The Dragon Elder (6)

Leena patched Izak's wound, tried CPR and even tried to use her powers but nothing worked. She was completely drenched in sweet and tears, uncontrollable snot flowing down the bottom half of her face. "This isn't real, you're not dead. You can't leave me alone... You can't. You promised..."

As easy as it was to have traveled alone, seeing Izak and watching him die right before her eyes was the most painful experience she had ever felt. Back in Botus, Amira had taken her memories of Izak because she didn't want her to be around him, she was jealous.

Leena still wasn't strong enough. Amira may not be a Fiena but her powers are far more developed than Leena's. It may be due to all those memories she lost but even now, she still can't regain the memories that were taken from her. All she had were the ones she made when traveling Botus in search of the stones.

Izak stayed by her and protected her, Amira killed him for them to enter the portal that her mom believed she would be able to find peace in this world. There was no peace, no idea of what the hell to do, it was not what she would have imagined.

Leena had a difficult time gazing down at Izak's lifeless eyes but closing them would mean he was never coming back. She didn't want to accept that this strong warrior died because of her. Amira sacrificed what she loved just so that she and Leena could fulfill the peace that her mom wanted all along for both of them.

Leena hesitated for a couple of hours but in the end she closed Izak's eyes. His body disappeared, not even the blood stains were left behind. It was almost like he never existed. Leena rose to her feet but her body was weak so she quickly grabbed a hold of the wall beside her.

"Rest. I shall wake you when it is time." Those words acted like a lullaby. She flew to the couch that was placed in the party room, closed her eyes dozing off into a deep sleep.

"Wake up, it is time." A gray dragon with black eyes that had taken human form appeared in front of Leena. Her first instinct was to reach for her weapons but she was disarmed while she slept. "Don't worry, your weapons are over there."

Leena turned to where the gray dragon was pointing and saw her weapons and personal pouch hanging on a coat rack. "I don't understand. This world is medieval. Why is this room modern?"

"My room is designed to tailor to a persons mind. This is what you consider festive but you didn't have any people. The only person you wanted was the man that you watched die. Many people who fail this room are do to the lack of knowing that being alone isn't easy. They either take their life or never leave this place." The gray dragon reached around and handed Leena her token. "I had never seen someone try to save someone's life to passionately the way you did. I am sorry for your loss."

Leena accepted the token, standing up to go over to the coat rack to put her weapons back in place. "These challenges, what is the end goal?"

Leena was looking directly into the dragons black eyes, he seemed like a reasonable dragon. He even apologized for something that he had no control over. "The end goal is to reach the Dragon Elder. Fiena's are the descendants of dragons, if one wishes to see the Elder they have to pass the tasks at hand."

"Do Kavira and I receive the same challenges?" Leena had been worried about the other group, they had messaging flowers but she had been too busy crying this whole time to call them over and find any information on their situation.

"Her challenges are different. We dragons have spent many years waiting for the next Fiena's to walk through our doors. Many of us created rooms during our wait so we are all hoping to have a chance in meeting you both."

Leena nodded. Fiena's were extinct here for three thousand years, while in Botus they were killed by the very people that they swore to protect.

Descendants of the dragon. It would explain the dragon mark on her wrist but not why she was here.