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Chapter: How did you know?

Everyone in the party who is at the hall talked about their daily lives Nanami,Sachi, Yuna , Asuna, Griselda and Lizbeth gathered at one big table having some girls talk.

Lizbeth said to Yuna who is sitting facing her "Yuna do you like Turtle? i have noticed your look when Turtle patted your head"

When the other girls heard Lizbeth their eyes sharpened a little while Yuna blushed for a while a silence filled the table.

Lizbeth noticed this she smiled akwardly "sorry Yuna its still ok if you don't answer it"

Yuna who still blushing lowered her head replied hurriedly in a flustered tone "Its ok i think i like Turtle as a Big Brother"

When the other girls heard Yuna they sigh in relief they started talking again.

Yuna thought that was close she smiled and said "I think if your saying liking Big Brother Turtle you should ask Asuna"

The other girls who was talking eyes glowed then Lizbeth said in teasing tone "oh right Asuna is h- hnnmm hmnn!!"

Before Lizbeth can say more her mouth was covered by Asuna hand who is blushing red "what are you saying Liz!?!?! Who would like that.... anyway if your talking about liking Turtle you guys should talk about Griselda she even have already date with him!!!"

Now the girls stared at Griselda who is embarressed by their stare.

" Im just forced by Turtle to eat with him in restaurant " Griselda said while looking at the side with a little blush.

Nanami eyes twitched when she see this and said in surprised tone "this is my first time hearing this. Sh- i mean brother going date with someone!!."

Sachi said in surprise tone"eh Big Sis Ruri why are you so surprised? Big Brother Turtle is so handsome i think its normal if he even have a girlfriend right?"

Nanami thought about 5 years ago Cold Shen Tian she's serving as a maid then said " im always at my brother side and have always been observing him i didn't see him going out with a girl "

Lizbeth face was terrified then turned into blushing face " don't tell me your brother like is a boy"

Asuna,Sachi,Griselda,Yuna and Nanami widen their eyes.

Nanami suddenly stand up and shouted while blushing "Nooo!!"

Everyone in the hall heard Nanami shout they looked at her with confused expression Nanami said in "um sorry guys its nothing"

Nanami goes back to her sit in silence and said to the other girls with a low voice " I know my brother is 100% normal "

"How did you know?" Griselda said in doubtful voice.

Nanami smiled confidently "like i said im always at my brother side i know all about my brother!"

Lizbeth smiled teasingly and said "oh you are always at your brother side and know all about your brother? don't tell me Ruri-san you have brother complex?"

Lizbeth last word eco to the girls ears..

Yuna whispered "Brother....Complex...?

Asuna opened and closed but she couldn't say anything.

Sachi was flustered "um.. um.."

Griselda seems expression is not surprised but her eyes flashed a little.

Nanami thought did she mean i liked Shen-sama?!?!?! she blushed like a red tomato.

Lizbeth looked at the girls expression she laughed " hahahaha "

Shen Tian appeared behind Lizbeth and said "what happened?"

Lizbeth was surprised a little turning her vision toward Shen Tian who is carrying some tray with dishes on it she smiled "Nothing haha "

After putting the dishes on the table Shen Tian turned his gaze on the girls he thought eh..? are they avoiding me? What happened?

"Ah ok" he said and started to moved towards the nearest table sitting there alone.

Shen Tian took out a wine in his inventory pouring a glass for himself and started drinking a little while looking at the hall that is full of happy scene he whispered "Hmm not bad"

Klein and Kirito who see Shen Tian sitting there alone drinking started walked towards him.

Klein sitted at Shen Tian side " Hey Turtle the foods that you made was really delicious!!"

Kirito said while sitting with them " who would have thought the legendary madgod is good at cooking"

Shen Tian drinked some glass of wine and said " Haha Thanks "

" why are you sitting here alone? Don't become a loner like this one here" Klein said while pointing at Kirito.

Kirito was irritated "what did you say?! "

Shen Tian smiled "Im just used to this you should have know im always inside a dungeon solo"

"Hays lets forget about that Turtle does your sister have a boyfriend?" Klein whispered in low voice.

Shen Tian said "you should forget about to go after my sister she doesn't like Old man"

Klein shoulder lowered from the [Critical hit] as if depressed he said in tears "Damnn im still young!! Im only 24...!!"

Kirito patted Klein shoulder " face the reality"

Shen Tian laughed "hahaha"

Klein heard Shen Tian laughed seems irritated he asked in a loud voice "What about you Turtle are there a girl you have interest?"

The loud girls at the other table heard it their table suddenly become quiet.

Shen Tian drink a little wine and said " Girl that i have interest...? "

Klein said " yep interest "

Shen Tian expression become thoughtful thinking about the girls he met stroking his chin he said " There's is "

"Oh legendary madgod is interested in someone this is a big news!! who is it?!" Klein said in surprised voice.

The girls at the other table seems listening here attentively.

Shen Tian said with a smile " Secret "

The girls at the other table is disappointed in his answer as they started to talked again

Kirito as if expecting Shen Tian to answer like that nodded his head.

After that Shen Tian become sleepy still drinking some wine until his vision become black~..
