Ho Chang

I was born as Ho Chang, the elder brother to Ho Chao. His name alone can show you how much of a disappointment I am to my parents and that they hope my brother will bring our family to our former heights. I don't remember since when have I been compared to my brother. People only know that there is a Ho Chao who is able to grow any type of plants and not Ho Chang that can only cook.

My parents had a small restaurant that sells dim sum. Yes, we only open the restaurant in the morning. No point in opening the shop till late evening when there are not many customers around. I started helping my parents out at the tender age of eight. Anything a young boy can do, I would do such as washing the ingredients to preparing tea. Business was great and after only four years we had three medium sized restaurants. We also started serving light dishes.

However, it all went downhill not long after we offended our business rival. They had long monopolized selling dim sums and did not appreciate making less money. It would have been easy to settle any dispute if they were of the same clan as us but they are not. The outsiders have always considered the Ho clan to be an eye sore and many other businesses owned by Ho clan members have been targeted.

One day, customers of our main restaurant suffered food poisoning. Father himself tried to solve the problem but to no avail. Rumors started flying around saying how I offended some spirits and they will keep harming our customers unless I stop cooking at the restaurant. People were very superstitious back then and believed anything supernatural related things. So, they stopped coming as more and more people were 'inflicted by poison' by the spirits via me. There was even a case of an old man who died after eating the steamed buns I made. Customers were angry, so father can only give out compensations. Less than two months later, our two other restaurants had to be closed down as we were having deficits.

Father and mother were at first reluctant to believe that I brought such a calamity to them. They hired many masters that say the same thing as the rumor have said. I was then slowly alienated from their daily lives. We also ended up loosing our last restaurant not long after. Father had to do odd jobs for our family to survive. I was told not to help out as I will only incur the wrath of the spirits and will only bring about another calamity to the family.

Things started to get better once mother was pregnant with Ho Chao. The vegetables she planted at the backyard started producing amazing yields as if a sign that the child in her belly would have plant related ability. She was right. Ho Chao did end up with such ability. One day, mother was craving grapes so father bought her some but could only afford those with seeds. She gobbled them up and threw the seeds outside the window. Lo and behold, she saw some vines climbing her window after two months. Mother and father were excited of course. They proclaim their future child as their lucky charm.

The once gloomy air surrounding the family was gone and our situation slowly improved. Father stopped doing odd jobs and helped mother out at the backyard, instead. They gained confidence and planted many other vegetables and fruits that are seasonal and rare. They all grew beautifully regardless of the season. At one point, father even harvested Durians in May! Things went so well that after a few years they managed to buy a double story house and an empty plot of land nearby.

I was no longer alienated but father, mother and even Ho Chao still kept their distance from me. I refused to be treated differently from my brother, so I improved my ability. Of course no one dared to eat what I cooked but myself. I can feel myself improving but I need someone to taste my cooking to prove that I am right. That day, mother cooked crispy chicken feet for the three of them. I cooked the same thing then gave our dishes to Ho Chao's dog, Xia Bai. I did the same thing for a week and guess whose dish Xia Bai chose? Mine, and it did not die! It can only mean the spirits decided not to bother me anymore and that the past incident was the result of an ability. I decided not to tell my family regardless of my finding. It is not that they would believe in me anyway.

I resented them. My parents and Ho Chao, especially. They refuse to believe in me and let me live a miserable life. I was left alone in our old house. They would give me just enough money for me to survive. I bet they rather have me dead. Too bad they are not allowed to kill another clan member. I would not even call them family as even non family members like other clan members would lend me a helping hand.

What about Ho Chao? He got all of my parents' undivided love and attention. He lived like a rich young master and given anything he asked for. He even told his friends he is an only child and will inherit the family's business. How dare he! That was when I made up my mind to get my long awaited revenge. To do just that, I need to win the new Head's heart and what best way to do that but through her stomach. That idiot foodie. With her help, I can ruin my family's life easily.

So, I applied a job at the Head's house as a cook. She heard of my 'rumor' and got her niece to check if I have any lingering spirits around me. Yes, she can see spirits and even get them to help her if they feel like it. After passing the inspection, the Head told me she wants to taste the eight major Chinese cuisines.

Most of the time, she kept a poker face while tasting the dishes I prepared. I was feeling nervous and thought my ability was not developed enough to reach her standard. However, her brows twitched a bit after tasting my Ma Po Dou Fu. That made my heart raced a mile. I did not want to loose. No, I refuse to loose!

Suddenly, she gave me a small smile. "I like your food. You are hired, but I want one Sichuan cuisine each for lunch and dinner from now on." I thanked her profusely. Wow, I did not expect her to like something spicy; not when she constantly shows that expressionless face of hers. It seems like my first step in seducing the Head is a success.