to clans main building, take care son." after saying Vega turned was about go stopped and said to Svaily "Son after you learned the basic of sword from your mom, you have go outside to temper yourself, Son of Patriarch cannot be grown inside a greenhouse you got it."

"I got it dad"

Saying that Svaily turned to go his room for consolidate his cultivation but he used to much strength crashed the wall and fell down. Seeing his son fell Vega laughed and "You should get used to it."

After his cultivation his body became stronger and matured faster which looked like a body of a 15 years old teenager, even his muscles became well-defined. Svaily just didn't get used to his overgrown body.

"Okay" said Svaily, but inside he is flipping out "It wasn't like this in the novels, they would breakthrough and will kill the enemy, what am I doing, I couldn't even get used to this strength"