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Chapter: Yep.. is it ok there..?

Shen Tian is still inside the forest leaning on a tree with his back as he breath heavily. He remembered what happened just a while ago. How he killed them and their faces before they died. He felt scared or afraid ..? He didn't know this feeling.

"Its my first time killing someone to think it will effect me this much" He said in low voice while gazing at his trembling hands.

Shen Tian breath deeply to calm himself he slide his body on the tree until he was sitted on the ground then a message popped from his game window.

[From: Asuna

Hey can i meet you..? cook for me i have a rare S Class meat here hehe ]

"What a wrong timing..." He said in low voice while replying her message

[To: Asuna

Sorry but im really busy in dungeon now]

[From: Asuna

Oh really..? But i see here in my map that your in 66th floor forest its ok if you don't want to meet me you just have to say it... *sad emoji* ]

[To: Asuna

Im not really feeling well right now.... im sorry ]

"I hope she gave up..."

[From: Asuna

Eh!?! your not feeling well? im coming there!!]

When i see her message i panicked and was about to reply to her to not to go but its already too late Asuna appeared there in the forest running here stopping near Shen Tian. When Asuna see Shen Tian state she stared at Him worriedly while going to sit at his side observing him and she said "Turtle what happened!?!?"

" I..." He was about to reply the truth but when he remembered Griselda face when he killed her husband He stopped.

" I... Nothing happened by the way Asuna how did you came here fast..? " He said while turning his face to the side away from Asuna.

"Im already near here when i messaged you and.... wait!" Asuna said as if making some excuse.

" Turtle don't divert the topic and answer my question what happened?? " She said while looking at him seriously.

Shen Tian glanced at her a little before saying "why are you worried so much about me ? your not even my girlfriend..."

" Im...."Asuna seems upset she lowered her head then suddenly rising it staring at Shen Tian she said "Im your friend!! thats right im your friend thats why im really worried about you!!"

Shen Tian heard her say that he felt warm friend hah..? he felt his hand isn't trembling anymore he looked at her face that seems really worried about him he smiled and patted her head "Asuna im really ok now its thanks to you .. "

Asuna was surprised at his sudden change she looked at his handsome face that seems ok now and blushing a little when she felt his hand.

"Um its good that your ok now but you need to tell me why you become like that" She said while smiling at him.

"Oh... hays i will tell you later.. and Asuna you said you want me to cook a S-class meat let me see" He said as if just remembering it.

Asuna excitedly opened the game window for her item so Shen Tian can see it.

[S-Class - Ragout Rabbit meat ×1]

"you see my cooking skill is still not max so i might not be able to cook it or ill just burn it that will be a waste right..? so im asking you of course you won't do it for free " She said while staring at him eagerly.

"We can eat it together you can have half of the food.." She said while looking away at Shen Tian blushing a little.

Shen Tian was surprised looking at Asuna while feeling narcissists he thought did Asuna fell for me..? with my handsome face i think its just a matter of time. If Asuna know what he is thinking right now she would have given him a slap again.

"Ok haha its been a long time since i have tasted S - Class meat how about lets eat it in my house..?" Shen Tian said while smiling at her.

"In your house..? "Asuna asked while looking at Shen Tian with expectation

"Yep.. is it ok there..?" Shen Tian

"Yes lets go eat it in your house!! " Asuna said happily.



Name: Shen Tian

Bloodline: None

Rank: Mortal

Str:65 --> 71

Vit: 65 --> 70

Agt: 67 --> 72

Int: 75 --> 81

Skill: Phantom Step (Rank S): ?????

: Demon instinct (Rank S): ?????

: The way of cooking (Rank A): Learning speed about cooking is 10× enchaned other effects can identify all cooking engridients.

: Piano Mastery (Rank S): ?????

:Heavy weapon Mastery (Rank A): User damage and speed increase by 100%

Equipment or item:

Lesser potion:×2 Can heal anything in (Mortal level world) ]