Eons of wars.

The Wynm clan was one of the most prodigious clans to exist in the history of Wa'aché. They were humanoids known for their beauty and their wings that could shape light. They ruled Wa'aché for centuries and protected the inhabitants.

When the lesser humans revolted due to the corrupt desires that sprouted within their hearts, the Wynms decided to leave behind their homes and settled in the Mountains.

The Wynms disliked war. They were kind creatures and loved to sleep. They could easily wipe out the entire human race if they wished. But they chose not to. They were kings for far too long.

Greed was a terrifyingly dangerous thing. The panic and chaos that ensued after the retiral of the Wynms brought about many wars. Everyone wanted to be King.

The lesser humans were not satisfied with their newly acquired 'freedom'. So they began to plunder. They waged wars on the other races and committed many atrocities. Centuries passed. The humans overran the continents.

Overtime, legends formed about the legendary Wynm clan. The humans started to idolize them. They began to envy them. It was unknown from where it began, but the humans started to believe that the one who consumed the flesh of a Wynm would gain unimaginable powers.

The tears of the Wynm could heal even the most grevious of wounds. The blood within their wings was capable of changing the physique itself; it was said it could bring a a person on the brink of death back to his peak stage and enhance his body and mind enough to take out an army of a hundred million at once. Like liquid ambrosia, it began to be sought after.

The Mountains where the Wynms lived were targeted. The Wynms were able to fight off the lesser human armies. It was utter decimation.

The one-sided battle continued on for a while before ceasing. The Wynms had won.

Suddenly, bad news came. One of the Wynm children had descended to madness. He had started attacking everything around him in his maddened state. His wings were found to be torn off from his back. It was done by an infiltrating human. The lesser human had found a Wynm child lost in the woods. His greed for power had gotten the better of him.

The Wynms then found records of previous cases where they had decended to madness. All of them showed one common thing. Their wings had been ripped off. Some of them had one wing torn off. They were fine for a while, but gave in to despair of not being able to fly.

Those who lost both wings immediately became deranged. They realised that the wings were connected to their minds itself.

They were disappointed in the humans. The Wynms decided to leave the continent itself. They sealed the Mountains and hid it. Leaving behind a few members, They split into two groups. One group went to the depths of the oceans and the other left for the newly formed moon.

They had completely disappeared.

The humans weren't satisfied. They tried to hunt down the last of the remaining Wynms to no avail.

Eras passed. The humans clashed against other humans. It was a never-ending, vicious cycle. The records of the past were scattered and lost. The ancients were forgotten. Eventually, empires formed on the continent.

Each empire called itself a nation. The nations were further divided into countries and the countries into states.

The other races were begun to be called by names like 'demons' or 'evil spirits'. Each species created themselves a separate dimensions for themselves.

The dimensions had connected to the World essence itself to be stable. So the reclusive spirits began contacting humans who were in search of power. They possessed the bodies of humans. Helped them to achieve their wishes through various means. The Humans that used them were considered to be heretics.

It wasn't until a few revolutions later that this thinking changed a little. If a human formed a contract, he was required to act as a mediator between the 'demons' and humans. The Spirit species that formed contracts were called Soul Spirits.

Some Spirit species had too much hatred for the Humans. They refused to form contracts and instead resorted to beguilement and whispering in the hearts of humans. They beautified sins and loved to feed on despair and desire. The beguiled Humans would slowly lose themselves within their desires. These Spirit species were called the Ayatēen. They concealed themselves from humans and enjoyed watching them despair. They would bind the human to themselves using Arts.

The spirits had various forms. Some of them could shapeshift. Some had the strength to lift huge boulders at once and could transport things by teleportation. Some could help the humans find out about the future. They did this by eavesdropping on the Guardians of the Pure Lands who were in charge of protecting the innocent.

There were two types of Guardians. The Guardians of Protection. And the Guardians of Death. The Guardians of Death escorted souls who were separated from their bodies to be judged. If they were proven innocent, they were sent to the Pure Lands. If guilty, then they were sent to The Impure Lands. All humans that formed a bond with the Ayatēen for the sake of mischief were sent here. Humans that committed suicide for whatever reason, be it to protect their chastity or to alleviate their pain, were sent here too. Those humans were deemed as the craven.

The current world was relatively peaceful as compared to the early days. There was great progress with regards to technology and economy. There was a complete system in place that each Nation possessed.The Nations were currently under a peace treaty. But the undercurrents still showed signs of creating waves if a stone was thrown in. A few decades before the peace treaty was signed, the Nations were fighting amongst themselves to obtain the Eight Great Ayatēen Souls.

The Ayatēen Souls were Spirits that walked the border of good and evil. They were creatures that belonged to no particular species. They were born from the World Essence. They didn't have bodies and were huge masses of energies compressed to form a specific entity. They weren't considered to be living nor were they considered to be inanimate.

After the Fourth Great Nation War, it was decided to split the Ayatēen Souls amongst the seven Continental Nations in a peace treaty. For some reason, the Eighth Ayatēen Soul's whereabouts were unknown. The Nations were suspicious of one another. This was maybe the stone that would disrupt the undercurrents.

It was the Year 5778 R.A.

An Island city called Yetren, which was unaffiliated to any Continent, was attacked by a massive creature. Yetren was the only city that was free and independent as a symbol of the peace treaty. It was a gathering place of the Nation Rulers to discuss.

Spirit Soul masters were unable to purge the creature. It was until the Ruler of Yetren stepped in that the creature was finally stopped from rampaging. It was said that he cleaved the creature into two halves and sealed it at the cost of his life. After that, the remains of the creature were not found. The lands of Yetren were devastated. It took them years to recover the losses.

The Continents were alarmed. It seemed that the Eighth Ayatēen Soul had finally made it's appearance.