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Chapter: Who is Shenchi?

After Ohtomo sensei finished his lecture, Natsume stand up from her sit going towards the door, before she goes outside the classroom, she glared at Shen Tian as if saying if you don't follow me ill fight you to death.

The students moved near Shen Tian because they wanted to ask something about his relationship with natsume, but before they could say anything Shen Tian leaved there to go outside. He walked in the hallway but indifferent direction of Natsume.

"Where are you going!?!?" Natsume shouted at Shen Tian seeing him going in different path from her.

The students on the hallway were attracted by the sound as they started gathering there.

"Who is that?" Random student

"He is a transfer student, i heard his relationship with youko reincarnation is close"a female student replied.

"Oh something new" A confident looking student said

Shen Tian didn't reply he just continue to walk away from her.

"You..." Natsume

Natsume didn't have choice so she followed him unwillingly walking besides Shen Tian.

"Why aren't you obeying me!? aren't you my bodyguard?" Natsume whispered to him

"If you don't stop ill say to my father to fired you!"

He didn't reply to her no matter what she said to him. Until they arrived at the library.

Shen Tian started reading some books, while standing near a bookshelf Natsume who is at his side already lost her patience being ignored by him.

"Im done here!!!" She said before stamping her feet on the ground due to her anger then turning around to go outside the Library.

"So why are you following me?" Shen Tian suddenly said while looking at the book content on his hands.

"Im gonna ignore you!!!" Natsume said

"I did that because when i saw you inside the classroom you looked lonely" Shen Tian said still looking at the book contents.

"I..." Natsume stopped

"I... who will become the tsuchimikado next head don't need your sympathy!!!" Natsume shouted at him then she widen her eyes noticing that she said too much. She looked around to check if someone heard her to Natsume relief no one is inside the Library right now except for the two of them because its launch time.

"No you need it" Shen Tian

Natsume seems shocked at his reply then she escaped from there.

Shen Tian was left alone inside the library he is still reading some books because he wanted to know why can he only use sound spells and to know more about this world.


-Natsume outside the school-

Natsume is sitting on a bench right now she was thinking about what happened inside the library a while ago.

"That guy... hmmp! He's too hateful!!"

"Ill just ignore him from now on, oh no its time to meet with my friends!!!" Natsume said while making some hand sign to control her familiar from far away. Spirit enery started gathering in her hands it shoot through the air like a bullet.


-Night Time-

Shen Tian is in the boys dorm right now reading a letter. His dorm have a one bed and desk and some school uniform inside his closet.

[From: Tsuchimikado Chizuru

From now on your gonna be living there in the omnyo dorm your living expenses will be given by Natsume-chan if you have any other questions just ask her and have a good day~ bye Shenchi! ]

"Who is Shenchi?" Shen Tian retort in reflex. He stared at his bed for a while 'I don't feel sleepy at all... is it because im in my spirit form? and it seems i can eat some food and taste it.' He thought

"I need to train" Shen Tian said while thinking about when he first used his magic.

Shen Tian opened the window stepping on the air he started to find a place for him to train and inspect his new powers. He landed in some forest and sitted cross legged in the air feeling the light core inside his soul.

The light core inside his soul become 2 times bigger, there's something orbiting around it like the moon around the earth, Its shaped in a ball. He stared closer to it, he noticed its an eye a concentrated spirit or something shaping it like that, it looked like rennigan eye in naruto anime.

"This is maybe the reason why i can use 'Shinra Tensei' using the sound magic and it might changed some in my cultivation technique" Shen Tian

"If i can use powers from naruto then wouldn't it make me able to use powers in other anime as well?!?!"

Shen Tian took a deep breath he floated in the sky then he started rotating his light core inside his body.

"Roar of the fire dragon!!!" Shen Tian roared but nothing came out inside his mouth like he imagined. He changed his stance like in the dragonball when Goku used kame-kame-ha.

"Kame... Kame... Ha!!!" Shen Tian shouted while pushing his hands to the front of his body but nothing happened. He changed his stance again like naruto when using his favorite jutsu.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!" Shen Tian shouted with all his might but nothing happened again.


Shen Tian gave up but an idea came to his mind. 'maybe he can only use rennigan powers' He thought

Shen Tian started to weave some three hand sign, while pointing it near the mountain.

"Tengai Shinsei!!!" Shen Tian shouted while his spirit energy is being consumed fast he wanted to stop it but he couldn't control his spirit energy, until he losed his concious floating on the sky with his weakened soul. He didn't know his hands is right now pointed in the tokyo city.


-Earth space athmosphere-

A rock in a size of 40 diameter suddenly appeared as started falling from the outer space. its destination is on japan, tokyo city


- Tokyo City -

"Mama whats that?" A little kid said, tugging his mothers cloth while pointing on the sky. The sky have a streak of red light. Some people noticed it they started pointing it and taking some photo.


The people inside the Omnyo Agency started to panicked because in their estimation the falling star will fall near their place.

"Do not panic!!! Put some barrier around the buildings to easy the impact!!!" A stern looking man shouted to them.

A girl with red haired throw some peice of paper on the air. There are many people behind her doing it the same.

"From the East, akada. From the West, shutoko. From the South satteiro. From the North sodamani sowaka!!!!" The red haired girl chanted with the hundred people behind her.

A barrier started to form around the training area of the Omnyo Agency in cilinder shaped sealing it within. some stars form on the barrier and its 100 diameter big.

"Everyone ready for the impact!!!"

*BOOOM!!!!* the shooting star struck on the top of the training area of Omnyo Agency destroying it. The impact destroyed even the barrier and blowing dust and derbis through the air. It even created a small earthquake making some close buildings collapse near it.

"AH!!!" Many people was blown away by the impact.
