Day ten.

Day 10,

Yetren Facility, Second Ring.

The dozen squad members of Yetren capital were escorted around the second ring. Yetren, being one of the Facility's major investors were their VIPs. The Capital agent's inspection passed all evaluations and standards required. Hygiene, efficiency, staff, equipment, etc. were all examined and given the green light.

Negotiations about financial support and trading would take place after the third ring made the criteria to pass. The authorities were tense. A lot rode upon this examination.

Unlike other normal prisions, the jailers and other staff members were under strict scrutinity. Even the smallest mistake would mean immediate death. So, despite the bad reputation among the masses and the various illegal dealings, the Facility was pretty clean.

Ruff and Fo were mere tag-alongs of the inspectorial team. To others, their presence was just for gaining experience and merit. But for the people in the know, it was a dangerous but favourable set of circumstances that enabled them to further their own goals.




" Have you found it yet?"

"Not yet. We are still in the Second."

" Have you gone over the details?"


White tail was in the innermost ring. The circumstances surrounding it were kept under wraps. Everything was a muddle.



"What will you do if you come to face It?"

"I don't know."

"Please don't do anything rash. I don't want you to go too."


"Brother. Please."

Ruff was about to reply. But the World shook and came crashing down.