Dying or Maybe Not? (6)

The next day I moved out of my decrepit apartment and out of Coldstone district. I bought a modest flat in the upper middle-class Arkum district. It took me two days to finish the formalities. All this time Chloe didn't get in touch with me. Not that I mind, the later she called the better it was.

Today, I was sitting in front of my new computer, I recently started learning coding and hacking cause I can't always depend on weird supernaturals coming to ask for my help right? So I needed a stable source of income. Contrary to what I was thinking it was pretty easy to learn with my enhanced intelligence. As I was really getting into it I received a call. I picked up the phone and


"Hello am i speaking with Mr Samsara Yu?"

"Yeah, it's me who is this?"

"My name is Berker, I work for your grandfather and I contacted you on his behalf."

'That's surprising, my grandparents wanting to get in contact with me?' As I was lost in my thought

he continued:

"They would like for you to come and meet them when you're available."

"Really ?" I asked astonished. 'They want to meet me?'

"Yes, it's true."

"Tell them I'll be there in a few moments."

"Certainly. I'll send you the coordinates."


I hung up. I got up from my desk and went to take a shower. I took the new clothes I bought yesterday and wore them. I was wearing a dark jacket, a marine t-shirt, and black-fitting jeans with sneakers. Styling my hair a little bit, I noticed that unknowingly they got longer, reaching my chin.

I took my keys and went out. My grandparents lived in the richest district of Nebula city the "Blue Gate" district, its name came from the blue gate at the entrances of the district. Taking a bus I arrived in the district 30 min later. I headed to the gate and called Berker, He came with a luxury car worth more than 1.000.000$. I once again realized how rich were my grandparents.

He opened the door and I went inside I finally saw Berker he was a handsome middle-aged man with black hair and glasses. He extended his hand

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Yu"

"Nice to meet you too, you don't have to call me Mr. Yu, call me Samsara."

The ride there took less than five minutes. We went inside a gigantic property along a road surrounded by trees before reaching the mansion.

The thing was basically a castle.

Berker guided me through the door to the living room along the way I was stunned by the beauty of the place. Entering it I saw a group of people talking. There was a couple of elderly in one of the sofas, I supposed they were my grandparents. My grandfather had a hair full of pure white hair, wrinkles marred his face but his eyes were full of character. My grandmother had a noble disposition and her face told of the beauty she must have been when she was young. I could see my mother, that junkie in them, yes I was still bitter about her death.

In the other seats were 7 people, a middle-aged man and two teenage girls that looked like him, a young woman, another middle-aged man, and a woman dressed luxuriously seated next to a teenager near my age. Undoubtedly, his wife and son.

Berker took me to them, took a bow to my grandfather, and said

"As per your instructions, I brought your grandson, Mr. Yu."

As I was 17 years old being called mister bugged me a little but he was adamant about it. Immediately silence descend on the place, every person in the room turned toward me.

It was weird to see all the eyes directed at me but I stayed calm and composed. I could see in the eyes of my grandmother an emotion I couldn't recognize, on the stern face of my grandfather there was a bit of surprise. Maybe he didn't expect that I was this put together or maybe my looks or the fact that I didn't come in drags, I don't know. The rest had various expressions on their face but the son of the middle-aged couple had an extremely bizarre expression as if he couldn't understand this situation.

Looking at him more carefully I realized that he was the asshole who had me fired last time. 'It's normal that I recognized him but how does he know it's me I've changed a lot even if the general characteristics remain'. My grandfather spoke interrupting my thoughts

"Thank you for the trouble Berker"

"Not at all Mr, I shall take my leave then." he proceeded to leave the room.

Turning toward me my grandpa first words were:

"You look a little bit like your mother."

I didn't comment. He sighed and told me to take a sit. After sitting I directly asked,

"What do you want from me?"

Hearing the indifference in my voice, both my grandparents shook a bit.

"You shouldn't speak to father with this tone impertinent kid!!" The asshole's father berated me.

I was nonpulsed and asked:

"And who are you?"

"I am Thomas Green your uncle, show some respect," he said disdainfully.

"I don't have an uncle or even a family, I am an orphan I don't know why I should respect you" I replied calmly.

"You..!" he was starting to blow when grandpa stopped him.

"He's right we didn't do anything for him all his life it's normal he consider us strangers." Frowning at her son my grandma said sadly.

"I guess I should introduce everyone to you," My grandfather said sighing again.

He pointed to the father of the two teenage girls.

"He's my oldest son John Green, his wife died 13 years ago, this two are his daughters and my granddaughters, on the left you have Maddie she's 18 and on the right is Laure 17."

"Nice to meet you," they said.

"This is Carrie Green my second daughter and last child, your mother was my first daughter," he said melancholic pointing to the young woman looking to be 25 to 27 years old.

Finally, he point to the family of three and said:

"It's my second son Thomas, his wife, Mel Wade, and their son and my grandson Cole." Thomas was still looking at me displeased and his wife was looking at me piercingly. She gave me a feeling of otherness. Even Cole that asshole now gave me the same feeling despite the fact that when I met him for the first time it wasn't like that.

"I have an announcement to make that's why I gathered you all" suddenly grandpa spoke seriously.