Journey back - Day Twelve

Traversing through the plains once again Tian Long made his way back to where he left Jian. Da Xin was currently asleep covered within some blankets and won't wake up until some hours later when she needs food. Thankfully he had been given food to provide for the baby as thanks to her bloodline she needs vast amounts of energy to grow.

Thanks to the blankets being covered in Da Jiang's aura, the beasts that would have normally attacked Tian Long didn't dare to this time. Instinct drove them to bow to the ground in fear as they felt the overbearing aura of a god.

Tian Long estimated that it would only take him a day and a half to arrive back at the meeting place he had set up for him and Jian. Tian Long would also take this chance to kill some of the prostrating beasts that were weaker than him by a small amount so that he could rank up quicker.

Tian Long ended the battles relatively quicker and quieter than usual as he didn't want to wake up Da Xin as he didn't want any of the stronger beasts to hear her which will then ruin the purpose of the aura being on the blankets. Although the beasts may not target Da Xin for their own safety as they would undoubtedly be able to tell that she is important to whoever set the aura down however they would remember Tian Long and know that he isn't important as they had attacked before and no experts had intervened.

He was so close he could feel it however even if he did end up gaining enough experience to rank up he would still need to wait until he got to the meeting point so that he could hand over Da Xin over to Jian for safekeeping whilst he ranked up.


Tian killed the last beast he needed so that he could rank up, afterwards he wuickly gathered his stuff and left for the forest at the fastest speed he could go at without waking up Da Xin or alerting the beasts to his unusual movements as they would figure out that something was wrong with the situation. If the beasts found out that they were conned with some remnant aura they would break out into a frenzy for revenge so that they could get back their pride as they had lowered their heads in submission to a being they deem weaker than them.

A few hours later Da Xin woke up and cried out for some food. Knowing what to do thanks to some tips left with the food Tian Long knew how to prepare the food for her, the 'food' that was prepared for Tian Long was bottled up breast milk from Da Lu as like all baby's, Da Xin could not eat solid foods yet.

Finishing up about three and a half bottles Da Xin was finally happy and gradually fell back asleep as Tian Long continued the trek back to the meeting point.

Tian Long finally managed to make it into the forest about late into the afternoon and had to stop again as Da Xin had to be changed as she had soiled the nappy that had been placed on her when she had originally been wrapped up and thanks to it not being in the plains it wasn't as cold as it had been before and it was safer to take her out of her blankets to change her. Tian Long once again followed some tips once again from Da Lu on how to change the nappies as she had been practicing on dummies for the duration that she had carried Da Xin.

Wrapping Da Xin back into her blankets Tian Long walked further into the forest and killed more of the weaker beasts so that he had some accumalation after he had ranked up, although it wouldn't actually help him level up afterwards.

After it had gotten into late evening Tian Long decided it was best to just hollow out the inside of a tree and then light a little fire to keep Da Xin warm. The fire would be small and surrounded by stones so that it wouldn't spread to the tree while there would be some vents made at the top most part of the hollowed out part of the tree to avoid an accumalation of smoke.

The night was mostly peacefull with only a feww disruptions such as Da Xin waking up and crying which would sometimes attract some night animals that would see her. Although they would hesitate a little after they felt the aura of the blankets they would resolve themselves that they would never be able to be found and that they were worrying for nothing since they don't sense any danger or the aura of the expert near by which means that it was safe.

Thanks to Da Xin Tian Long's night was restless however thanks to his boundless vitality it didn't matter all that much if he missed a night of sleep therefore after the first few times where he was caught off guard he just decided to stay awake whilst keeping a look out on the surroundings whilst also paying attention to Da Xin.