Author's note.

I am really, really sorry, my dear readers. Even though I have just started this novel along with a few other ones, I will be unable to update for a few months. My entrance exams will be coming up soon and I want to concentrate on them.

Here is a list of the novels that will not be updated until May 2019.

1) Meh.(completed.)

2) Pardah.(Romance fiction)

3) Smiley Face (Horror/Fantasy)

4) Odd One Out. (There might be a few surprise chapters when I am free during these few months. Do keep an eye out for them)

5) Short and Sweet. I Love Marshmallows. (Fantasy)

Unfortunately, none of the above books have reached the 50 chapters milestone. But that is probably a good thing since most of you all haven't really gotten into it yet so you most probably won't miss it too much. *drawing circles in corner sobbing*

Recently, I have been unable to cope up with the syllabus due to being too distracted and I am deeply concerned.

Please wish me luck!

Thank you.