Chapter: Im forced to anime world

Under the beautiful moon. A young boy is holding a cellphone in his hands, while walking on the dark street.

"Ays.. i can't find new fanfiction novel in"

His name is Shen Tian. He is addicted to reading novel,watching anime and playing games, in short he is an Otaku. He stopped walking besides a tree, While searching new novel in the internet. He found something intresting, then message popped up on his cellphone.

[Congratulation!! You who is mortal, have win a lottery. that is created by Almighty beings from the past.]

"What the hell is this" Shen Tian said in confused tone, He tried to delete the message, because he thought its a virus on his phone.

"Is this a bug or something"

No matter what Shen Tian do. The message isn't disappearing, he even tried to turn off his cp. After 5 minutes, when he is about to give up. He heard a robotic voice inside his mind.

[Op System is fusing on host soul 10%....20%..30%..]

"eh...?"Shen Tian was in dazed

[Ding! Op system fusing with host soul Complete]

Shen Tian felt something warm entered his body, He didn't know what that feeling is but after a while it disappear.



Name: Shen Tian

Bloodline: None

Rank: Mortal

Str: 10

Vit: 10

Agt: 10

Int: 10

Skill: None

Equipment: None


[Op System is forcing the host to leave this world 10....7..]

"Wait what!?!?!"Shen Tian shouted in panicked voice when he heard it.


Shen Tian vision blacked out losing his conscious.

[Welcome to the Sword Art Online World!!]

When he opened his eyes, he see an unfamiliar ceiling and noticing he is currently laying on a King size bed.

"Sword Art Online...? does it mean, im in Anime world right now..?"Shen Tian said, while looking around and he see a big room with luxirous designs. When he turn his head to the right, he saw a beautiful girl in maid outfit.

Maid bowed to him in elegant manner.

"Good morning young master" she said.

Shen Tian widen his eyes, and thought. 'what the fvck, who is this beautiful maid.' then he become embarressed a little because the maid is staring at him as if waiting for his orders.

"G-good morning.." Shen Tian

The beautiful maid seems shocked that he replied to her greetings. She thought he would just order her again or ignore her like a stone at the street.

"what is there someting wrong?" Shen Tian

The Beautiful maid shooked her head.

" N-nothing young master...."

The beautiful maid thoughts 'young master is weird today. I always greeted him in the morning, but he is always, giving me a cold shoulder. I didn't even get a reply, sometimes from him'

"the breakfast is ready, young master"

Shen Tian wiped the sweat on his forhead, because he is nervous right now he thought. 'how should i reply her!?!? and where in the Sword Art Online world am i now'

When he was thinking, how to reply her by using all his brain cell. suddenly his mouth open on its own like in practiced manner.

"Ok lead the way" Shen Tian.

The beautiful maid started walking, towards the hallway. Shen Tian can only follow her because he didn't know what to do right now, and he is really hungry. he and maid walked for a while, until they reach the dinning room.

"young master plss sit"

The beautiful maid bow at the side of the room, while Shen Tian looked around the room. he thought 'i don't really know whats happening in my life, but ill just go with the flow.

When Shen Tian seen a big long table, that can be used by twenty people. he sits at the head chair and gazed at the food on the table he thought 'Is this French cuisines? hmm hays ill just eat'

Shen Tian started to eat, as Elegant as possible he thought. 'hmm delicious' After eating, he goes back to his room and try to talk to the system.

"Op system are you there?"

[Op System: Host what do you need?]

"First what are you"He asked

[Op System: Host Rank is too low to know]

"@#&@!! Hays.. where am i?"

[Op System: The host is in Sword Art Online world, Japan in the middle of Okinawa largest land. Host status, is currently the heir of the richest Company in the world the Dragon group.]

"Wow did i hit the jockpot!" Shen Tian was shocked, then he calm down in a minute.

"But Op system Why am i forced to come here?!"

[Op system: Host rank is too low to know]

"agh... hays your a system right? then what benifits will you bring me? "Shen Tian

[Op system:Host just say settings and you will see it]

"Settings"Shen Tian


Op System:

Quests:1 Active






"Why are there so many locked?"

[Op System: Host needs to complete some quests to unlock the other functions]

Shen Tian clicked the Quest Function in his mind.

[Quest: Enter the Sword Art Online game

Reward: Novice box,unlock lottery function]

So this is the Op system is talking about, if i finished this quest the lottery function will be unlocked, 'looks like i need to order game helmet' he thought.

"Wait what month and year now?" Shen Tian he searched his phone, inside his pocket but his pocket is emty. '

Its good thing that theres a computer in this room.I searched some sites on the computer and found some information in it' he thought.

"so its november 1,2022 now, and the realease date of sword art online game is tommorow" he muttered.

Shen Tian called the beautiful maid and said while pointing at the computer screen "buy me this nerve gear i want to play it"

"As your order young master"The maid bowed and walk to go outside but when she's about to reach the door I stopped her by holding her shoulder.

"Wait what is your name?"he asked

The beautiful maid blushed."Nanami Braidfeild"

'dont tell me young master is intrested in me' the maid thought.

Shen Tian noticed he is still holding her shoulder, he retraced his hand fast.

"cough ah.. im sorry Braidfeild-san do you know when will my parents come back?"Shen Tian

Nanami Braidfeild stared at him weirdly "didnt you know young master' your parents died 5 years ago."
