Waking up in her bed once again Sarah sighs at the possibility that she could have never woken up again. Not only would she lose her chance to wake up, she would lose her chance to reincarnate again as even her soul would have been destroyed. That wasn't even the worst scenario that could have happened, apparently to Huo, her soul could have been taken in by the dagger since no one at the academy was high level enough to destroy it completely. They were only able to isolate it using a special formation that is used to restrain most cursed objects, though they are unable to fully restrain it since every cursed object needs a specialised formation to subdue it fully.
Sarah has knowledge on many of such formations however she would need the requiered materials to make but since this is only a mortal realm, even if it is possibly a peak mortal plane, most of the materials she needed reside within the divine realms.
Getting out of bed Sarah is comforted by the smell of breakfast that Huo is in the middle of making since she roughly knows when Sarah will wake up after spending a lot of time with her. Exhaling, a gentle smile tugs the corners of Sarah's lips as she watched on as Huo continued to make breakfast.
"Big sis Sarah, your smile was so beautiful. Can I grow up to be as beautiful as you?" Ming'er asked on as she managed to spot Sarah's smile, since she doesn't wear her veil around those she considers close to her, as she woke up.
Sarah once again smiled at the innocent Ming'er and assured her that if she ate well and practiced really hard she would grow up just as or even more beautiful than her. Ming'er now inspired to look just as good looking as her 'big sis'.
Sarah and Ming'er then went on to play a couple games while Huo prepared breakfast. It was during their fifth game that Huo finally came in with a big tray with lots of breakfast choices. Sarah opted for balanced breakfast whereas Ming'er chose the sweet breakfast choices even though she had just vowed to herself to eat better. Sarah shook her head at seeing this as although Ming'er acted more mature than her age thanks to being around those older than herself, at the core, she was still just a child that wanted to have fun and eat sweet foods. Huo herself also chose a balanced diet just like Sarah, though there were some differences since it was inevitable that they would have different tastes towards different food.
After finishing off their breakfast they all headed to Tian Long and Jian's room to once again continue hearing their story.
Along the way Huo went on about how surprising it was that Tian Long was actually a beast in human form. Sarah immediatley realised that Ming'er didn't know and slightly scowled towards Huo. Even if Huo could not see the scowl, she could 'feel' the intent behind the scowl. Huo could fell that she had upset Sarah somehow but couldn't think of the reason. That was until she went over her words and then looked at Ming'er who was also looking at her with her jaws dropped as she heard that shocking news. It was then that Huo realised that she had just revealed a secret that could get Tian Long hunted down and killed as even though she did not specify what type of beast he was, it was still know that only those beasts with formidable bloodlines, at least to them, could get past the level barrier and be bale to transform into human form. Either that or Tian Long is an even more fearsome beast that has managed to break past their bloodlines limit, which is so rare that the possibility wouldn't even cross a celestials mind.
Looking back at Sarah, Huo then quickly apologised as they had to rushed towards the room so that they could avoid a scenario where Ming'er accidently leaks it. Ming'er's mind had frozen once she heard that Tian Long was a beast in human form and by the time that she came to she was already in the room as everyone listened to Jian's perspective of the journey from the beginning as they wanted his experience of the journey to be told as well, not just the point where he left Tian Long.
At first Ming'er looked at Tian Long with a little bit of fear as she had been brought up very strictly with the belief that all beasts were brutal and would kill any human they came across. The only exception to that were the animals that were herbivores e.g. rabbits, deer etc. However as time went on she began to realise that during the time that she obseved him he acted very 'human-like'. She realised that maybe not all beasts were evil and that there were also good beasts. Ming'er then calmed down and began to listen to Jian as he narrated his perspective of the story.
When Ming'er finally started to listen in Sarah sighed in relief as although she had been paying attention to the story she had also been paying attention to Ming'er and had noticed when she looked at Tian Long with fear. At this point Jian had just gotten to the part where he had parted form Tian Long since he couldn't handle the extreme cold that permeated the entire forbidden region.
Jian then went on to tell them about his journey back and of the accomplishments on his way back like levelling up and becoming stronger. Gloom invaded the room as Jian then described the moment that he lost his arm. Jian was very close to losing himself to anger and was heavily ventilating, just as he was close the the boiling point he felt a hand grip his arm and squeeze it gently to remind him that he still had people there for him. Thanks to the timely intervention of Sarah, Jian didn't blow his fuse however it was impossible to stop the gloom that invaded his heart as he remembered the arm he had lost.
Sarah then bagan to let go as she was assured that Jian wouldn't lose himself to the anger within his heart as although the stages of grief are shown as linear stages, it isn't that simple. It is common to slip into the different stages out of order, some people slip into depression without anger or they will only experience the anger once the depression is gone. Every person experiences grief differently, their are those that would only experience anger. There are rare cases where people could simply skip grief altogether as although they know that person is gone, they will continue to remember them and continue to live on and work hard to honour their memory. Although there is always someone close enough to someone, that when they die, they will experience a great amount of grief. No matter how detached you feel from the world, there will always be someone that you acre for enough that you will feel the pain of their loss and grieve for them.
Hours once again passed by as Jian continued to tell them about how he coped with the loss of his arm. The only part of the story that worried them was the part where he told them about the time where he blacked out due to anger in the forest after spotting a leopard and that all he knows was that he went on a hunting spree afterwards and was surrounded by hundreds of corpses back at the camp once he came to. Tian Long was especially worried since he had seen the tortured leopards and finally came to the conclusion that all of it was done by the balcked out Jian who had vented out his extreme anger towards that particular species. Tian Long was in a dilemma: 'Do I tell him? Or do I keep it to myself?'. Tian Long didn't know as he knew that if Tian Long heard what he had done, even if it was speculative, would break him apart from the inside.
Finishing up his side of the story, Jian looks at them all and begins to speak once more.
"I have been thinking a lot and have decided...".