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Chapter: But!! But! But -

The Loli arrived at VIP hospital ward with the maid following her but suddenly a Nurse appeared there hugging her. The Nurse appearance has a long, slender body and dressed in nurse white uniform,she is a beauty with braided brown hair and glasses. She had a clean and beautiful smile on her face.

"What a cute little girl are you lost..?"the beautiful nurse said as she rubbed her cheek on Loli hair while burying the little girl head on her big chest.

The 4 maid become alert Hakua who seems the leader of the maids said "Who are you?! Get away from young miss or else.."

The athmosphere become tense but the Nurse act as if she didn't notice it teasing the Loli who is in daze inside her embrace. The Loli reacted getting away from the deadly boobs to breath some air a red hue appeared on her cheek pointing her finger on the Beautiful Nurse.

" How dare you touch me with your filthy hands!! Hakua! Get her away from my sight!!" The Loli said in panicked,embarressed manner her cold demeanour a while ago already disappeared.

When Hakua and the other maid was about to dispatch the nurse they heard a familiar voice.

"All of you stop.."

All of them turned their head towards the voice. A mature woman dressed in Maid outfit is there smiling at them with gentle expression she had a beautiful silver hair that reach her waist,sky blue eyes and pretty mature face and her S shaped body.

"Eh!? Old woman Why are you here!?" The Loli shouted as she widen her eyes.

"Braidfeild-san im just joking here..?" The beautiful nurse said in playful manner.

"Mother...." Hakua said in shocked tone while the other three maid bowed their head in silence

When Silvia heard What little Loli said her eyes twiched 'Im still young alright!?!?' Then she said in calm tone "Young miss Im here to protect young master and my daughter body i should be the one asking young miss why are you here because i think young master ordered you can't meet him until your an adult"

The Loli thoughts 'protecting my onii-chan..? If this old woman is here then i will never be able to do some echi stuff with my onii-chan tsk i should find some excuse'

"Hmmp my onii-chan is in deaths door already if he died who will inherit the dragon group ..? you should know in our family have a tradition that only male can become the heir so im here to bear a male child with onii-chan" Loli said in serious expression but inside she is jumping happily she thought ' Mei your really genius how was that old woman?!...'

"Oh my..." The beautiful Nurse covered her mouth with surprised expression when she heard that.

Hakua and the other 3 maids is silent because their already used to hear some nonsense in their young miss mouth.

Silvia was silent for a while she said "youn------------------------"


-December 27, 2023 Shen Tian, 22th floor-

Shen Tian is eating right now with Nanami in the living room silently the athmospere is akward because of what they did yesterday night and this morning Nanami head is lowered while eating her breakfast Shen Tian can't see her face but if you look closely her ears is red from embarressment

Nanami thoughts 'what should i do!!! Shen-sama and i did it... ehehehe.... but will Shen-sama accept me as his wife..? im just a lowly maid and he is heir of the Dragon Group..... ' her expression become sad.

"Nanami about our relationship y-" Shen Tian said.

"Shen-sama i know im just a lowly maid but plss.. don't abondon me!!!" Nanami said as tears started to gather on her eyes while staring at him.

Shen Tian was surprised at her outburst then he smiled going to Nanami side to sit with her. He patted her golden hair.

"Your really silly!! Hahaha and why would i abondon a beauty..? im just saying from now on your my Wife!" He said while smiling at her.

Nanami widen her eyes her brain short circuited from the word wife then she recovered for a while.

"But!! im just a maid and your a heir of Dragon group..."Nanami said in sad tone but she looked at him with hope.

Shen Tian smiled while patting her golden hair.

"Do i look like who care's about our Status?" He said

"But! The Dragon group won't allow our relationship" Nanami said while lowering her head.

"Hah Dragon group!? Im the Boss there anyway if they have objection about our relationship ill wack them" Shen Tian said in arrogant manner.

"But -" Nanami

Before she could say anything Shen Tian hugged her to his chest.

"How about give up your resistance Nanami hehe from now on your Shen Tian first wife!!" Shen Tian said as he hugged her tightly.

"I... Im.. Shen-sama first wife...huhuhu..." Nanami who is inside Shen Tian embrace cried in tears of joy.

The two of them hugged each other for a while. Until Nanami recovered happy ending happy ending~ But suddenly Shen Tian felt some pain.

"Ouch! whats that for Nanami!?!?" Shen Tian shouted out of pain.

"Hehe Shen-sama i just noticed something what do you mean First wife..? " Nanami said while forcing a smile as she pinched his waist hard.

Shen Tian thoughts 'fvck slipped tongue ays...' he said "um you see....I.."

"Shen-sama your really a pervert even thought i said as a heir you can have a harem but to think your really planning about it... " Nanami said expressing her dissatisfaction while getting out from his hug

Shen Tian lowered his head in shame. Seeing that Nanami pouted looking away from him.

"Well Shen-sama its not like im opposed to you having other girls as long as i have a place in your heart but as your first wife they need my approval first!!" Nanami said while pouting cutely with a red hue on her cheek.

"Nanami i really love you to death!! " Shen Tian said happily hugging her again tightly

"Waah!! shen-sama~!!"
