chapter 8 jungle tales of luffy (3)

Slowly but surely days passed in the jungle. Luffy became stronger, Blackberry became stronger and practically all the beasts in the jungle died.

By now 3 months have passed in the jungle. By now none of the beasts in the part of the jungle that they were in put up a challenge. By using shadow travel to travel outside the jungle to buy a map of the jungle, luffy discovered that the jungle was actually on a small island in the so called challenge archipelago.

The challenge archipelago was a a archipelago on the red line. It's form was basically ten islands in a straight line. The further in the line you got the stronger the monsters became. The jungle were he has on currently was the third of the ten islands.

If someone wanted to go to the next island there were two ways to go there. One way was with your own boat or devil fruit. The second way was to beat the boss of the island and give his heart to the Sea creatures around the island. Then you could choose to go back of the archipelago or to go to the next island.

"Well, let's go to the bos of this island, get his heart and get the hell out of this boring island."


"One punch, one freaking punch. Wait, does this mean that.... NO, I don't want to become bald." (One punch man reference for those who didn't know.)

Where the words of Luffy as he stood next to the gory mass that once was the proud boss of this island.

"Since he was the boss of this island I thought that I should use my full power. Ahhhhh, what am I going to do now. The heart is also completely destroyed. Wait a second. Blackberry, he can transform into a Griffin or a flood dragon and then I can ride on its back. It's a genius idea."

After deciding which one of the two transformations it would be. (It was the Griffin.) He decided to go to the next island.

The next island was a big tundra with a big snowstorm literally everywhere. Normal people would have their flesh scraped of their bones just by living in there.

This was for now, Luffy's new home.