7 First Friend

Nie Lan had returned to her house and filled up a tub to bathe. As she stripped she herself was enamoured or rather the true her, the soul of Nie Li had to take a second glance at her own body.

Silky white skin that is as smooth as a baby's bottom with her flowing hair the color of sunset. She could not help but gulp because of they beauty that she saw that was herself.

It looked like she had the right proportions, her legs were long but they did not look like a misfit, her hourglass figure, her budding B-cup bosom, all the way to her dainty little toes and fingers comparable to a fairy, all was perfect.

Nie Lan could not help but let her fingers roam over her skin as she was enticed by the suppleness of her skin. She went up and down her body only to be brought into a daze that made her mind roam. She then accidentally swiped past her cherry and made a noise.

(A/N: 'Accidentally, I definitely didn't do it for fan service XD)

"Mnnn" she moaned and finally snapped back to reality with a blush creeping up her face. The next moment she jumped straight into the tub submerging underwater.

'No! I did not just act like a girl' she denies as she was still trying to wrap her head around her identity. She stayed underwater until she finally.ran out of breath.

When she arose she realized that it did not calm her one bit, rather it intensified her curiousity as she kept thinking about what she just did. She slowly reached out towards her chest but she shook her head.

'Nie Lan, what are you doing!? You cannot act like this or else you will end up becoming more girly' she convinced herself.

Sadly her conviction was not as strong as her curiousity and thus unmentionable things were not to be mentioned again...

An hour later Nie Lan finally got out of the tub. Her face was red and it was due to the heat of the bath. As she remembered what she had just done her blush intensified which would have definitely caused many wolves to pounce at her. She just left it at that and went for a bit of rest to calm her nerves.

The next morning she woke up she still blushed slightly because memories are not easy to forget and it was so pleasu...it was a new experience for Nie Lan, but she got over it and made her way to the training ground.

Her target was the horned demon beast that flocked the training ground due to the decision of the academy to train youths in battles. She hid in a tree as she waited for a demon beast to appear. Noe Lan applied a coating of the salve and the tip of arrow and got in position.

A couple of breaths later a demon beast appeared, she waited foe the beast to go just right past the tree she was on before letting the arrow loose.

Due to the positioning and the vantage point, the arrow accelerated downwards at a faster speed as gravity was not slowing it down.

One second later, the beast was struck by the arrow and laid down on the ground, dead. This special salve was a very effective yet cheap mixture of paralysis as it was enough to stop the heart and thus efficently kill the demon beast.

This continued on for hours as the sun was beginning to set so she decided to pack up and leave. She quickly put all the materials into the storage ring she had bought with the money she saved.

(A/N: Go girl power! Saving so much money, but still not enough to solve her cultivation resource issues.)

While she was walking back she undortunately encountered a demon beast. For a few seconds she was completely paralyzed being dumbfounded with one part daze and one part fear. As the demon beast was looking at her, she finally broke out of her daze and started running. "Kyaaa!" she said as she ran for her life.

The demon beast was catching up as she was still afterall not a demon spiritualist nor a fighter. Just as she made her way around a tree she felt gravity losing effect on her. No, wait, she was actually being pulled up and as she was seated on the branch a hand quickly covered her mouth. The rampagong demon beast just kept going forward until it was out of sight.

Now that the demon beast was gone she breathed a sigh of relief as she quickly turned to look at her savior.

It was Xiao Ning'er! She had been cultivating in the forest before she heard a scream and decided to check it out. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Thank you for saving my life" Nie Lan was filled with gratitude for her savior.

"It was nothing" Xiao Ning'er replied as she went back to cultivating.