
Meditation is what filled most of her days as she had nothing to do within the carriage bar sleep and talk to Tian Long who she had slightly become less cold to him however she was still indifferent towards him and his obvious advances. Since the bandit attack nothing had happened again which made her upset as she wanted more experience.

"Mistress, we are here. The toll guards will want to inspect the carriage for any criminals and stolen items that have been reported from other towns and cities." Dean informed her to which she replied it was fine and she would personally hand over the toll to the guards once they have entered.

Just as they had finished there conversation the toll guards had made their way over and went over the routine of what they had to do. Nodding Dean gave them the go ahead to enter and they were stunned when they entered as the most handsome man they have ever seen was sleeping on the seats whilst the most beautiful woman they have ever seen is sitting on the opposite side, they know she is beautiful as she had dematerialised her veil. Smiling at them she gestured towards them to search and asked them how much the toll would be. Stuttering in reply they told her that the toll for the town was forty bronze coins to which she raised an eyebrow at them. Flustered at her questioning gaze they asked her if this was her first time travelling to another town to which she replied that this was the second town however she came from a secluded clan and so didn't know about the different tolls.

Nodding their heads thinking that they were right not to antagonize her as she came from a clan, they happily informed her that the closer a town is close to a city the higher the toll as the closer the town the more protection they can gain from the city which costs them a lot. Pleased that her little lie had fooled them she gave them the toll money. Before they left the carriage she also asked if the town had any stages or anything of the sort, they curtly answered that they indeed had an arena which was for duels between anyone who held a grievance towards each other. Yet again stopping them from leaving she noticed that they weren't annoyed despite her stopping them twice however she just moved on and told them that once someone has reached the age of eighteen within the clan they are kicked out into the world and are not allowed back until they reach a minimum of Rank 4 which scared the hell out of them as a clan that could afford to do that was clearly very powerful, further into the lie she told them that Tian Long is her bodyguard and that her family had set that anyone below or on par his rank and level can challenge him and if they win they can marry her and said that they can spread the news and she will be at the arena tomorrow morning.

Done with her lying she bids them farewell and tells Dean to enter the town and find them an inn to stay for four days. Waking up from his sleep he catches Sarah looking at him with a smile that for some reason sent a shiver down his spine.

"Good morning beautiful" Normally she would have already snorted and looked away from him yet she just sat their smiling at him which sent off alarm bells in his head yet he couldn't quite pick out anything wrong, even when she materialised her veil again which he thought was the problem didn't go away. Placing it to the back of his head he just asks where they are and how long he had been sleeping for. Sarah replied that he had been asleep for two and a half days and that they were at ******** Town and that they are in the process of finding an inn.

Doing the same as when they had found the inn in Tanxiang Town they bought the whole top floor which only had three rooms however they had the same services. With the extravagant spending their money had went down to ten silver coins and six hundred and fifty six copper coins however Sarah wasn't fazed by the expenditure as she was earning money tomorrow morning and the day after. They spent a big amount of the copper on the housing and care of their horses and carriage.

Waking up in the morning Sarah had a smile on her face as she remembered her money making scheme that both ensured she had a background and got her money at the same time. Calling for her maids she materialised her dress and veil. Sarah had developed the habit of sleeping naked which is also a reason why she didn't sleep but meditate in the carriage as even if she didn't conciously deactivate it she would subconciously when she fell asleep. Being served by once of the maids she orders the maid at the side to inform Tian Long to come to her room and that she just has to shout her name and he should jump awake if she sees him sleeping.

Three minutes later Tian Long walks in the room with the maid and then Sarah tells him that he is accompanying her out to the town.

"Soooo, a date?" Tian Long asked in anticipation yet also expecting her to shoot him down yet what she said next stupefied him for a second.

"Sure, if thats what you wish to call it" Sarahs soft laughter ran through the room as she smiled at Tian Long. 'It's that damn smile again. Why does it give me the shivers?'. Too bad that it was already too late for him to do anything as even if he didn't go with her the men lusting after Sarah would still find him for a duel for her hand.

Not expecting any of this he jubilantly walks beside her as they make thier way about until they find the so called arena, they were a bit late however they had made it earlier than she had thought as Tian Long gained an immediate interest as he heard people talking about a secluded clans princess coming here and having people fight her bodyguard for her hand.

Walking into the ticket area that is meant for people to buy tickets to watch fights that will happen. Taking over immediately Sarah said they were the princess and bodyguard to which the staff had slight surprise on their face which faded and then lead them towards the tunnel leading onto the stage. Tian Long still had a slight idea of what was going on and just followed behind her. It was only when they exited the tunnel did he realise that he was once again being used as a gladiator.

Thoughts of escaping immediately vanished when he saw the look she sent him that conveyed the words 'Run and I will kill you'. Resigning himself to it he stepped onto the arena with her as the staff that escorted her out introduced them to the crowd and then took sarah to the VIP viewing area and then went back to the arena to be the referee of the duels.

"Gentleman you have seen the beautiful princess of the rumored secluded clan and have surely seen with your own eyes what a beauty she is. As per the request of the princess their will be a fee to be able to challenge her body guard which amounts to sixty copper coins per challenge"

Once it got to that bit the most of the lower class left and then only the adventurers and middle class scions were left.

"The princess has also stated that anyone that already has woman they are 'intimate' with are already forfeit as they will not be satisfied with just loving her"

Most scions from the middle class and some adventurers left when they heard the rules of the challenge as they already had woman at home who they could play with whenever they wanted so why chase after the impossible.

The first one to go onto the arena was an adventurer who was only Level 9 however had confidence that he could challenge people above him as he had done the impossible which was become a sword grandmaster with his own intent which basically invalidated the numbers on his status. Confidence oozing from him he announces his name Jian which literally means sword in chinese (Google Translate) to which Tian Long announces his name to the crowd which ends up in an uproar as they heard that he had a surname which meant he had to at least be of middle class however was still reduced to a mere bodyguard, even the higher class in cities couldn't order (City) middle class around like that.

Names announced the referee begins the countdown for the match.



