The actual decision

"Are you okay, Li Nang? You don't seem like yourself. You seem... a bit off," Rui Xing asked.

"I'm fine. Shall we get the bill since we are all done eating?"

"Go ahead," Shang Ying told him.

Li Nang raised his hand and asked the waitress for the bill. The waitress nodded her head and went over to the counter to get it as requested. She handed it over to him and when he was about to put his credit card on the table, Rui Xing stopped him. "I asked the both of you out for dinner so I should be the one to pay," she said as she passed the lady her credit card. The lady took her credit card and went back to the counter. "Then we shall pay you back our share," Li Nang replied.

"No, you don't have to." "But I will feel bad for making a woman pay for everything when we can pay for ourselves," Shang Ying insisted. "Can't we just split the bill? Please?" Li Nang continued to say. Seeing their persistence, she suggested, "How about y'all pay for the next meal the three of us have together?" "Then the other person will be third-wheeling and plus will the person you didn't choose, will they still be friends with you?" Li Nang asked.

"I promise that no matter who I choose, we will all continue to be friends. And about the third-wheeling thing, he can just get a date and join us. That way, he won't be third-wheeling and we'll just have a double date!" The lady came back with her card and a receipt for Rui Xing to sign. She signed it and took her card back from the lady. They exited the restaurant together afterwards. Since they had decided to watch a movie together, they had to drive over to the nearest movie theatre from where they were at. But they had a problem, Shang Ying and Li Nang were quarrelling over which car Rui Xing should sit in to get to the movie theatre. She sighed and stepped in to stop them.

"Okay, how about this? To the movie theatre, I'll sit inside Li Nang's car. And going back to my house, I'll sit inside Shang Ying's car."

They nodded their head in approval and walked to their cars. Off to the nearest movie theatre they went.

-Skip to the movie theatre-

They walked out of their cars and went to the counter to decide which movie they should watch. Rui Xing wanted to watch Aquaman, Shang Ying wanted to watch Backtrace and Li Nang wanted to watch Bumblebee. After much negotiation, they ended up choosing Aquaman. They queued up to get their tickets and chose their seats. They got their tickets from the man at the counter. Then, they went towards the food counter to get some food!


-At Crescent Star Level 3-

They took the lift to level 3 and they went to every door to look for Yi Ming. There were 5 doors at every level. They knocked on the first door and went inside to look for him. However, he wasn't in the first house. He wasn't in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th house either. If he stayed at his sister's house to escape, then he should be in the 5th house. They knocked on the door and a lady around her late 30s opened it. "Hello Madam, we are here to look for Yi Ming. Are you his sister?" Policeman 1 asked.

"Yes I am. I'm Yi Xing. He is inside right now but he doesn't allow anyone to enter the room. I'm not quite sure why he came to my house out of the blue," she explained.

"Madam, can we come in? We need to bring Yi Ming back to the police station. He had asked 2 people to carry out a kidnap," Policeman 2 calmly explained.

"Oh my... and yes you may enter."

"Policeman 2 and 3 go to the right to look for his mobile devices as well as him. Policeman 4 come with me to the left to look. Policeman 5 stay outside in case he tries to escape," Policeman 1 instructed.

They looked around the house and found one room in which was locked. They looked around and found some keys to open the door. They found Yi Ming sitting down on the bed. It was easier than they thought, to catch him. He got up of the bed and walked towards the policemen. Before Policeman 2 could handcuff him, Yi Ming took out a penknife from his pocket and cut Policeman 2's neck. His neck started bleeding, it was a pretty deep cut. Yi Xing got a plaster from her bag and passed it to policeman 2. He placed the plaster on his neck and thanked her for giving him one.

"Take his penknife away and immediately handcuff him," Policeman 4 instructed.

Policeman 1 took his penknife away from him, and in return, he got a cut on his hand. Even though policeman 1's hand was bleeding, he didn't bother. He caught hold of both his hands and brought it towards the back. He immediately handcuffed him right after. The five of them walked out of the house with Yi Ming. They drove back to the police station. At the police station, Yi Ming surrendered his mobile phone and wallet. They caught the culprit of the kidnap and he has been put to jail.


Shang Ying got some salted popcorn, Li Nang got some nacho cheese and Rui Xing got a drink. They went towards hall 4 and passed their tickets to the people working. He tore their paper slightly and passed it back to Rui Xing. They went inside the theatre and looked for their seats. They eventually found it and sat down. They used their mobile phones while waiting for the advertisements to end.

After a little more than 2 hours, the movie ended. It was a great movie ( author's opinion )! Rui Xing was sure of her answer, her decision, her choice. They looked at her, nervously, waiting for her answer. "Shang Ying, Li Nang, you're both amazing guys. I hope Li Nang will find some other girl better than me that will treat you well. I'm sorry, Li Nang." Shang Ying walked closer to her and hugged her. He let go after a few seconds to not make Li Nang feel left out. "I'm happy for the two of you. I'm sure the two of you would be make a great couple," he smiled as he said those words.

"Dinner soon? Find a date!" Shang Ying said. He nodded his head and walked towards the other direction. Li Nang walked back to his car and drove off.

"Let's go on an actual date, just the two of us, no distractions. I hope this will work out for the both of us, for the better," Rui Xing spoke in all seriousness. "Tomorrow, 12pm. I'll come pick you up from your house. I'll take leave tomorrow. Let's spend the entire day together," he replied. She nodded her head and he placed a kiss on her lips. And Rui Xing kissed him back.