Dr Lelouch Lamperouge

"The soldiers managed to rescue the scientists and their laboratory assistants from the neighboring base. Sigh ... another base is down. Do expect an influx of survivors these coming days," Keith informed us. "Good thing they managed to create a virus detector. Keith's water purifier prototype is also being tested. If everything goes well, others don't have to worry about using water anymore," I added.

"Is there any progress with the vaccine?" asked Riku. "None, and the finest scientists in either biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, immunology or microbiology are either dead or lacking in knowledge and experience. Our best hope is the person who accidentally created the Z virus itself, Dr Lelouch Lamperouge. However, he's being treated like a double-edged sword. Other scientists and leaders are worried he'll create another dangerous virus like the previous one," Keith elaborated. "He's the key. My grandmother mentioned him in my letter. Let's get him," said I. "Even if we manage to convince him to create a vaccine, we need a laboratory for him to work at. Besides, how do you plan to get us to him? I doubt any of us can fly a plane or sail a ship," Keith said which burst my bubbles. "I can sail yachts," Tatsuya said shortly after.

After a short discussion, we set our plan to rescue the scientist into motion. To get out of the base, Tatsuya and I tricked the soldiers into letting us out to search for our missing relative while that said relative and his friend hid in my space. They did not give us much attention because they were busy processing the incoming survivors.

Once out of the soldiers' sight, I took out my four wheel drive and brought the other two men outside. We headed towards Tokyo Bay and searched for a working yacht while killing any stray zombies. Tatsuya quickly found a suitable one that can handle the over 4000 kilometers travel we will be requiring to reach Britannia, an island situated north to Japan.

Whoever said sailing a yacht is a fun and luxurious experience is either a fanatic or lying. Well, that person probably sailed in calm waters. There were too many things to look out for such as the weather and staying on course. Also, new words seemed to pop up from Tatsuya's mouth every now and then like port or starboard. By merely the end of day one, he eventually gave up and said 'your right' or 'the back'. Oh, don't forget the motion sickness. Well, it was probably morning sickness or a combination of both. Either way, it was a very painful experience. Remind me not to travel by sea in the future.

The hellish trip lasted over 20 days. We all could not wait to reach land once again. We only entered the space during night time, and even then in turns as we were worried the yacht would sail pass the area we entered. Basically, I need to be in a stationary place when everyone enters to make sure we exit correctly.

We got our hand made weapons out and searched the island. After walking for about 10 minutes, Riku sensed three people and a dog up north. We went there slowly hoping not to scare them away. We heard a gunshot followed by barks and a loud voice asking us to leave when we almost reach the place.

The person who most probably shot at us reluctantly let us in his house after we stated our purpose. He was none other than Dr Lelouch Lamperouge. By his side was his wife, daughter and their dog. They did not look too good. The doctor especially, looked thin and tired.

Our appointed spokesperson, Keith tried to convince the other man to continue on with his research in developing a vaccine. Keith told him about other people's opinions about him and his chances of looking for a laboratory will be almost nil. He even offered the family of three fresh food and a makeshift laboratory we built hurriedly in the space.

He budged after we showed him the laboratory. I think he was more interested in the space itself. That or the promise of having some fresh meat. It was quite risky having outsiders in the space but I can trap anyone in there forever if anything bad happens. No, I do not consider Keith as one.

"I suggest we stay in the space most of the time unless necessary. Some rivers in Japan have been contaminated and I think other countries are experiencing this too. Spring is coming and with it comes rains. Doctor, you can take your time packing your family's belongings while my wife and I prepare some food for everyone. By the way doctor, do you mind if we catch some animals for the space?" Tatsuya asked. "Not at all," replied the doctor. "Keith and Riku kun, I'll let you two do the collecting," said Tatsuya.

Soon, the Lamperouges and their dog made themselves feel at home. Mia Wolff, Dr Lamperouge's wife offered her help with the farm while I babysit her daughter, Anna. She said something about helping me get some experience after seeing my baby bump. Keith decided to join Dr Lamperouge on his quest to save the world. We had to call them before every meal to stop them from working non stop. I also gave them the hint my grandmother wrote in my letter, hoping this will help them make a breakthrough.

The two men made some progress but they needed more equipment and samples to proceed with their work. Tatsuya and I were also worried about my impending due date. After much deliberation, we decided to head back to the base.

We arrived at the base safely. By we I meant Tatsuya and I while the others hid in the space. Our room was unfortunately given to others after we failed to return after more than three months. We were given a small tent to live in instead which we gladly took.

Nothing much happened for the next two years except for having more people getting infected and turned into zombies. I also gave birth to a baby girl named Eri. We did not stay at the base for long. Just long enough to enjoy the benefits of having doctors to help with the birthing and resting for a month. We then went back to our secured old apartment and turned it into our mini base.