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Chapter: pervert.... pervert.... pervert.....

-March 29, 2023 Shen Tian 25th floor main City-

Right now im running on the streets toward the Coordinate that Asuna gave me hmmp that girl dares to play with me? Later ill revenge while im thinking about how i will punish my future wife later when i turn to the corne-


"ouch!"femine voice

I bumped on a little girl with Twin tail brown hair. the girl was sitting on the ground now I can see under her skirt a little.Woah a pink.. looks like its my lucky day!!

"It hurts..."The little girl rubbed her head noticing her skirt is open she quickly cover it up while blushing and glared at me.

I Noticing her intense glare "um.. are you ok?"

The Loli glared at me more while blushing and said in low voice " did you see it...?"

I replied while wiping my forehead sweats " No.."

The Loli asked " what color is it?"

I answered in reflex " pink " damnn looking at the loli who was about to explode i run toward my destination while saying " cya later cute loli~~!"

The Loli was fuming red "you! Stop!"

The Loli was about to chase but she can't see him anymore so she gave up..

"Safe..."Shen Tian goes to the corner of the street so no one can see him and started changing his equipment.

[Shen Tian Game Status]





Big sword:645/1000

Martial Arts:398/1000

Sprint: 890/1000

Unique skill Heavenly Arms: When using Bigswords attacks speed × 2 movement speed ×2


[Red Armor:


[Red Guntlet:


[Black boots:


[Titan sword (3+):

Attack power:200(+180)

Life steal:10%(+6%)]

[Starless Cloak(+4):


Reflect damage:10%(+8%)]

(Author note: i dunno how many stats there in Sao but i searched internet its only STR and AGI)


I hooded my cloak so no one can see my face. When im done changing i walked toward my destination.


They waited for a while and they heard a heavy foot steps on the hallway the door opens slowly.

He appeared black hooded cloak Red claymore on his back.walking toward the middle of the meeting as he walked the crowd open a way because they can feel a pressure from an expert in his body and it was strong.

Klein and the other leaders said"welcome"

Heathcliff smiled and bowed as he see this boy" welcome to the meeting sir madgod"

Ruri: welcome..

Shen Tian indifferent nodded his head toward Heathcliff and the others he didn't talk as he was busy looking at the crowd hmm oya isn't this klein who is cursed that he will never have a girlfreind in his life.Oh this is Agil wew he's really big. oh sachi she seems cuter than anime.hmm this is the protagonist in original kirito?he is pretty boy i can say that but not as handsome as me muahahaha Shen Tian thoughts as he observed the crowd he become more narcissist.

Seeing no one talk and it felt akward Ruri stepped forward said with a smile and extended her hand toward Shen Tian"Helo sir madgod thanks for cooperating in this raid it feels reassuring that your here"

Shen Tian was about to shook his hand with Ruri but when he looked at her face carfuly his eye's widened under his cloak.

Seeing Madgod didn't reply her and just looking at her Ruri expression become embarrassed the crowd is observing the two felt something is going on.

Shen Tian observed Ruri from head to toe. aaree she looked like Nanami... I stepped forward and smelled her scent.Like nanami smell. Remembering what happened that day when he hugged nanami.Shen Tian looked at her big breast and gulped.

Ruri who felt his gaze become angry when she was about to teach this pervert Turtle a lesson she heard a low voice that she can only hear " Is that you nanami?"

The crowd who is observing become dumbfounded this madgod really is brave harrasing the Ice princess they know this Moonlit black cats guild leader looks harmless but when she become mad who knows what she will do.

I have met a true hero Klein thought while looking at Shen Tian

Kirito looked at Shen Tian and thought rest in peace he even perform some prayer ritual.

Asuna bit her lips as she looked at the two she didn't know why the more she see them looking at each other the more irritated she become.

Ruri stepped toward Shen Tian then removed his hood. the crowd thought she was going to beat him but their jaws dropped at what they see

Ruri hugged Shen Tian tight as if she was afraid if she loosened her hug Shen Tian would disappear she buried her head to his chest and started crying " young master.... young master .. i know your still alive.."

Shen Tian shocked at First. He hugged her slender body and patted her head "Nanami.."

When nanami heard she was being called she looked at his face still crying.

Shen Tian wiped Nanami Tears with his hands and looked at her face that clear blue eye's reddened cheeks pink lips.. he become dazed

Nanami noticed it her cheeks reddened she was about to kiss him but it seems Almighty beings of the Upper Realms felt this is too cliche so they send the dark Apostle.The two of them that was on their own world heard a loud cough.

*cough* we are in important meeting" Healthcliff said in teasing voice

Nanami face become so red she released Shen Tian and stepped back fast"um.. um.."

Shen Tian is still in daze recovered for a while. he looked around and become embarressed as well

Klein looked at him like he was a god

Kirito is rubbing his eyes checking if what he is seeing is real

Sachi smiled while looking at nanami

Asuna expression is angry while glaring at him while chanting some mantra in low voice "pervert.... pervert.... pervert....."

Agil was laughing out loud" hahaha"

Nanami who is still embarressed shouted " as everyone know that madgod will join our raid. Tommorow we all will attack 25th floor Boss!! Everyone dismissed!!!" before anyone can say anything Nanami dragged Shen Tian outside fast like lightning.

Klein cried as he shouted" damnn Ice princess has fallen!! I want girlfreind too!!"

Kirito smiled bitterly as he watched Klien and Agil who is patting Klien back while laughing

Some of the crowd cried as well their Ice princess is gone!~

The Moonlit Black Cats smiled because they think Nanami will not be sad anymore because she found her brother

Asuna was about to fallow them but she stopped midway she thought they seems to know each other in realworld.
