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Chapter: *thud thud thud*

"I- " Shen Tian

"I....?" Natsume said while titling her head

"I think ill pass im busy tonight" Shen Tian said after seeing the new quest.

"Busy? Ok..." Natsume said in low tone that seems sad.

"I need to go now" Shen Tian said before disappearing there like a smoke, using his phantom steps.

Natsume become dumbfounded, its her first time seeing Shen Tian use his skills even in school she didn't witness him using spirit energy he just looked like ordinary human, because when it comes to practical class Shen Tian always skip it he just attended the theory class. Some of the students even complained about it to the principal, they thought Shen Tian is doomed at that time but nothing happened and Shen Tian just continued to skip practical class after that the students didn't complain anymore inside their mind 'Shen Tian must have a big background that even the school couldn't do anything to him'


In night time there's a bustling area on the side of the mountain there's many people going there while wearing Yukata. But there's someone standing out there, on the side a little girl with twintailed blonde hair is currently walking on this bustling streets she is wearing a pink frail top, white skirt, and black boots with knee socks.

"So Tsuchimikado Natsume is here..." The twin-tailed blonde whispered while looking around.


Shen Tian is sitting on a tree branch while observing the three people below, they are Harutora, Touji and Natsume or Hokuto because he know Dairenji Suzuka will appear near the three of them but currently the three friends are in conflict. Suddenly Harutora smashed the wooden tablet on the ground.


Natsume picked the wooden tablet on the ground with some tears on her eyes she hugged the wooden tablet as if its a precious treasure.

"Stupid... Harutora!!!" Natsume/Hokuto shouted before running out there.

Shen Tian who is watching at the side couldn't take it anymore he weared a fox mask the one that he buyed in the stall in the festival while following them, and he used his phantom steps appearing near Harutora and Touji shocking them.

"Waah!" Harutora shouted in panic voice. Even Touji body become stiff his body become alert as he looked at Shen Tian who is wearing a fox mask.

Shen Tian punched Harutora on the face without saying anything.

"Ah!! " Harutora shouted in pain as he flew on the air landing 3 meters away from his original position.

Touji couldn't react at what happened but when he recovered his friend is already on the ground, he helped Harutora to get up on his own. then glaring at the masked figure infront of him.

"I didn't know who you are but you hurted my friend" Touji said as he readied his stance and was about to rush to Shen Tian like a delinquent.

"Thats what you get for making my little sister cry" Shen Tian said as his red pupil glow from the fox mask eye gap.

Touji stopped on his track even Harutora who is feeling the pain on his face looked at Shen Tian with dumbfounded expression.

"Little sister...?" Harutora said in Bewildered voice.

"You mean...?" Touji who got the clue asked as if asking for confirmation.

"Im Na- Hokuto Big brother!, you blonde haired kid if i see you again making my little sister cry like that ill punch your face until your parents can't recognize you" Shen Tian said in threatening tone. As he unconciously activated the Demonic instinc skill making Horutora and Touji trembled from his voice.

"Hey genius kid over there--" a feminine voice

Shen Tian, Harutora and Touji couldn't help but look at where the voice came from then they see A blonde little girl standing there while licking a lolipop.

"Will you take part in my experiment Tsuchimikado Natsume?" The blonde haired girl said while pointing her hands at Touji.

Harutora, Touji and Shen Tian couldn't reply for a while as silence filled the air.

"Little girl are you the one that wanted to revive her brother?" Shen Tian suddenly said

Harutora and Touji widen their eyes even The blonde little girl have a shocked expression on her face then it recovered quick she stared seriously at Shen Tian, who is wearing a fox mask as if she wanted to know his identity but after a while she let it go because she couldn't feel a spiritual energy inside his body.

"So what?" She answered arrogantly.

"I will help you" Shen Tian

"Hah!? You think you can hel--"

Before The little girl could finish her sentence 3 high tech military vehicle surrounded them, the conon above the high tech vehicle shoot some paper talisman through the air as it transform into spirit bird circling around them.

*thud thud thud*

The high tech vehicle's door opened as men and women in grey suit came out from there surrounding them while pointing a pistols and some talisman at the blonde little girl.

"State Onmyo Mage First Class Dairenji Suzuka, Under Onmyo Law you are under arrest for suspicion of use Forbidden Magic!!!" One of the grey suited men shouted.

"This is bad... my quest might fail i need to move now" Shen Tian murmured.

"Surrender!! Resistance is futile!!" The grey suited man

Dairenji Suzuka smirked as a humanoid machine above her appeared.

"Its the artifical type Model M3, Asura, built by the Onmyo Agency" Touji said in awe.

*crick crick* The humanoid artificial familiar started to move.

The grey suited people sweated at this sight but when they where about to use their pistol and talisman a black flashed behind them knocking them unconcious on the ground.

"Ah..." *thud thud thud*

Harutora, Touji and Dairenji are confused right now when they see the grey suited people fell on the ground then Shen Tian appeared 2 meters away from Dairenji standing there lazily.

"Are you the one who did this...?" Dairenji

"Like i said i want to help you to revive your brother" Shen Tian said calmly.

"How would you want me to believe you?" Dairenji asked while looking warily at Shen Tian.

"Let me tell you first Natsume Tsuchimikado isn't here, Didn't you need Natsume Tsuchimikado spiritual energy?Ill give it to you tonight but just promise me one thing" Shen Tian.

"Hoh... , what promise do you want?" Dairenji asked in intresting manner.

"I want you to promise me that you will never hurt anyone before you perform the Taizan Fukun Ritual" Shen Tian

"Not hurt anyone? Hahahahaha! Are you trying to become a hero?" Dairenji said in sarcastacilly.

"You should be more clearer who is among the two of us is trying to become a hero" Shen Tian said calmly

Dairenji bit her lips then lowering her head a bit. She stared at Shen Tian red pupil that is seen from the gap of fox mask eyes.

"Tssk!! Alright i promise but.... If i don't recieve Natsume Tsuchimikado spiritual energy on the Altar tonight remember.. ill hunt you!!" Dairenji said while glaring at Shen Tian

Shen Tian stared back at her calmly, seeing that he isn't saying anything Dairenji left there with her Humanoid Artificial Familiar.

Dairenji retreated because she didn't know how powerful her opponent this time, She didn't want to risk it.

Shen Tian, Harutora, Touji and the unconcious grey suited people's on the ground are left there.

Shen Tian walked away there as well.

"Wait!! What do you mean you will get Natsume spiritual energy!?!?!" Harutora shouted after he recovered from what happened.

Shen Tian stopped 'right i still need to teach this blonde a lesson and give him little push' he thought.

"Thats right ill extract a spiritual energy on Natsume, Blonde do you know how it feel when someone is taking a spiritual energy inside their body?" Shen Tian

"They will feel pain that will make them wish that they wanted to die..." Shen Tian said not waiting for them to reply

"Why you!!!" Harutora rushed towards Shen Tian as he punched on his face but Shen Tian just catched his fist.

"your not a spirit seer your just an ordinary human, your powerless! What can you do?" Shen Tian

"Agh!!" Touji

Touji couldn't watch it anymore, his half orge started to take over him,a two horn appeared on his forhead as he rushed to Shen Tian with heavy step to punch him on the stomach, but Shen Tian still cought it with his left arm softly. He throwed Harutora on the ground 10 meters away from him then putting some strength on his left arm smashing Touji towards the tree canceling his ogre form.

*thud* *BOOM!!*

"You two are too weak. I suggest you to go to Onmyo prep school first before you guys interfere in this kind of matter, ill gonna be leaving now" Shen Tian leaped through the air as he disappeared in the sky.

Harutora and Touji heard what Shen Tian said before they lost their concious.
