Dying or Maybe Not? (2)

I took the key from my pocket and opened the door of my decrepit apartment. I directly went to my room and started taking my clothes off, there was blood and other substances I didn't know covering them. I threw them into the trash bin intending to never wear them again. I once again cursed those motherf***king a**hole for wasting my perfectly fine hoody and jeans. Sorry, it's just that I didn't have a lot of clothes so this whole situation was getting on my nerves.

'*sigh* at least it seems that I didn't die or at least I didn't stay dead' I thought morbidly

Shaking it off, I went to the bathroom for a scalding bath, feeling dirty after having 'slept?' all night in that gross alley.

I spent at least one hour scrubbing myself till my skin looked raw. Getting out of my shower room, I passed in front of the mirror and made a complete stop. I looked into the mirror and received a shock. I could now confirm my earlier assumption, I did, in fact, became more handsome, my skin was extremely fair and smooth like that of a newborn and my facial features became more symmetrical. My pupils took a beautiful shade of blue and green. Those changes and my delicate bone structure gave me an almost androgynous look that I didn't use to possess. My muscles were more defined too.

'Well it seems dying has a good look on me' I thought bewildered

'Ok calm down let's think about it. Facts 1. I died, 2. I didn't stay dead, 3. When I resurrected it seems I received an upgrade. There should be some kind of mysterious power at play here' I concluded walking out of the bathroom dressed in a simple shirt and jeans.

'But I didn't dream about meeting a mysterious grandpa or a god, or even hearing the mechanical voice of a system.' I was sitting on my desk in the thinker pose. My knowledge of novels, mangas, and anime allowed me to deduce at least that much.

After reducing all kinds of exterior interference I deduced that it should be a power of mine, but what I didn't know was what exactly was the nature of this power.

'I can safely assume that it won't let me die, but I should still be careful seeking death is not my hobby after all.'

Calming down after having an idea about what happened, I was now in the mood to read novels and watch anime. Powering up my computer I immediately went to my favorite reading site. New chapters were out.

I then started to read, but as I was reading I noticed that my reading speed was faster and that everything was easily retained in my head.

'My brain too was upgraded it seems'

'Fuck if only I could see my own status I wouldn't be in the dark about my own abilities.'

As if responding to my frustration a blue screen appeared before my eyes. I rub my eyes but it was still there. I wished for it to disappear and it vanished, to appear again when I thought about it. I was ecstatic about it. Without further ado, I started reading what was written.

Name: Samsara Yu

Age: 17 years old

Race: human?

Unique ability: Death with benefits

Life span: 200 years

'Even if you say Death with benefits I don't get it you know?' I had a headache while looking at my unique ability and then pieces of information started pouring into my mind.

Death with benefits: Upon every death of the ability wielder, he resurrects with an all-around improvement of his overall capabilities.

Note 1: Depending on the type of death; be it by suicide, sacrifice, murder by someone, or random natural catastrophe; the upgrade degree may vary. Basically, it depends on how entertaining was your death.

Note 2: The existence of this power is a random mistake due to a particularly incomprehensible set of circumstances or more simply a glitch in the workings of the multiverse. (chance of it happening again: 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000...well you get the drift.)

'Wow, it's just...INCREDIBLE!!!'

'Maybe with this, I can turn my life around, I don't even have to fear those asshole learning I didn't die and coming to finish me since I can't stay dead hahahahahaha!!!!' I laughed smugly in my mind before finally calming down.

looking at the screen I noticed that my life span had upgraded. This discovery shocked me to my core. This means that I didn't need to worry about getting old ever!!!! As long as I continued to die of course.

'Now I should plan my future deaths carefully, After all, who didn't want to improve himself' I thought scratching my chin.

'For now, I need to remove the fear of death and pain of my dictionary, if not I can't become stronger!' I was determined to become stronger so as to never feel helpless like in that alley.

After solidifying my resolution I got hungry. I looked in my wallet and saw that I had only 50$, I was depressed.

I put on a dark hoodie and went out of the apartment for sustenance. Walking in the street I start thinking about how I could monetize my new found power.

'Maybe I could be a guard? no this seems like a pain in the ass.'

Passing by an alley, a woman's scream woke me from my reverie. I looked curiously and saw that a man had cornered a beauty into a wall. The twenty-odd-looking girl had a slim body but devilish proportions. She was wearing a light grey tank top and a jacket with a pair of denim jeans that perfectly hugged her backside and showcased her wonderful slim long legs. the man was middle-aged with ripped jeans and a white wife-beater t-shirt, he had a perverted look to him.

'he must be one of the pieces of shit inhabiting this district.' As I was pondering how to save that lady from that lecherous fellow and appear as the hero saving the beauty in distress, I saw something astonishing, the weak-looking and terrified beauty's expression changed to a cold one and her hand blurred and caught the man by his throat lifting him in the air like a sack of potatoes.

At that moment I understood that I had landed myself in a troublesome situation again. The man started to struggle but in vain, she calmly brought her face to his throat. She had pearly white awfully sharp teeth, not dissimilar to fangs. She directly broke the skin's surface and freely drank from his carotid.

The sight was chilling and beautiful at the same time. Like usual I missed the opportunity to get the f**k outta here.

She let him fall down as if he was just trash she got rid of.

Our eyes met.