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Chapter: Onii-chan...

All of them, stepped inside the Boss room slowly. its dark inside, they only see a two blue gem in the middle, they know that its the Boss monster eyes. The big tourches inside the room, started to lighten up, the surroundings with blue flames.

"The Gleam Eyes...." Kirito said in low voice, while looking at the physical appearance of the boss.

What they see is a demonic monster, with muscles as taut as ropes rippling up its towering form.Its skin was deep blue, and its eyes glinted with the same blue-white hue, matching the tint of the flames in its boss room. Its head, resting atop its thick chest, was that of a goat's rather than a human's and had an an elongated snout and thick, twisted horns stretching backward from the sides of the head. The lower half of its body with bestial legs was covered in long, navy hair.Its main weapon was an equally massive blade that looked like a zanbato.

"That looked strong..." Klein said

"Sachi team goes to the front, lets test the boss capabilities first" Nanami said

"Yes!" Sachi and the others who is using a large shield, formed a line facing the boss.

"Roar!!!" The Gleam eyes rushed towards the group of player, rising its broad sword smashing it on sachi team.

*BOOM!* "WAH!* some shielder was blown away from the impact, as the Boss swing its broad sword seeing this Nanami frowned.

"The players gap of power with the boss, are really getting larger..." Nanami said

"Yuna!! " Nanami

"Hai!!" Yuna straightened her back, when she heard her name called

Nanami see that she smiled.

"Yuna sing a song for your beloved..." She whispered to her ears.

Yuna blushed nodding her head with a smile, and she started singing (Smile for me)

"Oh!!" The players who heard her song have some attack buffs, and their moral become high!!

Nanami turned her head towards Shen Tian, signaling him to take action.

Shen Tian smiled he patted Kirito and Klein shoulder.

"Lets attack it now" He said while smiling at them.

"Ill fight it!! with Yuna song im invincible!!" Klein shouted but his legs is trembling a bit, while looking at the boss furious attacks.

"Hahaha just follow my lead" Shen Tian

"Ok " Kirito nodded his head seriously.

Shen Tian and his group rushed towards the boss.

The players eyes shined. As they watched Shen Tian team are about to attack the boss.

"Make a way" Shen Tian


"Hah!!!" Sachi and her team who is blocking the boss attacks, countered it by using their spear skill The boss first Hp have 1/2 and 3 other full hp bar left.

"Roar!!!"The Boss broad sword glowed, thrusting it on Sachi and the others, they readied their shield to recieve the attack.

Shen Tian appeared there he slashed his claymore towards the Broadsword.

*Ding!!* the air scattered from the impact

"Grrrr.."The boss was pushed 5 steps.

The other players stared at awe, as they stopped moving.

"What are all doing, move!!!" Nanami shouted rushing to the front as well with her sword, The other player awaked from their stupor.

"Switch.." Shen Tian

"Hah!! "Kirito and Klein attacked the boss on both side, but it was blocked by the boss.

Shen Tian leaped on the air, he raised his glowing claymore above his head. Chopping it on the boss head.

"Earthquake strike!!"

That slash took the 1 full bar hp of the boss.

"Roar!!!" The boss is angry tooking a deep breath its mouth glowed with Blue fire, signaling its using a skill.

"Be carefull!!" Nanami,Kirito and Klein attacked it in three different direction, canceling the boss howling skill.

"Roar!!" The boss smashed its sword towards Shen Tian who is still on the mid air.

Shen Tian blocked it with its claymore, but the boss expected that as it throw a powerful punch on him. He see the boss fist coming towards his face, he holded the two handed sword with his one hand. How can he do that? Because he have 2nd unique skill (Dual Blades).

"Hah!!"Shen Tian clenched his hand into fist, he didn't hold back anymore punching it.

"BOOM!!!* As their fist meet, the dust scattered through the air.

"Roar!!!" The boss was blowned away 10 meters.

"Sh*t..." Klein and the other players are shocked, they know he can hit to fly a boss, but he did it using his fist..?thats impossible, even Nanami couldn't react this time and Yuna song stopped as well she stared at Shen Tian with admiration.

Shen Tian felt everyone stare, He gazed at the boss who have 1 hp bar left.

"What are you guys waiting for?!? The boss is low health lets attack it together it might give a rare Weapon or Item!!" Shen Tian shouted

When the players heard that, they stopped staring at him, they all gaze at the boss like its a lamp of delicious meat.

"Oh!!"Other Players rushing towards it in different direction like a mobs

After 5 mins the pitiful boss was killed by mob of players.


--December 25, 2023 Real world Japan-

Mei can't take it anymore, and slided the blue curtain. To see her beloved onii-chan, but her face turned red, from what she have seen inside. behind her, Hakua and the three maid blushed too. even Nurse Aki and Silvia have a red hue on their cheek, because they see a handsome young man, wearing a nerve gear. laying on a bed naked. What made them embarresed is, the long thick thing between his legs.

Silence filled the room.

*cough* "can you guys leave now...? im still cleaning mister Shen body." Blushing Nurse said to the group, breaking them from their stupor.

"Ah yes yes! All of you get out" Silvia said to her group in haste, while blushing her calm demeanour already disappeared.

The group start leaving the room with blush on their cheek, except for Mei who is still blushing hard while staring at her brother perfect body, with shining eyes she breathed heavily.

"Onii-chan..." She said in low voice, while clamping her small smooth legs.

"Young miss where going outside first" Siliva said while dragging Mei with her, to go outside the room, but she steal some glance on Shen Tian body on the way.

The blushing nurse who is left inside the room started doing her job....
