Getting Started

The next day, I received a phone call from my secretary informing me that there will be a meeting involving all shareholders this coming Monday. I bet it was father who requested the meeting. It does not require a genius to figure out what he plans to do. I gave instructions to my secretary on what to do and need to be prepared. Next, I gave my agent a call informing him I plan to sell my 25% shares of the company; double the market's price.

After that, I spent the first half of the day surfing the Internet looking for information on houses that are light but durable for sale. Something that does not require deep foundations, like mobile homes. I found a company that goes by the name Cumberland Japan. The biggest model they have is called Nostalgia which cost roughly 10 million yen which is around 620 thousand yuan. Since I will be going to Japan soon, I might as well visit the company and have a look at it's models. I contacted the person in charge and informed him of my visit and interest in them.

Next, I looked up for information on companies specializing in selling and assembling solar panels. I will be needing some sort of source of electricity and the best source that is available all year round is the sunlight. I also jotted down the addresses of the nearest vegetable and animal farms and orchard. Which reminds me, I need to hire some workers to build enclosures for the animals I plan to buy. Tch ... before that I need to find a place for them to build these enclosures as well as to send the animals to. I decided to ask for Elder Er's help as he has plenty of empty lands around the island.

"Hello, Elder Er," I greeted him and added "Can you help me?" "Oh, if it isn't Little An. What kind of help do you need?" asked the Elder. "I want to borrow your land at Sanya. I plan to have some people send a few things there since my apartment won't fit all the things I plan to buy," I informed him. "Sure, anything else?" the Elder asked. "No, that's all. Thanks Elder Er," said I.

Now that is done, I listed down other things I will be needing to store my stuff temporary such as boxes, containers along with marker pens and sticky notes. I cannot help it! My OCD requires me to label everything or it will leave me feeling annoyed.

I looked at the clock on the kitchen's wall that indicated 12.12 noon. I decided to just cook some instant noodle. I rather get a few things done then whip up a few healthy dishes. Do not worry little stomach. I will feed you something healthy for dinner, something from The Jade Igret.

I put on my coat and gloves before heading towards my vehicle. It was already the end of October and already this cold. I started the vehicle then keyed in the addresses of the farms and orchard onto the GPS device.

My first stop happened to be called 6 Nongchang. One of the workers there, a man in his twenties welcomed and gave me a few leaflets on the products they are selling. I like the man's straight to business attitude. I browsed through the leaflets and ordered 50 bags of all types of vegetable seeds ranging from green, yellow, red, white and mixed colored vegetables that they have. While I wrote a cheque worth 400 thousand yuan for the farm's owner, the man earlier got a few of his colleagues to move the seeds I bought to my four wheel drive.

Next, I drove to an animal farm that is five kilometers away. I was surprised to see a few children roaming around the farm. Apparently, the owner recently introduced a petting zoo to attract potential customers. There are different sizes of sheep, goats, rabbits and even ponies placed in enclosures together with a few workers guarding them. I went to the enclosures and read information put on nearby signs to learn more about the animals there. Once I have finished, I looked for a worker to direct me to his boss to discuss purchasing some animals.

I was led to Mr Heng's office by the worker. I greeted him and showed my interest in buying some animals. I lied a bit here and there and told him that I want to start a small farm that can feed a small family of five people. I also inquired from him who I should contact, to set up enclosures. He was very polite and gave me the person's telephone number. We then proceeded to discuss what animals and the numbers suitable for a newbie farmer. We agreed on 10 of each sheep, goats and rabbits. The sheep cost almost 500 yuan each, 700 yuan each for goats and 250 yuan per rabbit. Mr Heng will transfer the animals to Elder Er's land once the enclosures are completed.

He then listed and recommended some food pellets and hays for the animals' consumption. I listened to his recommendations and bought a year worth of food. He then showed me some models of rabbit hutches. I bought a few large ones with small built in rooms for the rabbits to get into if they feel too hot during day time or too cold at night.

I looked at my watch as the time showed 3.40 pm. I drove to my next destination hurriedly after paying the food and hutches. Mr Heng promised to deliver them to Elder Er's land on Monday evening.

The orchard was situated next door, so it did not take a long time to reach the place. I can see a few fruit plants at the nursery. I decided to ignore them as I have yet to find the time to have my own built and focused on saplings instead. I picked out some guavas, mangosteen, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, papayas, lychees, star fruits, wax apples and dragon fruits. I picked these fruits because they are native on Hainan Island; something I am used to eat. After some negotiations, I paid for the saplings while the workers at the nursery moved them onto my vehicle.

My final destination for the day is The Jade Igret. I went through the menu and ordered their specialty, Roast Beef Tenderloin with Garlic and Rosemary and orange juice. I took some pictures of the menu discreetly before I handed the menu back to the waiter so that I can plan what to have the next time I come here. I cannot stop thinking how childish of me to do so.

I took my time driving back to the apartment as I was feeling tired. I parked some where cameras would not catch what I will be doing. I will the things I bought using my mind into my space then went to the lift. I took a hot bath and went straight to bed. Organizing today's purchases will have to wait until tomorrow.