17 Ancient Orchid City Ruins

Nie Lan got up and readied herself for the expedition. After checking that she had all the items she prepared in her storage ring she left for the designated place of departure that everyone agreed on.

It was still early in the morning when no one was up, Chen Linjian wanted to pick this time as to reduce how conspicuous they were.

Along the way Nie Lan saw Ye Ziyun, even if they were both girls right now she figured that they could at least be friends if not lovers so Nie Lan greeted her.

Ye Ziyun seeing her was surprised because they have never been close, or rather they were strangers. However this does not mean that they couldn't show politeness to one another so she said "Hello, what are you doing up so early Nie Lan?"

Nie Lan didn't hide it from her as she felt no need to as well as the feeling of debt that she had in her first life, "Hello Ziyun, I'm up this early because Chen Linjian invited me to an expedition."

Ziyun was stunned, firstly the trademark looks of Nie Lan was enough to arouse the attention of men and women alike, however her intimacy by regarding her on a first name basis was also something she felt weird but did not reject, to top it off apparently they were both going to the same expedition.

"What a coincidence, he invited me too" Ye Ziyun replied, "how do you know him? We've known each other since childhood so I sort of get invited to these kinds of things."

Nie Lan put out a smile that hypnotizes everyone to stray off course, "I just overheard some things and thought it would be fun." Nie Lan's innocent smile is a deadly weapon for all genders and races...

They soon met up with Chen Linjian's group and once again they confirmed their destination.

"Okay, we are going on an expedition where many dangers may appear but also we may find treasures! For those who are not sure you can back off now or we will leave!" Chen Linjian had a vibe of leadership in his voice.

No one said anything and no one left, Chen Linjian's charisma was enough to charm all the people there to follow his orders.

"Since no one is leaving I guess we are all going on the expedition. Okay let me give some background info on the place we are heading to. I have gotten some information about the Ancient Orchid City Ruins having some treasure and decided to make this expedition group." Chen Linjian stated.

"Orchid City is an ancient era city that has been demolished by the beast horde and also many people have made expeditions there. I understand that most treasures, if not all, have already been unearthed but I believe that all in this group will hold their head high and confidence higher as we all put on an optimistic mindset!"

The group then headed out on their first day of the expedition.

They walked the whole day as the ruins was not a single day trip and that was only one way. During the entire walk Nie Lan was being either pampered, bothered, or stared at. Many boys pretty much gave hand and foot for Nie Lan and kept asking her if she was okay which annoyed her to some extent while some girls came over and asked her about her skin and how she takes care of it. Nie Lan was more patient with the girls and answered them one by one. Like it or not Nie Lan had become accustomed to some girl care items and regularly takes care of her body. There were also some girls that were a bit touchy-feely but as they were outdoors and with boys no less they toned down their enthusiasm and decided to have a girls night...

When the group finally decided to stop for the night and rest some people were put on guard duty to be sentries in case of demon beast appearances. Nie Lan was of course prevented from doing such things because the boys were acting chivalrous while the girls just wanted to pull them to their campsite.

Nie Lan had set up tents with other girls and had some nice chats with them. However, secretly some of them were deciding how they were going to arrange who sleeps in which tent and of course they were arguing over Nie Lan's tent...

After the tents were set up, Nie Lan entered her tent with another 3 girls which had a glint in their eyes but Nie Lan ignored it, oblivious to the danger she was in.

As soon as they were all in the tent Nie Lan was grabbed and pushed down by the girls who hovered over her.

"Oh, Nie Lan how do you get your skin to be so smooth?" One of them asked gliding her fingers over Nie Lan's forearm.

"Yeah, I know right, and this elasticity" this girl took it upon herself to touch Nie Lan's cheeks as it looked like marshmallows.

"En en, and her figure too..." her body was being "massaged" by the girl.

"Wai-uhnn, not there...shtap" Nie Lan was helpless against these girls and ended up being their toy as their hands kept roaming.


Nie Lan, after she was freed from their grasp had a slight blush with disheveled hair and a slight pant. She went out of the tent for safet- to get some fresh air.

She gathered herself and fixed her attire but saw that there was some activity nearby as she went to see who it was.

Chen Linjian and a few of the sentries were looking at some trees that looked deformed and pondered when Nie Lan came.

"What are you doing here?" Chen Linjian asked.

Nie Lan ignored him as she saw the fur that was laid around the ground. She immediately snapped out of her daze that she had gotten earlier and put on a serious expression.

"This is the fur of Fox Bears, it would seem that this is their nest. Fox Bears aren't that active but during the Summer to hunt for food."

"Isn't that this season?" Chen Linjian said understanding the complexity of the problem.

"They are conscious of their territory, for them to have built a nest here only means that..."

"They are nearby." Chen Linjian finished her sentence and made a decision. "Guys, inform the group and tell them to get ready to move in 10 minutes, we need to set out for a safer area." Chen Linjian didn't think Nie Lan was lying because she had nothing to benefit from it and besides, a part of him was really just pampering her idea...

The group was ready and moved but they complained after a couple of kilometers and asked why they left. As soon as they asked, like clockwork, a roar came and they understood that Chen Linjian had predicted this and praised him.

Chen Linjian however was surprised at how Nie Lan knew all this but he gave up and just attributed this to genius.

They had set up their camp elsewhere and by morning they were ready to keep going on the expedition and walked closer and closer to the ruins.