The Power of Will (2)

A ray of sun seeped through the blinds of the windows waking me up. I was still in a daze for a minute. I stood up and stretched making my bones pop. I looked at the time on my phone, it was 8 AM. I went to take a shower and headed to the living room to have my breakfast. As i was eating my scrambled eggs something came on the news channel.

< Breaking news: The investigation of the mysterious string of gruesome murders that plagued our neighboring city, Orchid City is still continuing. No clue or suspect has been uncovered by the local police. A new task force has been created to deal with those horrific incidents....>

'Chloe is right, things are starting to spiral downward and fast. The authorities are getting more and more involved and the people are afraid. Before the mass hysteria descend, the culprits need to be dealt with.' 

After breakfast, I went to my room and wore my training pants and sweatshirt, then headed to the Sports Centre.

The traffic was heavy so it took time to get there. As I entered the building I was greeted by the receptionist and by a lot of other people, I had become a sort of phenomenon here due to the speed I learned all those martial arts and my supernaturally good looks.

I started doing my regular routine. Soon I was in a trance, a hyper-focused state, all I was thinking about were my movements. In the blink of an eye, 4 hours went by. When I finally stopped, I had already been training for a long time and with extreme consistency. Soon, I understood the reason, it seemed due to the new power. It allowed me to easily enter a focused state. Also, my control over each of my movements was inhumane because of it.

I took a towel and wiped the sweat that covered me. The other clients were looking at me like a madman, I couldn't blame them I trained for 4 hours straight without pausing even once. As l noticed the weird air, I laughed awkwardly acting as if I was dead tired and short of breath before seating on a nearby bench 'resting'.

As I sat there I thought about tonight. Chloe had sent me all the things I needed to know about my enemies. It was a pack of werewolves who were also working as mercenaries for hire, they took any type of mission as long as the price was right. They lived in the woods situated 20 km away from the city. They were roughly 24 in numbers with the dude that headed the charge last time being the Alpha at the top of the pack. His name was Patrick Jones a 300 years old werewolf, mostly known for his cruelty in the supernatural community of Nebula city.

My plan was quite straightforward 'Frontal Assault'. As I've fought with them before i have a pretty good idea of their prowess. If I get encircled by them it'll get slightly troublesome but if I took them one versus one they're nothing much. So the attack will be fast, vicious, and bloody.

As I confirmed my game plan for tonight my eyes shimmered slightly due to excitement. It would be the first time, I could use my new ability in battle. Also since the last time, we crossed paths, I had improved once more which made me much stronger.

Calming down but still hyped for tonight I spent another 4 hours there, this time I left space between my routines, wouldn't want to repeat the same mistake. It was 6 PM when I got home I took a long shower and dressed. I wore black fatigue because it didn't stain much.

When it was 8 PM, I took my keys and headed out. On the way I received a call, it was Stella

''Are you already there?'' she asked in lieu of greetings.

''Nope, I am on the road I'll be there in half an hour,'' I answered lightly

''If things get complicated call me I'll be there as soon as possible'' she said seriously.

I was touched by her concern and said:

''Don't worry as soon as something doesn't feel right I'll call you'' We spoke for a few minutes more before hanging up.

It took me a bit more than half an hour to reach the forest. It was dark with the only illumination being the almost full moon. Stella told me about the relationship between a werewolf and the moon. I was stunned to think the legend was partly true. Werewolves couldn't control their transformations the day of the full moon and were forced to stay in canine form. They were also more powerful than any other time, more wolf too. Only the Lycans were exempted from the influence of the full moon although they were still subject to some of the 'impulses' it brought.

I know what you are thinking why in the hell would I attack them when it's so close to the full moon? Well, the answer is simple because despite the strength boost they gain during this period their control over themselves and their emotions is seriously compromised. In simple terms, they are dumber during the full moon. That's why all pack members spend the full moon days together.

I walked softly, the forest was lively tonight. All my senses were at their best. I was searching for their traces. This forest was huge so finding them was more difficult than I thought. As I was pondering on how to procede. I suddenly remembered my new ability.

As my eyes glowed a brilliant green-blue, in front of me, an image appeared. It was a big white house. As I focused on the image a could see the inside of the house, it was full and there seemed to be a big dinner going on. They were eating massive quantities of food. The one on the main seat was naturally Patrick Jones. There was a sort of nervous energy surrounding them as if they could barely keep themselves in their skins.

I observed every single inch of the house and managed to find a path towards it. I sped up now that I had a direction, and soon I was a blur, a shadow. In less than 2 min I had reached the perimeter of the house. Guarding in front were two robust individuals with muscular stature. I got out of the bushes and I pounced on them like a predator on its prey. Before their head could process my presence on their territory, I had already snapped their neck. Before slumping on the ground like potatoes, they looked at me with an unreconciled expression.

When they fell, I heard movement in the house, in a matter of seconds before I could do the anything else, a huge wolf blasted through the wooden door reducing it to pieces and sped toward me. I was astounded by its speed, I just had the time to slide aside avoiding its wicked claw by a few centimeters.

After having missed, it's gaze shifted toward me and gave me a glare full of killing intent. I heard numerous footsteps and turned in time to see Patrick and the rest of the pack. As he looked at me he said full of venom:

''YOU!!! I don't know how you found this place but don't even think about getting out of here in one piece. Because of you, I lost 4 of my pack members. Since you so nicely decided to come by yourself we can kill you and accomplish our mission.''


''What?'' he asked confused

''You said you lost 4 members which is inaccurate you lost 6, 4 before, and 2 just now.'' I said coldly pointing at the corpses of the two guards.''

''YOU!!!!'' he was so pissed a vein popped on his forehead

''Kill him!! rip him apart!!'' he bellowed to his subordinates.

In a flash, most of them had assumed their wolves form and charged toward me. If it was before my unforgettable night with Stella I might be in a pinch but now with my strength being double of what it was, i wasn't intimidated by their numbers.

The first to reach me was the wolf that broke the door to attack me. I didn't stay put, I sped toward him and gave a powerful punch.


A sickening sound was heard and the wolf was sent flying. I didn't pause, I rushed toward the next one, and with a swift descending kick, I broke his skull. As I saw the rest starting to circle me I smiled

'I already know your patterns of attack, do you think it'll be that easy.' A derisive smirk lift a corner of my mouth.

My pupils glowed and with a push of my arms, I sent them back. A wave swept by in a concentric circle, then they were all pushed in different directions breaking their encirclement. I stepped forward and disappeared from where I was standing, appearing behind one of the stunned wolves I grabbed his head and twisted it violently. Pulling slightly, his head was ripped off the rest of his body. Blood surged like a geyser splashing everywhere. The rest who regained their spirit after being sent flying saw the scene of me holding a now human head and the body at my feet. They were horrified, one of them howled loudly, I assumed they were related, before jumping toward me. With a simple wave of my arm, he was stopped in mid-air as if something was restraining him. The others were shocked, with a pulling movement I attracted him toward me before kneeing him in the stomach, all the bones in his body made cracking sounds, his heart exploded and he passed away.

I threw him away like trash and saw the Alpha standing there motionless, his originally murderous face slackened in surprise. The confident look in his eyes was replaced with intense fear.

''What are you doing attack him together!!!'' he screamed hysterically.

Before the other wolves could move I said coldly:

''That's enough playing, BURN!!'' as soon as the word escaped my mouth the shapeless power of will covered them all. Then they spontaneously combusted.

The Alpha was so terrified that he missed a step and fell on his butt. I directed my stare toward him and stayed silent.

In the now dark and silent forest, only the agonizing lament of the wolves was heard as they burnt to death. The mind of the Alpha broke as he kept muttering,

''No No No No No…..'' in a deranged manner.

He didn't have the courage to even fight back, as the scene of the massacre was too dreadful. I was a bit dizzy after setting them on fire and felt my head throbbing painfully but I clenched my teeth and walked toward him. As he saw me coming, he panicked and turned. His wolf form was even more imposing than the rest, he howled and desperately pounced on me as he knew he couldn't escape. Before he could even reach me he crashed into an invisible barrier and fell unconscious. I neared him and put my hands on his head. I wanted to see his memories and a massive flood of information flooded me, I focused on searching for the single information I needed discarding the rest. After a few seconds, I found it. As I saw the face of the culprit who ordered my assassination, I smiled coldly.

'Cole…ts ts ts Deary cousin Cole it seems the last time beating wasn't severe enough.'

I looked at the unconscious wolf and sighed before ending his life. To think I got so strong that even a 300 years old werewolf was nothing much. I willed for his corpse to ignite and reduced him to ashes.

Standing in front of the house I sent a fireball toward it and burned it too. As I watched the house burn I felt weak and had to seat down. After 30 min, the house became ashes and I purposefully put off the fire to avoid a forest fire. After I recuperated a bit, I left the forest and went to my car.

'To think using my willpower is so tiring I just want to pass out.' thinking so, I started the engine and headed home for a good rest.