Sign the

Once they finished their dinner and played with the dogs for awhile, they sat down on the couch and watched a movie. Rui Ning took a long time to choose what movie to watch. While he was taking his time to choose, Rui Xing went onto Instagram and saw that Li Nang and Shang Ying tagged her in a post. The posts were pictures of them in Japan. She then decided to post the photographs they took in Japan as well. She chose 10 pics and posted them, tagging them in the photo. It was only when she posted the photos did Rui Ning finally pick out the movie to watch together.

He chose to watch Midnight Sun. He logged into his Netflix account and found the movie. He plugged a wire into his iPad and into the TV. This was so that the screen on his iPad would be shown on the TV Screen instead, as the TV had a bigger screen. He pressed the play button and they started to watch the movie as if they were in theatres. They dimmed the lights- turned off the front lights, and made it seem like the sound was coming out of loud speakers by turning up the volume. This was their so-called movie theatre.

-Meanwhile at Shang Ying's home-

He arrived back home and unpacked his stuff from his luggage. His parents came into his room as he was doing so.

"Son, I heard that you'd be meeting Ning Ning for dinner? Seems like you two are working things out?" Shang Ying's mother asked.

"Get to the point..."

"So basically, we've arranged for a marriage for the both of you! It'll be in 2 days time, on Friday. We'll be choosing your suit tomorrow afternoon, 3 pm. I've already called in to your work saying that you would be off tomorrow. So there are no excuses that you won't be going to try on the suits."

"Don't I have to approve?"

"No you don't! You just have to follow suit." Shang Ying's mother said with a grin on her face.

"OK, we'll be leaving now... Have fun at your date with Ning Ning! Don't be rude to her OK?" Shang Ying's dad said.

His parents walked out of his room. He finished up unpacking his stuff and still thought that his parents were not being fair. They don't give him the opportunity to marry who he would like to marry, same goes for Ning Ning.

He sighed and changed into a new pair of clothes. He took his car keys, his phone, a book and pen, and walked out of the house. He drove over to the Star Café to meet Ning Ning. Ning Ning was already there with another dude.

"Uh hey? You're Ning Ning right? I'm Shang Ying."

"Oh hello! Yeah... take a seat," Ning Ning greeted.

Shang Ying sat down and asked, "Who's this?"

"Oh him? He's my boyfriend, Deng Deng. We've been together for 2 years."

"Oh... then that'll be easier," Shang Ying stated.

"What do you mean?" Deng Deng asked.

"Y'all just have to get married on Friday, this Friday. You both are above 21 right?"

"Yeah we're above 21, but Friday, that's so soon! We can't!" Deng Deng said.

"It's either we get married and you lose her or both of you get married and you get her," Shang Ying said in a serious tone.

"OK get married on Friday it is," Deng Deng replied.

"But how are we supposed to tell our parents?" Ning Ning asked clueless.

"Oh my, y'all don't catch up..." Shang Ying said, shaking his head.

"OK, so if you both are above 21 which you are, then you can get married without your parents consent," Shang Ying said.

"Oh," the two said at the same.

"OK, now we'll just have to plan for the wedding. We need to do it quick though. It's on Friday. We only have 2 days. Actually it'll be quicker if y'all just sign the papers. Once the papers are signed, you'll already be married."

"So how do we sign the papers?"

"Go to registry of marriage, 7 Canning Rise. There, you'll be able to sign the papers. You can do that tomorrow. Go together and then Ning Ning, our marriage would definitely be called off," Shang Ying said excitedly.

"Oh, and tell me when you've both signed the papers!"

They both nodded their heads. They looked at the menu and finally placed their orders after discussing on the marriage stuff. They ate dinner together that night.


They finished their movie and went to their rooms afterwards. Rui Xing received a conference call from Shang Ying. In the call was Wen Xi, Yi Tian, Li Nang, Shang Ying and herself.

"What's up?" Rui Xing asked.

"Oh! We were planning to have dinner tomorrow as we all are only free at night," Yi Tian responded.

"I'm free anytime," Rui Xing replied.

"So where are we having dinner at?" Li Nang enquired.

"Yeah, where should we eat?" Shang Ying asked.


"How about Poco Loco? The food there's not bad and it's an ITALIAN restaurant," Rui Xing suggested. They one by one agreed to the location Rui Xing proposed and then came another question.

"What time?" Yi Tian asked.

"8? 7?"

"7," Shang Ying said.


They ended their group call there. As Rui Xing was about to head for bed, Shang Ying called her privately.

"Hello? Shang Ying? Let me guess, you want to talk to me about the marriage stuff?"

"Smart... so guess how it went," Shang Ying said with a smile, though Rui Xing couldn't see.

"Well...hearing the happiness in your voice, I think it went well! So tell me, how did you solve it?"

"OK, I'll just tell you what happened. So, when I reached the place I was meeting Ning Ning at, I saw her with another dude. That dude was apparently her boyfriend so it made things easier for-"

Shang Ying was cut off by Rui Xing. "OK, let me try and guess how it went. They both are above 21, they don't need their parents consent to get married and you want them to get married so you and her don't have to marry one another. How'd I do?"

"Woah... on point!"

"HAHA. So when are they signing the papers?"

"Tomorrow, Ning Ning will give me a text when they are done signing the papers."

"That's good!"

"Yep! Alright, I won't bother you any further. Let's end our call here," Shang Ying said.

And the call ended.

Rui Xing switched off her phone and went to bed.