The Power of Will (4)

I was sitting in a lotus position on my bed. After coming home from Clarisse's house, I had a flash of inspiration. I wanted to put my idea to the test hence my current position.

The plan was simple, using my willpower to kill myself repeatedly. As I died and improved, my willpower would become stronger and stronger. Before the 'killing myself to become stronger' was not practical because even after only 4 deaths my metabolism reached an inhumane state. Trying to stab me in the heart or the brain wouldn't work as I healed too fast, it would take multiple stabbings to do the trick which honestly would hurt like a mother**ker.

Other suicide methods were vetoed for the same reason, and waiting for an enemy to kill me to become more powerful was downright stupid. So I thought why not simply use my willpower. I could make my body stop functioning and die instantly without pain. After that it was, rinse and repeat, I knew my physical improvements would be minimal because the amount of improvement depended on the particularity of my death. I long since noticed that the more dramatic, unexpected, and ridiculous was my death the higher the upgrade I received.

Anyway, with repetition, it'll usher a qualitative improvement. I took a deep breath, and wait until I was entirely calm. Then focusing my will inwardly I willed every of my life functions to stop. One moment I was alive and the next darkness invaded my mind.

When I came to I was still seated in the same position. The horologe indicated that only 10 min had gone by. I directly opened my status to check


Name: Samsara Yu

Age: 17 years old

Race: ??

Unique ability: Death with benefits

Life span: 20005 years

As expected my strength didn't rise drastically. Still, if I continue to do this periodically the accumulation will lead to an incomparable rise in power. As I verified the feasibility of this method, I decided to 'cultivate' till the night.

I closed my eyes once again and commit suicide. I spent the rest of the day between a state of consciousness and a state of death. When I finally stopped it was already 8 PM. I died so many times during this afternoon that I lost count.


Name: Samsara Yu

Age: 17 years old

Race: ??

Unique ability: Death with benefits

Life span: 20180 years

Willpower: manifestation

'Oh a rise of 180 years after one afternoon of cultivation, not bad ' I thought

I stood up stiffly and stretched myself. I then walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I took a black hoody, blue jeans, and white sneakers from my dressing room and prepared myself to meet an a-hole who didn't know when to give up.

Did that mother**ker Cole really think that I wouldn't know he was responsible for the hit on my head? It's time I made the pompous f**k learn his lesson already.

I focused on finding that weasel, instantly I received an image in my head, it was Cole in a nightclub surrounded by beauties and with tons of alcohol bottles line up on the table.

'Damn!! that motherfucker knows how to enjoy life huh. Let's see how you enjoy it after I've dealt with you.' I thought coldly.

Of course, I couldn't kill him as we were related by blood, but I could still inflict upon him his worse nightmare. I took my keys and left with my car in the direction of the nightclub he was at.

Its name was 'Midnight jewel' a club frequented by the richest kids of nebula city. It took me only a few minutes to get there. The outside of the club was full of people waiting in line to enter. I got out of my car and passed by the waiting line. As I was walking by I could feel the gaze of numerous girls on me, even if I didn't dress for a night out my natural charm and unbelievable handsomeness made it impossible for them not to notice me. I smirked mentally eating myself in the back. Contrary to their female counterpart the men were pissed not only because of the fact that their companion's attention was high jacked by me but also by the fact that I was casually cutting the line as if they didn't exist in my eyes. Before their grumbling expressions, I was indifferent. As I arrived in front of the bouncers they tried to stop me but I looked at them in the eyes and imposed my will on them. With slacken face they let me enter under the discontent of the clients.

Stepping into the club I was greeted by the smell of sweet, hormones, stroboscope, and a crowd of people grinding against each other on the beat of the Dj. I bypassed them easily and reached the bar where I ordered a drink. As I drank I observed the place and found the VIP area. It was in an elevated position compared to the dance floor. I finished the drink in a single gulp and head toward the VIP area. As I climbed the stairs I could hear the girls laughing at a stupid thing Cole said I guessed. As I reached the place another bouncer stood in front of me, I did the same Jedi trick as with the ones outside and he let me in.

As stepped into the VIP area, the girls which 'listened' to Cole talking saw me first and were stunned. Cole having noticed that his audience was ignoring him, looked in my direction and his eyes became big as an expression of utter surprise and a bit of fear settled on his face. Seeing his reaction I smiled and said:

''what's up Cole?''

''YOU!? what are you doing here? how did you even get in?''

''Why, just by entering my dear cousin,'' I said as I let my willpower spread an cover the girls. I willed them to get out of here. And like magic Cole saw them stand up and leave the VIP area in synchronization with vacant eyes.

''WHAT did you do?'' he asked panicking even more.

I took one of the seats the girls just vacated, sat down, and poured myself a bit of the liquor on the table. I gulped it directly and felt a hot sensation going down my throat. I put my legs on the table and looked at the still frightened Cole

''You know, even if you don't like me we're still cousin, for you to put a hit on my head..ts…ts…ts you're making me sad'' I said taking another glass of liquor before continuing

''By the way, the mercenary you hired, I already got rid of them''

Seeing my expression and the cold of my voice Cole's face became extremely pale. He jumped from his seat and tried to escape but with a slight move of my will the door was locked. He banged on it until realizing that no one was coming to his rescue.

His expression turned ugly and without pause, he sent an energy ball my way. I simply pointed my finger toward it and with a puff it became nothing.

''You!? how? are you a mage, no, impossible I didn't feel any magic, are you using a magic artifact?'' he asked startled by me blocking his attack.

''You don't need to worry about this. Even though your mercenaries didn't manage to kill me, it was still an unpleasant experience. So I think it's only natural that you experience it, being hunted by a pack of werewolves.'' I said wickedly.

''What are you talking about lunatic?!''

''Oh you'll see in a few'' I plunged him into a realistic illusion where he was repeatedly attacked by wolves and as he died, the circle started again. The formless willpower covered him and he was defenseless to protect himself as he couldn't even feel it.

His eyes turned vacant before he fell on the floor like a potato. Not caring about him at all I marveled at the use and prowess of willpower. I could basically do anything with it as long as it was powerful enough.

I then spent an hour enjoying myself and drinking whisky while listening to the music and seeing people move on the dance floor.

I then proceed to wake him from the illusion. Don't think that it was only for one hour he experienced being eaten. In the illusion world, it lasted for days. I wasn't sure how sane he would be after that though.

His eyelids shook a bit and he opened his eyes. He dreamed as he stood up and looked around him. He looked at me and the fear in his bloodshot eyes was apparent. It was the type of primal fear one couldn't get rid of. As I observed his state I found he was in better shape than I thought he would be, it seemed I underestimated the mental strength of a magician.

''I hope you've burned this lesson in your mind, if you go against me again it won't be as simple as this slight punishment,'' I said coldly. I left the glass on the table and stood up. As he saw me move he unconsciously took a step back.

'At least he will think twice before messing with me again.' I thought seeing his reaction.

Then I left him there and went out of the club after releasing my influence on the bouncer. I took my car and headed home when I received a call from Stella.

''No one is at the house except me can you come by'' she asked as soon as I picked up.

''I'll be there in 30'' I answered instantly I need to relax after these shitty two days

''Good, come quickly, I'm waiting for you,'' she said seductively.

''Alright,'' I said hanging up and making a turn heading outside the city.