What? Snakes?

Shang Ying called out Rui Xing's name and waved at her. She reluctantly got up from where she was at and walked over to Shang Ying's table. She apologized for she had not seen Shang Ying in the café. He just shrugged it off. Rui Xing scrolled through the menu and they ordered their drinks and food. Shang Ying then began to try and start a conversation.

"So how's work?" He asked. "Okay...", she replied with a one word answer. Shang Ying immediately realized he chose the wrong question to ask her. "Let's play 'Would you rather'. I'll start... How about... Would you rather live with 10 snakes in your house, wondering around, or own a horse that has magical yet evil powers?" Shang Ying started the game. "I'll...own a horse that has magical yet evil powers." "Why?" "I love horses and I'm kind of scared that the snakes might eat me up for lunch" she replied.

"Your turn." "Would you rather carry a snake or eat 10 dead cockroaches with chilli sauce?" "I'll choose the first option." "Really?" Rui Xing asked surprised. "Yeap." "Then do it in real life!!" Rui Xing smiled happily. "What do you mean?" Shang Ying asked confused. "There's a snake here. Do it! Do it! Carry a snake!!! I'll be your photographer," Rui Xing said enthusiastically. Since Shang Ying wanted to put up a brave front in front of Rui Xing, he agreed.

He was to carry a snake, not show any signs that he is scared while in fear of it bitting him, that was easy. Shang Ying thought sarcastically. The lady who works at this café ensured him that this snake, named Titi, doesn't bite unless provoked. She placed Titi around Shang Ying's neck. The moment the snake was around his neck, he felt uneasy, he felt as if he were going to throw up. He wished he could've dug himself in a hole so no one could see him.

Shang Ying forced a smile on his face while bringing Titi's face towards Rui Xing's camera. She snapped a few photos before thanking the lady for allowing Shang Ying to take a photo with Titi. "Hey! I got the photo!!" Rui Xing exclaimed. "You look scared," she pointed out before asking "Were you?" Shang Ying was lost for words. He didn't know if he should say yes or no. If he said yes, it would have meant that carrying a snake was nothing and he could accomplish scarier things. If he said no, it would show that he is a scaredy-cat but at the same time he was also being honest. "Maybe" he replied.

"Is it really that scary?" "Why don't you try it too? I'll be your photographer", Shang Ying said, showing up his phone camera. "No thanks. I've tried it before last year. Don't waste money on trying something like this again. But this food is definitely something to eat again." She replied while eating her pasta. Rui Xing then showed him a picture of her carrying a snake in Thailand and another carrying a tiger cub. "You're adventurous." Shang Ying stated. "Nope. I just love animals."

They ate in peace after that reply from Rui Xing. They were both hungry and Rui Xing needed to rush back to work.

"Thanks for lunch. I got to head back to work now." Rui Xing thanked him and got up to leave. Before Shang Ying could say anything, Rui Xing told him she has her own car, then she left. She quickly drove back to the Veterinarian, changed back into her work clothes and got back to work. It was only 1pm and she still had 9 more hours to go.

Outside of the Veterinarian, Rui Xing spotted a dog. She carried it up with the help of dog food to lure him. Rui Xing placed it onto a clean table. There was a bite at it's neck which was probably from an infected animal that has rabies. She didn't wish for it to be euthanized so she checked for symptoms of rabies. It seems to be that the dog didn't have any symptoms. So this dog must have been bitten just awhile ago. She was still unsure of if the dog had rabies because there is no accurate test to diagnose rabies until the dog has passed away. Rui Xing checked for other symptoms of different issues but the dog had none of it. It most probably should be rabies.

Can she save the dog? What will happen to the dog if she saves it?