Chapter Six

The night before the trial was to take place Adryanna called Duke Littleton into her office. She was seated at a large writing desk stacked high with papers and books. Allyn stood behind her in his armor with sword at his hip. She stood as he entered and they exchanged pleasantries before sitting. She cleared her throat and stretched herself tall before speaking. "Your Grace, I'm sorry but I must allow the trial to happen..." the Duke got a pained look on his face but said nothing. "I simply cannot allow Christof to treat any other woman the way I has treated."

"Of course my queen." The Duke said in an almost whisper.

"That being said," Adryanna spoke once more. "I will not punish an entire family for the misdoings of one member. When you see fit, your daughter will become duchess and rule your lands with the blessing of the crown. I will also grant her the right to keep her family name even after being married. Her children will be Howells and your family name will not die out. I have also set up meetings for her with many worthy nobles who have already agreed to the terms... she may have her pick of any bachelor she chooses. You and yours have always been a friend of the crown. I hope this will remain the case..."

The Duke jumped up and took Adryanna's hand bringing it to his lips before bowing deeply. "Th-thank you, your Majesty!! Thank you!"

Adryanna said nothing more but smiled as the Duke left her office. Once the door closed she slumped down in the large arm chair. "Your an amazing queen..." a gentle voice spoke from behind her.

"Thank you, my love." She stood and faced Allyn with a gentle smile on her lips. "We should retire. Tomorrow shall be a long trying day." Allyn said nothing but nodded and took her hand leading her down the hall.

The next morning Adryanna dressed in one of her best dresses and walked down to the court room. Allyn was waiting for her outside the large wooden doors. "Are you ready for this, Adryanna?"

"I am. I feel confident." She said with sincerity in her eyes.

"You're so strong. This kingdom is lucky to have you for her queen. And I'm luckier even to have you for my wife."

"Allyn..." the doors swung open and they were called into the room that was filled with people from all over.

As she entered Christof gave her a terrifying look causing her to freeze; her skin going pale. "You can do this, Adryanna. I believe in you." Allyn said form behind her placing a strong hand one her shoulder.

She started walking once more looking past Christof to her mother who was seated in a large chair in the front of the room. Her mother gave her a nod and smile giving her the courage to continue. Many people were called to speak during the trial. Maids, the former queen, guards, and even Allyn. Each one seemed to tell a piece of the same larger story. The plot of which painted Christof as a madman. His own family spoke about his problems controlling her anger. After many, many hours the trial came to an end. The bishop and the magistrates found Christof to be of unsound mind and he was exiled and to be sent to receive help in another county where he had family. He was also deemed unfit for marriage. Adryanna was sure that no one could help him but the fact that he would be far away from her gave her peace of mind. The Duke himself was to see Christof off and Adryanna sent some of her knights to be sure that he would truly leave.

After the trial she returned to her room and flopped down on her bed. "That was... exhausting."

Allyn chucked. "But it's over. And now we can be together." He moved over to the bed and sat next to her. He leaned down kissing her forehead."Listen closely, for I probably won't say this again." She looked deep within his beautiful eyes. "I love you, Adryanna."

She sat up and stared at him with large eyes. Though she knew how he felt about her he had never actually said the words. "What..."

He knitted his eyebrows and slightly frowned as he poked her in the forehead like he always did. "I love you, Adryanna."

She threw her arms around him pulling him down on top of her kissing him deeper than ever before. "I love you, Allyn. I'm just so happy right now I could cry."

"If you do I will kiss the tears from your checks." Tears ran down her checks and true to his word he kissed them away. "Get some rest, my queen. I will see you later." He stood and moved to the door.

"Why are you always on patrol when I want you by my side most?"

"Only for a while longer." He then left saying nothing more.

The next day Adryanna made her way to the guards training yard. Paying no attention to the sea of eyes focused on her she walked directly to Allyn who was sparring with another knight. His eyes grew wide at the boldness of the queen but he said nothing as he lowered his blade. She cleared her throat before speaking loud enough for all of the royal guard and bystanders to hear, "Sir Allyn," she took his hand in hers. "Will you cast aside your blade and take up the crown?"

"I will." His eyes widened as she grabbed his shirt pulling him down into her kiss. "I swear to protect you and Morea with my life."

"How about you just agree to my king." She sighed.

"Yeah, I will protect Morea for you!" One of his youngest recruits yelled as everyone laughed.

"And I will protect the queen!" Another yelled.

Allyn instantly to the crowd of men who had quickly become his close friends. "I do not think so! Adryanna is my wife and I will be the only one to guard her." His checks puffed slightly.

"You're already over protective." His captain sighed.

Allyn opened his mouth to argue but Adryanna pulled him into another deep kiss. As he gasp against her lips the entire training yard burst into applause, laughter, and merriment. The former queen stood next to her older brother on the ramparts. "Oh my, my little girl has become so bold."

Her brother put his hand on her head ruffling her raven curls. "Alexander was right, you should have named her Jordyn."