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Chapter: Waaaaah!!!

While Shen Tian was thinking how to get out of this mess he heard a voice from the side making him and Asuna turn his head towards there.

"Helo~ Big Brother Turtle and Asuna-san, what a concidence meeting you two here hehe" Yuna is smiling sweetly while sitting on a chair that is besides Shen Tian. She moved more closer to Shen Tian so their shoulder is touching each other now.

Shen Tian is surprised when their shoulder touched a little while Asuna eyes glowed a little.

"Turtle, your relationship with Yuna is really close" Asuna said while forcing a smile.

"Haha she is like a little sister to me" Shen Tian laughed patting Yuna beautiful brown hair.

Yuna seems dissatisfied when he said little sister but she didn't let it show on her face.

After Yuna kissed him that day she become even more clingy to him. He already know that she liked him but Shen Tian didn't advance to her because she might not agree to share him. His relationship with Nanami is secret he want to tell his friend their true relationship but Nanami stopped him she didn't tell the reason why thought..

When he was thinking about that a message popped from his game window.

[From: Agro

Turtle Titans Hand Orange Guild is last seen in 35th floor forest of wonderer if you go there now plss Be careful and don't forget you owe me *playful smile emoji* ]

Shen Tian smiled he was already used to Argo teasing him.He need to go now because if he didn't go now the Titans guild might go to other places to do their killing bussines. Standing up from his sit.

"Yuna and Asuna i gotta go, i have something to do now lets meet again later." Shen Tian started walking towards the exit.

Yuna stand up from her sit too because she want to follow Shen Tian "Big brother Turtle, where are you going? can i go with you?"

"No " Shen Tian denied without a hesitation.

"Ok..." Yuna expression become upset as she gaze at his back who is leaving here. She didn't asked anymore because she know if his big brother doesn't let her go with him. Its for her own good.

"How about me, Turtle can i go with you ?" Asuna shouted from her sit.

Shen Tian stopped at the door he hesitated for a while before replying

"No " he still denied because he will be fighting Orange guild he might ended up killing someone. He doesn't want to be seen when he is killing.

Asuna stared at Shen Tian leaving back she thought 'hmmp this fellow is really dense i thought he already know my feeling... but i think its my fault because after he kissed me that day i started to avoid him *sigh* do i need to say my feeling for him to understand it...?'

Asuna blushed at that thought laying her head on the table.

"Idiot...." she whispered while drawing a circle on the table with her finger.

Yuna who is at the side stared at Asuna weirdly.


--December 25, 2023 Real world Japan-

"Hmmp, my onii-chan is in deaths door already if he died who will inherit the dragon group ..?, you should know in our family have a tradition that only male can become the heir, so im here to bear a male child with onii-chan" Loli said in serious expression but inside she is jumping happily she thought ' Mei your really genius how was that old woman?!..."

Silvia was silent for a while observing who is on the room. The little girl is looking at her with a smug expression, Beautiful Nurse who seems surprised at what this Loli said and the four maid with deadpan expression when they heard the Loli speak.

"Young miss, your saying you want to create a hier because young master is in his deaths door?" Silvia said calmly.

"Hmmp what else for ? Its for Dragon Group future" The Loli said shamelessly with a smug look on her face while she thought ' Old woman surrender now hehe you can't defeat Genius Mei '

"Looks like young miss, you really need to go back to Philippines where young master sent you" Silvia said calmly while a smile formed on her lips.

"What do you mean!? " The Loli shouted while she stared at her with surprised expression. The other maids stared at Silvia too with Curious expression on their face.

"Because young master isn't in his deaths door at all, Plss Miss Nurse Aki explain it to young miss" Silvia said while she looked at the beautiful Nurse direction.

"explain! " The little girl glared at the beautiful nurse but not on the nurse face she glared at the boobs that almost suffocated her a moment ago. The beautiful nurse stepped forward her playfullness aura already disappeared.

"Helo nice to meet you young miss Mei Tian, my name is Aki Natsuki i works for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF), my rank is Sergeant First Class because of your Big Brother special background we JGSDF used all of our forces to get him out of this game but we failed" Aki said while she getting the loptop that is on the small table nearby letting them see the content of it.

[ID 1111 - Turtle Lvl 98

ID 0966 - Heathcliff lvl 91

ID 0233 - Kirito lvl 90

ID 1112 - Ruri lvl 89



ID 8967 - Asuna lvl 89

----- ]

"Even thought we failed to do that but our hard work isn't invain because we dicovered that Mister Shen Tian Lvl, Currently he have the highest lvl inside the Sword Art Online, so the higher ups of JGSDF send me to take care of him" Aki said with a smile.

"So young miss you don't need to worry about your big brother, Just obey young master order to stay in the philippines in the meantime" Sivia said as she smile gently at Mei.

In Little Mei eyes Sivia is smiling at her evily she tried to make an excuses "But onii-chan isn-"

"Shadow maids plss lead young miss out.." Silvia interrupted her. The window in the hospital opened,one of the tiles on the floor moved aside, a piece of wood dropped from the ceiling making a hole on it A maids with black mask appeared from the holes inside the room from all direction.

Little mei looked at the shadow maids she know this guys is the protector of the Dragon Group in the darkness they never appeared in public they only secretly protect the main family in the shadow. She glared at Silvia while she thought 'Do i need to use that thing...?'

Hakua and the other maids readied their self they said "young miss orders..?"

"Waaaaah!!!" Little Mei suddenly rushed forward the people in the room couldn't react but what happened next left them dumbfounded Little Mei was on the ground kneeling with her head touching the floor.

"Plssss Silvia onee-sama let me stay here !! i will behave myself!! i just want to see onii-chan !! I miss him so much!!" Little mei said while looking at Silvia with her big red eyes like an abandoned puppy.

She thought evily 'hihihi no one can stop me to meet my onii-chan'

The shadow maids sweat drop, Hakua facepalmed while the other three maid are silent their they were embarressed for their master shamlessness.

Silvia eyes twiched as she stared at this little imp silently.

Aki who is at the side giggle " hehehe Silvia i think we should let her stay for a while"

Silvia sighed
