Chapter one

She stood on a balcony looking down at a large arena filled with people who were all looking back up at her. Confidently she waved to them while a calm breeze rustled through her long raven hair. After the cheering slowed to a mild roar she raised her hand up to the sky. Silence washed over all, as the crowd boiled with anticipation. A cool burst of fire shot from her finger tips straight up encouraging even more cheering than before, because with that signal, the magic games had begun. She waved a final time before backing into the shadows where she sat with an exhausted sigh.

Next to her sat a nearly perfect reflection of her younger self, who did not seem to be enjoying the festivities as much as the rest. "You shouldn't have used fire magic. Ice is much less costly."

She smiled at her scowling daughter. "But I have always used fire to start the games. Anything else would drawl suspicion." She tried to smile but her daughter was correct. Her use of fire magic, even just the basic spell she cast, was very taxing on her frail body.

"Why not just tell the people of this ailment. You are loved greatly, they would only wish for your health."

She smiled weakly, "the people would undoubtedly wish for my health but foreign rules might see opportunity."

The princess' eye brows knitted together but before she could respond she was called to the arena, "Princess Adryanna," the duke of Littleton's son, Christof, was about to take part in the magical target breaking competition. She walked to the balcony and looked down at the young confident nobleman. His chest was broad under his armor and he stood tall with pride. "Might I have your blessing, so I might do well in this year's magical games? As your fiancé it is my honor to wear your colors."

Adryanna rolled her eyes as she responded, "I would have it no other way, Marquess Howell" She sighed heavily as she cast her spell, slowly ice crystallized forming a rose. Then she brought it to her lips and with her kiss the dimondesk rose darken to a deep violet, the color of the royal seal. She then cast the rose from her hand sending it slowing floating downward to the broadly smiling Christof. He reached out grasping the flower delicately in his fingertips. He stretched his arm out as if to show all before attaching the rose to his tunic.

As the event started Adryanna returned to the shadows sitting with a heavy thud. "Is it truly that bad, love?" The queen laughed looking at her daughters twisted face.

"Christof is an ass..." She sighed. "That is giving him too much credit..."

"His father is a kind soul and much loved by the people."

"I don't hear how that has anything to do with Christof. I don't want to marry him."

"Adryanna..." Her mother sighed. "The kingdom needs their wealth."

"I am aware." She hissed.

"You will grow to love him. As I did your father."

"Father was not a show boating fool."

The queen laughed heartily, "you didn't know him when he was your age."

Suddenly the crowd erupted in cheers and shouts. "Amazing!" The announcer boomed, "Marquess Howell has scored eighty-six out of ninety points!! If this is the start of the magic games I only have the highest of expectations!"

The princess sighed heavily. "This is only going to make his head grow."

"Have patience Adryanna."

"Mother." She sighed.

The rest of the competitors took place in target breaking but unfortunately no one bested Christof. With the day's events over the queen and princess returned to the palace where the queen went straight into bed. Adryanna sat next to her holding her hand comfortingly. "Mother..." She whispered sadly.

Weakly the queen reached up and touched her face. "Smile my child. You are so beautiful when you do."

Adryanna let a smile creep across her lips. "I love you."

"I love you, Adryanna. Now, please you enjoy your ball while I rest."

"Very well, mother." Adryanna stood up from her chair and walked to the door. "Please be well." She whispered.

She left the queen's chambers and walked to the ball room where the lively event was taking place. The massive wooden doors swung open and she sighed while lifting the heavy violet dress, which her mother had especially made for this party. "Introducing Her Royal Highness, crown princess of Morea, Adryanna Violet Amell."

She gave a curtsy and a warm smile before descending the marble stairs to where Duke Howell was standing. "Your Highness." The Duke smiled. "May I have this dance."

"It would be my honor, Your Grace."

She placed her soft hand in his leathery one and he walked her out on the floor. As the music began to play he easily led her through the steps with all eyes trained on them. "Christof did well today." The Duke smiled.

"He certainly did. You must be proud."

Duke Howell smiled fondly and Adryanna thought to herself that she'd found the only person in the country who didn't find Christof to be a prideful ass. "I am proud. As you must be, seeing he is your betrothed."

She faked her warmest smile. "I was on the edge of my seat. He is quite the showmen."

"Indeed. Takes after his father that boy."

"I only wish I could have witnessed your days in the magic games, Your Grace." She said knowing that it would take the conversation from Christof.

"Those were the days!" He laughed recalling the not so distant past as the song came to an end. He then bowed to her before dismissing himself.

Next it was Christof who approached her for a dance. He was dressed finely and his blond hair glowed under the lights. "Adryanna." He nodded.

"Christof." She smiled wryly.

He then forcefully took her hand in his. She tried to pull away in surprise but he gave her arm a strong tug pulling her against his chest. Next, he wrapped his arm around her waist anchoring her to him. "You look scared." He grinned at her, wild desire in his ocean blue eyes.

"You surprised me. That's all." She sucked in a breath trying to regain her composure.

He glared at her. "I did well at the games today." She nodded. "You didn't watch me though."

"I apologize. My mother and I were discussing something important."

"You should really pay more attention to your future king."

She tried to pull away but he tightened his grip on her. "Christof, you're hurting me!" Her voice got slightly loud in the lively ballroom.

He got an angry look on his face before he drug her from the floor out to the gardens. Trying not to cause more of a scene she went along with him almost willingly. Once they were far from the crowd he looked at her with hateful eyes. "You will learn to respect me! I am to be your husband! You will not embarrass me again!" He then struck her face causing her to fall to the ground. blood dripped from her lips but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of her crying out. He leaned down to where she was and brought his face dangerously close to hers. "Apologize to me!" He demanded.

Scared she spoke, "I'm sorry, Christof."

He smiled as he pulled her to her feet. "I forgive you." He smiled violently. "Now give me a kiss."

"I will not." She spoke sharply.

"I said give me a kiss." His rough fingers wrapped tightly around her jaw as he leaned in.

"I believe the lady denied your request." A deep voice called from behind Christof.

Christof quickly let go of Adryanna and spun around to find a tall man with shaggy brown hair and fine clothing glaring at him. "This doesn't concern you!" He hissed.

"When a lady is trembling with fear as you force yourself upon her, it becomes a concern of mine.

With a growl Christof swung at the man but the man grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground behind him with ease. Christof began to draw his sword from him place in the dirt but Adryanna's voice stopped him, "Don't make me call for the guards."

Her nameless savior then turned to Christof and glared causing Christof to stand up and walk away. "We will discuss this later." He said with his angry eyes locked on her.

With Christof gone the man then turned his attention to Adryanna. "Are you injured?" She shook her head no but the man stepped closer looking at her intensely. His deep red eyes appeared as if they were lock on hers. She cast her eyes down in embarrassment but not without noticing how incredibly handsome he was. "Your lip is bleeding."

"Oh!" She brought her fingers to her lips as she noticed the taste of blood in her mouth.

"May I?" He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and placed it on her lips gently wiping away the blood. The warmth from his fingers seeped through the cloth warming her lips causing her heart to race and face to blush. Though he didn't seem to noticed as he stepped back rather casually.

"T-thank you." She smiled.

"That guy seems like a bastard."

"This was a first. Though he was never a kindhearted man."

"You should leave him." He said bluntly causing her heart to jump once more.

"Ah, it's not that simple."

"It never is." He smiled at her with a gentle look in his eyes. "May I walk you back to the palace?" She nodded as he took her hand wrapping it around his elbow. Once more her heart raced as her checks grew hot simply from his touch.

They walked in silence to the balcony. Once in the light she looked at him, examining him closely. He was tall, several inches taller than her. His shaggy, mid neck length brown hair had hints of black throughout and fell playfully into his face. His face seemed stern but relaxed all at the same time, which confused and interested her. His jaw was strong. His lips thin and in a straight line that was neither a smile or frown. His body was muscular, fit. He was regal in every way, almost as if he himself were a king. His presence was strong and comforting. She felt safe next to him. She felt she could trust him. She smiled to herself, maybe she could. She then looked to his crimson eyes to find them locked on her. "See something you like?" He smirked.

Instantly she turned her head to hide her embarrassment. "I just wished to get a better look at my savor."

"Very well..." He paused. "I guess I haven't asked your name, have I? I am Allyn, Allyn Crawford."

"Oh, as in the Duke of Umberlan?" She curtsied deeply. He nodded. "I am sorry I did not recognize you, Marquess Crawford."

"That is my brother." He sighed. "I hold no such title. I am a knight."

"Thank you for helping me, Sir Allyn."She smiled and held her hand out to him. He took her fingers in his bring them to his lips, which were far softer than she could have imagined "I am Adryanna Amell of Morea."

Instantly Allyn dropped to one knee before her. "Your Highness, forgive my rudeness!"

She couldn't help but giggle. "Please stand, Sir Allyn. You've no need to apologize."

He rose to his feet, "who had the gull to lay hands on the princess?" He said his eyes burning with passion and rage.

"That would be Marquees Howell, son of Duke Howell of Littleton."

Allyn shook his head. "Is Duke Littleton aware of his son's behavior?"

Adryanna shook her head. "Please, you must keep what you have witnessed to yourself!" Allyn's eyes widen with surprise. "It will only cause trouble for my mother, please!" Without thinking she grabbed his sleeve while pleading. He looked down at her hands with wide eyes. "Sorry!" She exclaimed as she pulled her hands away.

He sighed. "I won't say a word."

"Thank you, Sir Allyn!"

He looked at her unsure but she gave him a reassuring smile. "You should return to your chambers for the night. I will walk you there to make sure he doesn't try anything."

Adryanna smiled as they began to walk. They reached her door and she stopped to face him before entering. "Thank you for everything, Sir Allyn."

He then stretched his long slender finger out and poked her in the center of her forehead like one would a child. "You may call me Allyn."

"Thank you, Allyn." She smiled. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Princess." He turned sharply and walked down the hall way.

Once he was out of sight Adryanna entered her room and walked over dropping on to the bed. "Sir Allyn of Umberlan... Will I see you again, I wonder?"