Return to Botus

"Your world? I thought we were supposed to be doing trials." Kavira followed Leena into the woods, she was familiar with the setting and the guns were something from her world. "We are. I don't believe these are the trials."

Leena was just as confused as Kavira. They made it to the end of the forest, Leena scouted around the area to check and see if there was any threat but they were fine. First they needed to find a change of clothes, blend in to the regular humans. "We need to get rid of our clothes and weapons. Only carry what you need."

"Why can't we have our weapons?" Kavira was confident in her new abilities but she also didn't want to part with them.

"In this world, weapons like these don't exist. We'll raise too much suspicion."

"Well, where are we supposed to leave them?" Leena thought for a second. Her only solution was to go back to where she remembers, the Feng household. "We'll go this way. Maybe we'll find clothes there too."


They reached the Feng mansion but it was empty, the doors were empty and everything inside looked like it was cut open. "What is this place?"

Kavira was curious but this was the only place Leena had known as a home. The place where she grew up, worked, and met Izak. "It was my home."

"What happened to it?"

"I don't know." Leena walked past the living in room, the dining room the kitchen and walked into the back yard marching to the small cabin her and Amira shared. "This used to be where my cousin and I lived."

Leena opened the door and found the entire place was ransacked. The bed coach was torn up, table destroyed, rotten food everywhere. "There should be clothes in my room."

Leena and Amira shared a room, she couldn't wear her old clothes but she found a few things of Amira's that suited them well. "These clothes look weird."

"Yeah well... You were raised in a different world." Leena could feel herself starving, it had been a cool minute since they ate. "We are going to go into the capital. Keep your mark hidden, you don't want people to question you about it. In this world magic folk don't have a mark."

"So how do you know who's magic and who's not?" Kavira didn't remember hearing this part in Leena's story.

"Every child takes a test when they are born. But it doesn't matter what yours born as, magic family only exchange their bread with other magic families. They just do a blood test to find out what kind of magic you have."

"Blood test?" Leena forgot that Kavira lived in a medieval world, nothing she was saying now made any sense to her.

"I'll explain later. Right now we have to sneak into the capital. Humans never leave that place, it's their designated area." The ladies walked all the way to the outside border wall of the capital. It took them about forty five minutes which was a total waste, guard after guards were posted around the wall to keep anyone from jumping in or out.

"What are those weapons they're holding?" Those didn't look like anything Kavira had ever seen before.

"They're called shot guns. If we are shot by one of those, we can die." Kavira furrowed her eyes brows.

"So they're like arrows?"

"They're much worse. Steer clear from being aimed by one of those at all cost, okay?" Kavira nodded. Leena didn't have much of a plan but she needed to do something quick.

She disappeared and reappeared in front of a body guard twisting his neck. She waited for the two curious guards next to him to come closer and she formed a fire sword in her hands and quickly slashed them down without making noise.

Kavira was a bit impressed, Leena was a quick thinker. "Come help me, we have to move these bodies before anyone finds them."

Kavira picked up a body using her Irrang magic and moved him closer to her. "Where do we put them?"

"Anywhere where they won't be able to-"


Leena formed two fire swords in her hand, swiftly turning around. "Eric?" The familiar face was no stranger, he didn't look much older from what she remembered. "Leena is that really you?"

Leena relaxed her flames, after they disappeared she ran into Eric's arms that were opened wide. She couldn't help but cry in his arms, it had been such a long time. Izak was gone but she was so happy Eric was still safe. "Eric what're you doing here?"

"Well I work as a capital guard now. I see you killed three, what's going on?" Leena looked back to see Kavira wave with a awkward smile. "Yeah... It's a long story. But how have you been? It's been sixteen years."

"What are you talking about? It's only been four." Eric's confused face dumbfounded Leena. How was that possible?