Dona woke up early next morning. She felt excited beyond words.. The most sought out bachelor of the town had invited her to dinner and she was trying out all the dresses in her wardrobe.. She was dancing around and even the evil luck of her cousin Bella couldn't make her depressed today. She swung around holding Bella's hands..
"Mom, Peter has asked me out for dinner.." Bella saw Dona tell her mother.
Bella rarely saw Dona this happy in the house.. She usually wears a crossed face at her home as she was always at one demand or the other, but today she looked very chubby and cheerful doubling the beauty of her pretty face. Bella thought who this man could be to take Bella out and that he might be really rich to make her this happy...Dona always dated rich boys right from school, as she always dreamed to be rich.
Bella returned back to her room and got busy with her writing as this was something that she loved to do. She had slowly tried to forget the man and as the Doctor had told her once, she was a fast healer. He did not mean only the physical pain but mentally too her pain healed quickly. But this pain will always leave a beautiful scar in her memory. There were things around her that reminded him of her. There were a sudden rush of emotions crashing into her head now and making her unstable. She blamed herself for not even asking the stranger's name.. She had missed the paper where he had written his address and phone number on that day.. She wished there was some way she could meet him.. then immediately she got back to reality, these three people who never even wasted their time to have a proper look at her were her reality and she have to stay put in this environment.. It was already afternoon and she set out for a walk.. Her leg was not that painful now and she couldn't sit home idle.
Walking slowly she noticed the nature around her but this time more keenly, she felt it was different from what she saw it before that accident. Everything looked much more beautiful. Though somewhere deep, she felt sad over something that she couldn't understand till now, she could hear the rustling of the dry branches, the romantic whispers of the newly wed love birds sitting on the oak tree and the newly planted rose plant that had started twining its branches across an ugly weed turning it beautiful..
Even the withered leaves and the stamped petals on the road seem to be speaking to her narrating its story.. She was experiencing all this for the first time appreciating the nature with her eyes rather than imagining it through her writing.. she had always wrote an imaginary life in her books with her dreams moulded with the unseen beauty of nature, but after sensing the vibrance of these little lives around her, she seemed to like this feeble Bella too, who, rather than avoiding the stare of her nosy neighbours to walk swift neglecting her surroundings, seemed to enjoy the walk, with tiny steps conversing silently with the real her..
Peter was ready for the evening. He had asked Dona to come to the market near her home where he would go to pick up her. While he was driving he remembered Bella. Her home was near the market too. He had been thinking about this girl very frequently lately. He wanted to make sure she was alright. He had thought they won't meet up anymore since she keeps on climbing into his memories once he meets her and it was very hard to come back to being his normal self after that. But he just wanted to know whether she was alright. There was no way he could call her. She could neither hear nor speak. So he decided to meet her. Maybe for a last time, just to make sure she is taking proper care of her legs. Peter hated himself for being this way, being restless and unable to take a straight decision. But meeting her tomorrow was final and there was no second thought.
Bella was walking slowly along the roadside. She had now reached the market and sat at the table outside the old lady's store. The old lady was busy inside and Bella decided to take rest for sometime before getting inside for some help.
As she was gazing at the newly tarred road, which was crowded by vehicles, she noticed someone familiar, strolling towards a car in high heels.. It was Dona. She was wearing a beautiful black gown that Uncle had gifted her during her convocation. She also had heavy makeup and looked gorgeous with a diamond pendant perfectly caressing her collar bone.. She looked strikingly beautiful and all the eyes in the market were on Dona. Bella remembered that Dona was talking something about dating a rich man, so she might be going out for a dinner with that guy. A man inside opened the car's door for her. Dona entered elegantly beside him and shut the door. Bella couldn't see the man since she was sitting a little far away. But she was so familiar with the car. It looked so similar.. The stranger whom she had been thinking for quite a long time.. His car was an identical replica of this car. She shook her head and came to a possible conclusion, 'A similar type of car can be bought by anybody,. So it could be anybody..' She took her eyes off that car and entered the store greeting the old lady…