14 Robe

When Nie Lan came out of her spur of the moment writing she noticed a peculiar gaze on her. It did not feel like one of those lustful gazes but it was as direct as one.

She turned her head and saw an old man with sparkling eyes that one would see from kids that admired an adult. She felt a bit uncomfortable as this gaze was on her for a bit longer than she would let.

"Ummm, excuse me may I know who this master is?" Nie Lan automatically assumed that this person was at least an alchemy master because of his age and the fact that he is in the alchemy association, not to mention his seemingly impressed gaze and appreciative looks he had for the answers she had put up.

Snapping out of his stupor Gu Yan coughed and answered "Ah, young girl you may call me gran...Gu Yan, I am the president of the association and I happened to pass by when I saw you writing on the board."

Nie Lan was shocked, 'Why is the president of the association here?' After all, he should be busy with administrative work as even an outsider such as Nie Lan can see the depression the association is facing right now.

Then, a busty lady came from behind the president "Ah, you're here President Gu." she then took a glance at the young girl in front of her.

The lady was shocked as everyone else who had met Nie Lan. Nie Lan's beauty is one that can be said to bring down cities and cause war although not entirely at that stage yet due to her adolescent looks, she can definitely be called the top of the cream.

Nie Lan had a smooth white skin that looks like it is made of silk. A perfectly proportionate head and a body that is slim but also doesn't look too overwhelming like she is just the perfect fat to muscle ratio.

The lady was one part jealous, two parts interested, and three parts admiration for such a perfect specimen. Truly a feast for the eyes. Just a little shame that her buxom isn't too developed but it's not flat so who can say for the future.

Gu Yan, recognizing that look of stupor immediately coughed to awaken her, "Ahem, Yang Xin, what are you here for?"

"Ah? Oh yeah, I forgot, president there are some documents that we need you to review, it's about the crisis our association is facing right now." Yang Xin explained as she took on a serious look.

Gu Yan pondered for a bit before facing her again "Yang Xin, give this young lass a tour of the association and get her the robes for an alchemy master."

Yang Xin replied "Yes, robes for an alchemy mas... WAIT WHAT? Did you say master or apprentice president?"

Gu Yan nodded his head slightly "You heard me, robes for an alchemy master."

Yang Xin looked at the girl then back at the president with surprise before landing on the girl once more. 'She is so young and already got the president's confirmation for alchemy master? That should be a record for our association.'

"Well, I need to go look over those documents take care of the lass Yang Xin. The president took his leave.

In the room stood Nie Lan who stayed silent for the entire time looking only ever so slightly dumbfounded but she somewhat understood and Yang Xin who was still reeling over the issue that had been pushed onto her hands.

However, deep down in Yang Xin's heart she was feeling a bit giddy as the Alchemy Association would be gaining a new alchemist but also that she had liked this little girl the moment she had her eyes on her.

"Okay girl, follow me" Yang Xin moved at a moderate pace as she went to the storage room to pick out a robe for her.

Along the way she couldn't help but ask for her name as she did not know it "So what's your name girl?"

"I'm Nie Lan Miss Yang" Nie Lan replied in a polite tone that would make people's love for her amplify as her voice is naturally gentle and soothing.

"Ah, no need to call me Miss Yang, call me elder sis" Yang Xin said with encouraging eyes.

"But that would be informal, you are after all my elder." Nie Lan tried to reject.

"Elder sis" Yang Xin said with a firm tone

They continued for several rounds but in the end Nie Lan had no way but to desist and call her elder sis.

They reached the storage room but Yang Xin frowned a bit because she realized that most of the robes were for adults and the smallest size they had would be too big for her. All the robes were styled in the same fashion either in blue or white but Nie Lan's attention was attracted somewhere else.

It was not because she saw a treasure, nor a beauty, nor anything of any special trait. She was only attracted due to the contrast. In the back of the room she saw a pink robe and wondered why that was there.

Yang Xin noticed her gaze and then recalled something "Ah, that robe was discontinued as it was a bit unnecessary and it was the only one that we ever made. It's a surprise that we still had it." she had a weird smile on her face.

Nie Lan shuddered as she slowly faced Yang Xin's smile.

"You know, I just remembered the size of that robe seems to be for children as they like more diversity in colors..." at this moment Yang Xin had eyes like a predator looking at it's prey.

Nie Lan back away slowly and laughed softly "I can wait for a robe, there's no need to hurry" Nie Lan was having an inner struggle to be honest. She had no idea why but a part of her wanted to wear it but she firmly denied it to herself.

"Don't worry elder sister will help you put it on hehe" Yang Xin had an almost perverse look on her face, if she was a male Nie Lan would have smacked her for such a look but as a female it had benefits such as looking good even with a perverse smile.

Yang Xin jumped onto Nie Lan and held her while walking to the robe. She quickly forced Nie Lan into it and tied the belt for her all while not forgetting to take small advantages.

"Wait... I can do... myself... elder sis... ahn... where are you touching..." Nie Lan could not help but let Yang Xin roam a little bit as she did not think that an alchemy master like her would have such intentions to her.

After a while Yang Xin finally released Nie Lan. Nie Lan slumped to the ground a bit while Yang Xin had a face that was relieved. She enjoyed the smooth skin that Nie Lan had as well as the smell that seemingly would comfort the most agitated of souls. It was at this moment that Yang Xin swore to find this younger sister of hers to lov... pamper.

While Nie Lan made a note to avoid her as much as possible...