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Chapter: Yakou Devote


"Evacuate the students and the civillians!!!" The middle aged man who is 1 of the 5 omnyoji a while ago ordered to the other omnyoji. The other omnyoji started to moved around evacuating everyone.

"Hokuto!!! Come out and purify it!!" Natsume shouted as she pointed her finger at the evolving Nue, Because Kagami is letting it Evolved into phase 4 Nue.

"Dragon..? This is getting fun hahahaah so you are Tsuchimikado Natsume" Kagami laughed when he see the golden western dragon summoned by Natsume.

"Natsume be careful!!" Harutora shouted while he carried Touji who is feeling uncomfortable because of the black maisma.

"Roar!!!!!!" Hakuto fly throught the air and it start to warp its body on the nue like a snake.

*BOOOM!!!!* The black maisma start to surge to the phase 3 Nue faster.

"Grrrrrr!!! Grrah!!!" The Nue evolved into a big Orge like body its hieght become ten meters, struggling away from Hakuto grip.

"Phase 4 Nue...." The middle aged man face become pale. Even everyone frozen on their spot.

"Hakuto don't let it escape until everyone evacuated!!!" Natsume shouted as she felt her spiritual energy being consumed.

"This is really fun hahaha now its time to hunt my prey" Kagami smiled he walk start walking to it slowly but before he could do anything a big wooden sword appeared on the sky

*BOOOOM!!!!!!* The dust scattered through the air as the big wooden sword pereiced the Stage 4 Nue from top to bottom.

"Aaaaaarrrgg!!!!!" The stage 4 Nue screamed before exploding in light particles.

"Its been purified...?" Kyouko who is with her classmate said in awe when they see the big wooden sword still stabbed on the ground its hieght is about 15 meters high.

"Hokuto come back" Natsume called her familiar back, after recovering from her stupor.

"Who are you?" Kagami said in serious tone because he see someone at the hilt of the Big wooden sword he is standing there.

"Im a yakou devote" The person who is at the top of the wooden sword hilt said calmly.

"Yakou devote..." Natsume stepped back as her face become pale.

"Yakou devote....?" Harutora 'fox mask... and that way of talking isn't he hokuto brother?!?!?!'

(Author: *cough* There is two Hokuto here.

Hokuto - the golden western dragon Natsume familiar

Hokuto - Natsume used this Familiar to disguise as a girl with short hair to be friends with Harutora and Touji)

"That wooden sword... your the one who defeated old man amami and that barrier woman, i have seen you in video but too bad we didn't discover your identity or else i would have hunted you already"

"But now that you dilivered yourself to me don't blame me then" Kagami smiled while licking his lips.

"Kagami the ogre eater... i don't like your face" Shen Tian said calmly before disappearing on his spot.

"fast!" Kagami widen his eyes, he gathered spiritual energy in his finger then clawing his hands on empty air shaping it into cross.

Shen Tian appeared there at Kagami front.

"But i can still see you (un)!" Kagami chanted a word and a burst of lightning appeared around him attacking Shen Tian.

*criks criks!!* When the lightning hit Shen Tian he disappeared like a smoke it was only his clone.

"You can't see me idiot..." Shen Tian flashed besides him he punched kagami on the face.

*BOOM* Dust scattered through the air as Kagami was blown away.

"Agh!!!" Kagami is right now laying on the ground as he spat some blood on the floor, He lost his concious. Shen Tian stared at him for a while seeing he isn't getting up 'eh? isn't this too easy..? nevermind'

Shen Tian turn his gaze to his classmates, they didn't know who he is so some of them stepped back from fear. He start walking slowly towards them.

"W-what do you want!!" Kyouko shouted seeing Shen Tian who is wearing fox mask nearing them.

"Stop right there!!! Or else..." Natsume said anxiously as she took out a talisman from her pocket.

Shen Tian stopped on his step then he pointed at Touji who is being carried by Harutora while thinking 'Hàte said he wanted to absorb that orge hate... hmm and if he absord it, Touji will be able to use his orge ability perfectly, anyway i like this Touji guy in anime lets say im helping him a bit'

"You.. you want to kidnap Touji!?!?!" Harutora

Kon appeared besides Harutora she glared at Shen Tian showing her cute fang and katana.

Shen Tian shook his head and start walking again until he is near harutora and Touji.

"I said stop!!!" Natsume shouted at him but Shen Tian didn't listen he extended his hands towards Touji head.

"You!- eh master..." Kon readied her katana and was about to attack Shen Tian but she was stopped by Harutora by pulling her head, Harutora know that their not Shen Tian match seeing one of the twelve general have been beaten easily by him.

When everyone is about to see Shen Tian nearing them they hold their breath because they see a black maisma came out of Touji head it shaped like a little orge it was sucked into Shen Tian palms as it struggle away from it but it couldn't do anything until Shen Tian absorbed it.

"Thats..." Harutora is dumbfounded seeing what happened, because he know that there's a sealed orge inside Touji.

*vroom vroom!!!* a motor engine noise from afar.

Shen Tian extended his hand to the wooden sword.

*wooosh* The wooden sword become smaller and smaller,returning to its normal size before it floated towards Shen Tian hands.

"Is that.. a magic tool..?" Tenma

Shen Tian looked at the direction where the Motor noise is coming from 'That Tengu guy is coming if i remember correctly he is strong as Ohtomo jin hmm i might not be able to defeat him easily, my mission is just to become decoy anyway.' He used his phantom steps retreating in the opposite direction of where the noise is coming from.

After Shen Tian left like a wind, Natsume Tenma and Kyouko rushed to check on Touji condition.

"Is he ok?"

"Yeh.. for now he calmed down" Harutora said while he looked at His friend who is sleeping peacefuly on his back.

"That guy who is wearing fox mask did he just helped us.....?"

"But he is a yakou devote..." Natsume

"I think i met him before..." Harutora said after thinking for a while he decided to tell his friends what happened that night in the festival. After telling them the story most of his friends have shock expression on their face.

"he might really not be a bad guy according to your story" Kyouko

Natsume as if soul left her body all the dots inside her mind connected she now know what happened that night, she fell unconscious because Shen Tian absorb some of her spiritual energy but thats not her concern, her concern is that Shen Tian joined Yakou Devote. 'That guy who is wearing fox mask have a red eyes too he might really be Shen..' but someone interepted her thoughts.

*vroom vroom* someone parked a bike near them and Tengu's familiar have just arrive are floating on the air.

"isn't that Kagami?!" One of the Tengu said seeing Unconcious Kagami on the ground.

"Eh Kagami is injured Zejiro look!!"

The person on the bike rashed to see Kagami condition, 'his injuries is light, He is just unconcious for now' He turned his gaze to the Middle aged man.

"What happened here?" Zejiro one of the twelve general said with a serious expression on his face.

"Sir a yakou devote came here a while ago, He purified the Stage 4 Nue by using some magic tool this magic tool looked like wooden sword- The old man explained every detail repectfuly to Zejiro.

"Can you tell me in what direction he left?" Zejiro get on his bike again

"There sir" the middle aged man said as he pointed in the direction where Shen Tian left.

"Thank you, i know that Kagami did something again, but could you diliver him to hospital for me?" Zejiro

Hearing Zejiro speak politely to him, The middle aged man gave him a military salute ang nod his head.

"goodluck sir"

"Thank you"

*vroom vroom* Zejiro started his motor and left there while thinking 'That yakou Devote is going to the direction of the other Nue that escaped don't tell me he is going to purified it too...?'
