getting a unwanted pet

As Drayce was gathering the wolves in to a pile he found the wolf with the crystal on its chest.

hell ya elemental crystal finally can start studying and researching it, Drayce says happily,

Elemental crystal is a rarely found type of crystal found on the outer body's of some beast it's a sign that its undergoing a variation evolution, a crystal should not be confused for a beast core , a beast core is just as rare but it form's from with in the body and has many use's well elemental crystal forms on the body and no one know's what it's used for other then it's a sign it's going through a mutation.

we should send it to the bio lab to see what it can do along with the body's to see if we can get anything useful from them then when were done lets process them in to genetic liquid, Athena says with a bit of anticipation at the chance to study new thing's .

Alright i'll use a collection drone, Drayce says and reached in to his pouch and pull's out a black object the size of a base ball he pressed a button on top of it and it begin's to float it has what look's like a big golden eye and two small arms pop out of it's side, Cd i need you to transfer these to the pocket space for processing.

Can do it will cost 4 spatial energy though, Cd say's with a polite male voice Drayce just nod's okay and Cd does what look's like a bow with one arm crossing his front then he stop's and gets to work, a light begin's to emit from Cd's one eye and scan's the pile of body's and then in a bright flash they we're gone. well if you don"t need me sir will return to a dormant state.

well better find some where to treat my wound on my leg's, Drayce says as he begin's to walk in the direction the wolves came from, may as well try finding there den.

After getting a good distance away from the fighting ground he reach's in to his pouch and take's out a medical ointment container.

this part always hurts no matter how many time i do it, drayce say's as he get's some of the ointment and rub's it on his wound's, sisssssssssssssssss, his wounds begin's to close well making a sizzling noise, f*ck this always feels like some one is taking a torch and burning my skin, as he complain's the wounds closed and he takes a moment to recollect him self, well i guess ill get some more hunting in before 9:00 when dad want's to show me something i need to find there den i may able to find something useful. Drayce begin's to walk in the same direction he did before.

after searching for a about an hour it was getting close to the time he should start heading back but before he decided to head back he used life detect and what appeared to be another wolf going by its essence , it is not to far from him so he began running east and found a cave with bone's around the out side before he went in he pulled out Cd.

Cd i need you to light the way, Drayce says well readying his bow as he does this Cd float's to his side and begins to emit light from it's eye lighting up the darkness in the cave.

Drayce walk's in to the cave and after entering he noticed that there were coin's torn clothes and bones of some people along with animal bones the cave wasn't as big as he thought it would be about as big as a standard 3 bed house would be if it was all one room after getting a look around a noise came from behind him from a pile of bones.

Drayce turn's around and readies his bow but what came out of the pile of bones was a small cute wolf cub about at three to four month's going by its build Drayce and the cub look into each others eye's its bright green eyes staring in to his dark red eyes then Drayce put his bow down realizing that what he thought would be another wolf to hunt was just a cub , hmmm.... hmmm, the cub begin's to whimper a bit scared of him and goes back to hiding in the pile of bones.

You should take him with you i mean you did kill its whole family, Eva says with sadness in her voice.

well why should i and besides law of the jungle the weak die and the strong survive , Drayce says as he prepared to leave.

You better or i will create a g.e.av that will turn you in to the sexiest woman alive and switch it with the next one you use , Eva says as if she would really do it and to Drayce he know's she really might try to do some thing like that.

Athena wouldn't let you right Athena, Drayce ask with a bit of hope in his voice.


Drayce: Athena

Athena: take it or else.

Drayce: fine f*ck.

Drayce reach in to his pouch and pull's out a piece of jerky he was gonna eat for a snack and throw's it to the ground in from of the pile of bone's and waited for a bit, A Cd well were waiting for this little guy to come out collect everything in here that can be of any use.

Cd: according to my scan's other then 100 pounds of rusted iron and about 75 silver coin's

Drayce: send the iron to be processed and bring me the coins

As Cd does this the wolf cub seems to look at Cd and pop's its head out looking at it as if it just found a new toy.

After it popped its head out it looks at the floor and spots the beef jerky and goes up to it slowly and smells it then it start's to eat it well its doing this Drayce pull's out another piece of jerky and wave's it.

"whistling...." come here pu..pu..pu...come here i won't hurt you. Drayce began to do what every pet owner does when trying to lure there pet or child to come to them Drayce could never understand the difference between the two , after about 2 minutes it finally came to him a bit slow and scared

after it was in front of him he gave it his jerky and began petting it then he picked it up and hit one of its nerve points putting it out. okay time to get going home i wonder what "experiment" i can run on this little guy that won't kill him.

name, Eva says

Drayce;: sorry what!,

name it "need's" a name, Eva says sounding a bit exited

first off is it a boy or a girl, Athena ask but sounded like a girl who just got her long time wish

Drayce lift's the cub up and, its a boy so how about Amarok. after naming the wolf he decided to head home before he has to see his dad plus he need's to come up with away to avoid his mother until he can change his clothes.