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Chapter: Master.....

-Omnyo prep highschool 4th floor-

Natsume, Arturia and everyone waited for Shen Tian in the 4th floor of omnyo prep highschool but after half hour he still haven't arrived yet.

"Don't tell me he isn't coming anymore....?" Touji said while stroking his chin.

"Ah! I think Shen Tian won't be coming here anymore, where just wasting our time here!!" Natsume said as if a light bulb lightened her head while fuming a bit.

"Eh why?" Kyouko and Arturia said in dumbfounded manner.

"I have known Shen Tian in a long time and i have dicovered..... he is too lazy!!, he must have been in the dorm now!! Sitting comfortably on the sofa!!!" Natsume said as she clenched her fist while feeling irrirated.

"Ill check first..." Arturia tried to feel where Shen Tian is. Then she discovered that Shen Tian is really in the dorm right now.

"So where's Shen Tian...?" Kyouko

"Um..... master is really in the dorm right now..." Arturia said while feeling embarressed.

"Eh!!??" Tenma

"Ill go back to the dorm now to meet Shen Tian, Kyouko Touji and Tenma you guys should report this matter to the principal" Natsume said, not waiting for their reply she rushed towards the stairs.

Kyouko, Touji and Tenma couldn't react.

*cough* "im going to my master side now my job is already complete" Arturia said before disappearing in her spot.

"Wait..." Kyouko wanted to say something but its already too late Arturia already disappeared.

The three who is left there didn't have a choice as they report the matter to the principal while carrying unconcious Harutora and Kon.


-Omnyo prep highschool dorm in Shen Tian room-

Shen Tian is currently sitting lazily on his sofa while in deep thought 'the omnyo Agency might want to hunt me now because i beaten two divine general.. or if i remember correctly Omnyo Agency head is Yakou devote as well so they might recuit me...' while thinking about this things his room door opened suddenly surprising him a bit.

"Oya whats the matter Natsume?" Shen Tian said while still sitting on the coach.

"Whats the matter you say?!" Natsume said irritatedly.

"Didn't i already send my familiar to rescue you...?" Shen Tian said while feeling confused but still have lazy expression on his face.

Natsume become more irritated when she see his face so she goes to Shen Tian front cornering him on the couch while leaning a bit towards him, she grabbing his collar.

"To think that you have a powerful familiar, now Shen tell me the others secrets you have there!!" Natsume shouted as she shake Shen Tian.

"Eh.....?" Shen Tian become dumbfounded but after a while he recovered and he looked at Natsume face who is right now too close to him, She have a purple long hair, purple wine eyes that mesmerizing him.

"Why do you want to know?" Shen Tian asked while looking straight to her purple eyes.

"Yo-..your my bo-body guard!! So i should know more about you right!!" Natsume said as a blush a appeared on her cheeks but she didn't back out at all while staring at Shen Tian eyes.

Shen Tian felt something inside him shooked as he watch this beautiful woman infront of him act this way, then he remember that if he breakthrough to late tempering stage he needed to leave here and go back to SAO, if he leaved in this world who knows how long will he be able to come back?. He stared at Natsume for a while.

Natsume felt Shen Tian burning gaze she become even more embarressed and was about to back out but Shen Tian grabbed her pulling her towards him.

"Wah!!!" Natsume shouted as she was pulled by Shen Tian inside his embrace. When she noticed that her head is on his broad chest, her face become more redder, a smoke appeared on her ears.

"Wah.. w-what are you doing!?!" Natsume shouted in embarressed tone as she struggle away from Shen Tian embrace but he didn't let her go as he made her sit on his lap.

"Plss let me hug you for a while..." Shen Tian said in low voice as if he is pleading her.

When Natsume heard him, she stopped moving for a while they stayed in this position for minutes, then she couldn't help but look up to Shen Tian face, his eyes is closed, then she noticed his head starts falling as if wanting to kiss her.

"Shen..." Natsume whispered as she closed her eyes waiting for his kiss but Shen Tian didn't kiss her, his face is buried on her soft purple hair.


"Shen don't tell me you fell sleep...?" Natsume said when she felt, no movements from Shen Tian, she started to feel comfortable as well as her eyes start to close.

They didn't know that someone is watching them from the start as the two of them fell sleep on the couch.

"Master....." Arturia said in low voice as she placed her hand on her chest while watching them, then some tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.
