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Chapter: Weird.

Its been a 3 days since his father Jouichirou visited him. Shen Tian is still inside his room, He haven't stepped outside his room after that incedent, because he is busy in absorbing all of the magic energy around him and converting it into origin energy. To recover all of what he lost in SAO World.

When he is still recovering his origin energy. A game like notice appears on his view.

[ New Quest!!!: Participate in The Battle of Okinawa Event.

Completition reward: Depends on host contribution in the war.

Failure Penalty: Host will become Dead Spirit form for 3 year. Until the Anime world plot start. ]

'Participate in the battle of Okinawa...? did this event happen in Anime...? i don't really remember all the events in The irregular at Magic Highschool but i know that the main plot haven't started yet.'

Chiba Erika is still young to attend the magic highschool after all.

[Op system: Host This Event will happen in Okinawa island. The event time is Unknown. I suggest that Host to go there now so that he can participate in the battle early .]

Shen Tian frowned when he see the new system game like interference in his view.

"looks like i need to go to Okinawa Island to complete this new mission... but the problem is its a bit far away from my location now and with my identity as Chiba Shen in this world i couldn't really move as i please." Shen Tian

*knock knock* a knocking sound from the door came.

"Shen Ani'ue i heard that you lock yourself up for three days inside your room... are you ok?" a familiar feminine voice came from the outside.

"Erika?" Shen Tian goes to the door to open it.

When It opened He see Erika wearing a casual cloth standing infront of his door.

"why are you here Erika? i thought father made you go back to your private house in Yokohama City again" Shen Tian.

"Father allowed me to stay here for a while... and he also said something about Shen ani'ue true capabilities " Erika stare at Shen Tian as of she caught him doing something naugthy.

Shen Tian ignore her gaze he just look back with his red pupiled eyes. "i see."


The two of them stare at each other for a while. Until Erika smiled and said.

"by the way Shen ani'ue. Sugo-Nii and Kazu-Nii also know your true strength now. they wanted to come back here in the main dojo to have some spar with you after hearing it from Father but sadly their really busy.." Erika


"like i said Erika.... im not gonna hold sword again. So tell Big brother Sugo and Kazu that i reject their request when you see them" Shen Tian said while frowning a bit.

Erika become silent after hearing what he said. Then she began to look down on the ground feeling down cast.


Shen Tian couldn't help but feel guilty when he see Erika like that. so he patted her head.

"Ehem Erika to tell you the truth its not like. Im not using sword anymore in my life..... its just...." Shen Tian.

Erika look up again, She see Shen Tian serious face while patting her head. "Just...?"

"its just. I will only use sword again. When its already a matter about life and death." Shen Tian

"a matter about life and death...?" Erika went into daze muttering the last sentence. Then she widen her eyes in surprise when she understanded it.

"Shen ani'ue....." She look at Shen Tian with a worship expression on her face.

"hehe... but its a secret only between us alright..? don't tell it to anyone." Shen Tian patted her head even more.

Erika nods her head, she have a small smile on her lips again, while whispering something in a small voice.

'hehe the first secret between Shen ani'ue and i.. huehue.'

But Shen Tian heard her whisper with her weird laugh, He just ignore it thought.