Chapter three

The next days followed without incident and though Allyn was doing very well in the games Adryanna had not seen him face to face. She instead spent her nights at her mothers bedside because the queen's condition had taken a turn for the worse. Being the final day of the games, today's event was one on one combat where the competitors could use any means that their disposal. It worked as a single elimination bout where the winners moved on to the next round. While many competitors showed great skill with sword and magic two rose to the top of the charts. Adryanna sighed as the finals grew closer because it appeared that it would be Christof and Allyn battling it out. As it was public knowledge of her engagement to Christof she would be forced to give him her support but the thought of cheering against Allyn made her heart pang.

Under the guise of getting some fresh air she made her way down to one of the practice areas. She stood in the doorway watching silently as Allyn danced through his sword practice. He was so fluid and precise she knew that skill level could only have come from real life combat experience. That saddened her. After a couple minutes he returned his sword to his side and spoke without turning around, "how long are you just going to stand there?"

"Oh, umm, I didn't want to interrupt."

"I'm finished now." He turned and smiled at her gently. "How can I help you, Princess?"

She took a step closer to him, "I came to wish you luck." He stared at her blankly. "Ah, as you are aware I will be forced to publicly support Christof in the final around..." She sighed her words getting caught in her throat. "But I want you to win the round Allyn! In fact, I would be greatly upset if Christof were to be crowned the champion."

He looked at her for seconds before taking a step closer. He took her hand in his and smiled. "As my lady commands." she looked at him confused before he continued. "I shall not lose." She smiled uncontrollably at him causing him to turn away from her. " shouldn't gaze at a man like that. It might give him the wrong idea."

She stepped back slightly embarrassed. "Ah, I'm sorry! Good luck, Sir Allyn!" She then turned and walked away saying nothing.

Not long after she returned to her seat the final round began. Christof entered the arena first and the crowd went wild. "Princess Adryanna, I beg of you, kiss my blade and give it your blessing for victory!"

He walked over to the balcony and cast his blade upward to where Adryanna was standing. She took the sword into her hand then placed a kiss in the center of the blade before handing it back to Christof who smirked at her. "They're such a beautiful, loving couple." A random citizen commented.

Adryanna felt rage boil up from deep within her but she said nothing and continued to smile. Next Allyn entered the arena and the women all began screaming and calling his name. He said nothing but instead looked at Adryanna,who was still standing at the edge of the balcony, before pulling a small delicate chain from under his armor. He then brought whatever was attached to the chain to his lips with a smile. "Oh no! It looks like he is giving his victory to a lover! he is already taken?!" A random woman's voice called and others joined in. With everyone's eyes on him he carefully placed the chain back under his armor and drew his blade.

Christof walked closer and shook his hand, "you seem to stare at my princess often. I hope your not going to try something."

Allyn smiled, "it's you who better not try anything. What would the queen say if she knew how you treat her daughter."

"It doesn't matter. She'll be dead soon."

Allyn glared at him with sharp eyes, "Okay, gentlemen!" The referee called out. "I want a fair match. The fight will continue until someone yields, is bested or is unable to continue." He then looked to Adryanna, "Princess Adryanna, if you please?"

"Good luck to you both!" Adryanna smiled. She then began casting and when a cool burst of fire danced from her fingers the bout began.

It was Christof who made the first move as he sent fire balls flying Allyn's way. But Allyn easily dodge them and cast his own spell. Instantly lightening jumped from his finger tips and collided with a barrier Christof put up at the last second. Allyn charged closing the distance while lightening continued to flow. Christof deflected the bolts of lighting but was taken by surprise when Allyn's sword came down on his with a loud clang. Allyn quickly brought his blade down once more. Christof jumped to the side evading a devastating blow but the blade caught his shoulder denting is armor in such a way it limited his movement. After regaining his balance Christof swung his sword at Allyn who easily parried it. Their swords collided many times before Allyn once more used lightning magic to attack. The bolt of lightning hit Christof's hand causing him to drop his blade. Christof began casting magic but found it difficult due to the dent in his armor. His casting time had almost doubled which gave Allyn plenty of time to dodge the fire that came dancing at him. Now right next to him Allyn used earth magic to raise the ground and trip Christof. Before he could get off the ground Allyn's blade was at his throat. "You are bested." Allyn said looking down at him.

"The match is over!" The referee called out. "The winner is Sir Allyn!"

The crowd went wild as Allyn reached down to help Christof off the ground but instead of taking Allyn's hand he slapped it away. Allyn said nothing and turned to face the crowd. He looked up to Adryanna and smiled before he noticed a panicked look on her face. "Allyn!!!!" She screamed his name as he was hit with a fire spell from behind. He looked up to see her jumping over the balcony rail and float to the ground. "Allyn...!" She screamed running towards him but before she reached him his eyes grew too heavy to remain open.

Allyn woke up in the infirmary to a cool sensation on his head. He looked to see Adryanna placing a rag on his forehead. "Allyn..." She whispered. "I'm so sorry."

He smiled weakly. "It's not your fault, Princess."

She looked down at him with sad eyes. "As a member of the royal family I have the ability to naturalize any magic in an instant... But I was so panicked that I didn't think clearly..."

He chuckled lightly, "I don't blame you. You shouldn't blame yourself. I do blame that bastard, Christof, though..." Allyn tried to sit up but gasped in pain.

Adryanna put her hands on his shoulders preventing him from moving any further, "don't get up." She sighed. "About Christof..." He looked at her expectantly. "They only took away any victories he had won in the games for unsportsmanlike conduct. He was also banned from the ball. No other punishment will come."

Allyn laughed, "I'm surprised that much happened. You had a hand in it, didn't you?" She nodded at him. "Thank you, Princess." He looked out the window to notice it was already sundown. "So there's a ball tonight to celebrate the games?"

"Yes." She sighed.

"You should go enjoy the party."

"I'd rather stay with you." She smiled at him.

"Thank you but it is important that the princess make an appearance."

"Very well." She placed her hand on his. "But afterward I'm coming right back here to check on you."

He smiled, "I look forward to your visit."

She put on a new dress that was made just for this ball. It was beautiful but weighed nearly as much as her. It was covered in foreign lace and was dyed a beautiful lavender that made her violet eyes shine. After checking the mirror many times she decided to head to the ball room. After she was announced she walked down the stairs and began to have conversations with some of the nobles. She caught herself looking for Allyn though she knew he would not be there. After a few hours she excused her self to get some air.

She walked through the garden taking in the silence when she heard foot steps from behind her. "Guard? Is that you?" But there was no response.

Slightly scared she decided to head back toward the palace but before she could she felt a hand over her mouth as one of her arms was pinned behind her back, "You look nice tonight..." A cold voice whispered. "You've been a naughty girl. Acting as if I don't exist and giving all your affection to no body knights."

"Ch-Christof?" Her words caught in her throat.

"Took you long enough." He hissed. "What should we due to punish such a naughty princess..?" He grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to face him. The shadows were laying on his face making his smile appear twisted. He slowly stepped toward her as she tried to back away which lead to her back being pushed against the wall. "You've no where to go now."

He brought his face to hers and she turned her head calling out, "Guards! Someone! Help!"

"No one can hear you." He laughed.

"Allyn!" The next name fell from her mouth without any thought.

Christof's face twisted in anger before he forcefully grabbed her chin. "You really are stupid..." He then shoved his lips against hers.

Hot tears began to pour from her eyes as she struggled to get away. Unfazed Christof only deepened his kiss. He moved even closer to her pushing his body against hers and roughly holding her wrist above her head against the wall. She beat against his chest with her free arm but it did not stop him. "Adryanna!" A low voice called out. "Get your hands off of her!"

Christof pulled away, "Allyn!" She shoved past Christof and ran to Allyn who wrapped her protectively in his arms.

"Are you alright?" Allyn spoke calmly but firmly. She nodded trying to stop the tears. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he yelled at Christof who was just smirking at them.

"She hasn't been fulfilling her wifely duties." He said as he stepped closer.

Allyn quickly drew his sword and steadied himself into a fighting stance. "You're not her husband!"

Christof's hand began to glow as he stepped closer, "it's only a matter of days." Fire flew towards Allyn who moved to use his body as a shield for Adryanna but before it could hit him it vanished. In shock Allyn looked to Adryanna to find that she had used her powers to neutralize his magic."You're a pain in the ass, Adryanna." Christof then squared his eyes at Allyn. "And you're not worth having to resharpen my blade." He then turned his back to them and walked into the shadows.

As soon as Christof was out of sight Allyn groaned and dropped to one knee. "Allyn!" Adryanna cried out and bent down to embrace him. "Allyn, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Princess. Just a little pain."

She sighed. "Why are you out of bed! The doctor said..."

"You didn't come back... When you didn't... return I knew something was wrong." He spoke thorough the pain.

She smiled lightly. "You came to find me?" He nodded "Allyn..." She closed her eyes for a second before channeling a pulse of warm light that washed over Allyn. She gasped to catch her breath before speaking again. "That should..." She panted. "Take away your pain for the time being."

Allyn stood up and then offered her a hand. She took his hand and slowly stood. "You shouldn't be so reckless with magic that strong."

She smiled weakly. "It's.. The least.. I could do."

He smiled and took her arm wrapping it around his shoulders. He lead her to the infirmary where he laid her down on one of the beds. "Rest now." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, Princess."

"Allyn." She smiled. "You should rest too."

"I will. Once I've finished admiring how beautiful you look." He smiled at her and she turned her face in embarrassment. "Hey, Princess, look at me." She turned to face him and he reached his hand out and poked her on her forehead. "Your face is so red."

"Oh, I uh, I must have gotten some sun during the games today." She lied.

He smiled sarcastically at her. "Sure, Princess. Whatever you say."

"Hey Allyn..."

"Yeah?" He called over his shoulder as he walked over to the bed where he was laying before.

"I like it when you call me by name."

"I've never used your name."

She nodded. "You did earlier tonight... When you saved me."

"Oh." He flopped down. "I guess it slipped. Get some sleep, Princess." He then rolled over turning his back to her. She took this as he no longer wished to talk but it was actually to hide the fact that his face was now red as well.

The sun rose shining in the window awaking Adryanna up. She slowly blinked her eyes while moving to sit on the edge of the bed. With a yawn she looked over to see Allyn still sleeping. Without thinking she walked over to his bed and looked down at him. His face reflected the innocence of a child and she couldn't help but to think of how extremely handsome he was. Instinctively she reached down to brush the hair from his face. "Adryanna..." He whispered. She froze at the sudden calling of her name. He then grabbed her arm pulling her into the bed next to him.

"Allyn!" She called out but he did not open his eyes or release her arm. Instead he wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his chest. Her face flushed red and her heart began to beat rapidly. She tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. Footsteps echoed down the hall way toward the room they were in.

In a panic to get free before they were seen she slapped his face causing him to reflexively shove her from the bed as he was startled awake. "Oww!" She shrieked as she hit the floor with a thud.

"Princess?!" He called jumping from the bed to help her up. "What are y... Why did you slap me?!"

She stood up with out taking his hand and glared at him. "Hmph." She groaned as she walked toward the door.

"Princess! Wait! Hey!" He ran after her and grabbed her hand.

She gasped at his touch remembering the feeling of being held against his chest moments ago. Thinking of it made her whole body shiver. "You're the one who pulled me into his bed!"

"Wh... I did what?!" He said in utter disbelief.

"You pulled me into your bed! And then embraced me!"

He thought for a second. "Oh, so that wasn't a dream then." He smiled coyly at her.

"You are!... Uhh!" She pulled open the door and began to walk down the hall. "I'll see you later. Get some rest."

"Hey Princess!" She stopped to look back at him. "Your hair smells nice." She looked at him with wide eyes but he just laughed and closed the door.

"The nerve of that man!" She groaned as she flopped onto her bed. She reached up and ran her fingers through her raven hair and then blushed recalling his final words to her this morning.

"My lady." There was a knock at the door before the maid let herself in. "Your mother wishes to see you." She nodded to the young maid. "Why are you still in last nights dress?" Adryanna turned her face away not knowing how to respond. "My lady, if your going to stay out all night you should do a better job of hiding it." The maid laughed. "How is Sir Allyn doing?"

Adryanna's eyes widened. "How..?"

"The maids know everything, my lady." She smiled. "I prefer Sir Allyn over Marquees Howell for you anyways." She looked at the maid puzzled. "We know everything." She reassured her. "Even the way he treats you, my lady. I'm so happy that Sir Allyn as taken a fondness to protecting you." She smiled and walked over to the closet pulling out a different dress while Adryanna stood speechless. "Come now, my lady. Let's get you bathed and dressed."