Trouble on the Road

The accommodations were simple, Linx and Nyla rode on Jacko, Kavira and Clain rode on Hip. Nyla had yet to find a companion willing to accompany her and Hip didn't like her so she rode with her brother. They spent a few hours flying before the sun went down, it was about time for dinner and for the companions to be fed so they decided to touch down and spend the night.

"We should be there by tomorrow night." Clain started the fire and began to roast the vegetables while Linx fed Jacko and Hip some old bread. "The Blessed Forrest won't allow us to fly in there so we'll have to go by foot as soon as we reach the entrance. So just follow me and we'll be there safely."

The other three agreed, Nyla and Kavira were putting up the big tent when they heard call outs from the road ahead. Caravan after caravan appeared until there was four in a single row, hunters. "Don't worry, I'll handle this." Nyla walked off towards the group of hunters, she spoke to them and they went about their business leaving them in peace. "They won't be bothering us anymore."

"What was that about?" Linx didn't know that Nyla had connections with the hunters, but then again there was a lot he didn't know since she went missing for seven months.

"We just have an understanding. Why? Does it bother you that I now know more about the outside world than you do?" Nyla was the same girl they would compare to Linx as being a twin. She was different now, much more sassy and daring, Linx wasn't comfortable with seeing this part of Nyla but he wasn't about to talk to question her in front of others.

"Forget it. Thanks for the help." Linx continued to feed Jacko and Hip until they couldn't eat anymore. Clain had finished the cooking the vegetables, the big tent was all set and ready to sleep in. They sat and ate in silence, the moon was right over there heads when they decided to go to bed.

"I'll take the first watch." Clain wasn't about to sleep knowing there were hunters out there, he may have seen Nyla say something to them but that didn't mean they were in the clear.

The rest piled into the tent and fell asleep as soon as their head hit their pillows.

A few hours later Kavira woke up, careful to not wake anyone she slipped out of the tent to find Clain sitting out with his sword on hand. "I'll take the next watch."

Clain hadn't slept much and she was sure he needed more rest than she did. "You can't take watch by yourself. I'll go wake up Linx."

"Don't. If you're so worried you can stay out here with me." For some reason Kavira didn't want to wake Linx up, but she was willing to stay up with Clain. She took a seat by Clain with her daggers on either side of her waist.

"Were you the one that carried me into the bedroom last night?" Kavira was certain she didn't go into Nyla's room alone, if Linx didn't do it it must've been Clain.

"No. It wasn't me." Clain was feeling the sleep come over him but he was forcing himself to stay awake. After an hour had gone by, he could no longer keep his eyes open and his head fell onto Kavira's shoulders.

The sun was out before they knew it, Kavira woke up to the light touching her eyes and looked over to find Clain still sleeping on her shoulder. She looked around the area to see if there was anything going on around them but it was clear. She went on to wake up the rest of the group to ready for their journey.

"Good morning beautiful." Linx wasn't afraid to put his affection for Kavira on display, he kissed her forehead once he was out of the tent and went on to feed their riding companions. Nyla and Kavira pulled the tents apart and put them away while Clain cooked the food.

Not a lot of time had passed and they were still getting ready to start off the day when suddenly an arrow was shot, it flew through the tent catching their attention in the direction it came from. They all turned to find a chubby man holding a bow with a fresh arrow in place. "Leave everything, go and your life will be spared."