Ambush (4)

The white robbed man was standing in the distance, his robe fluttering with the wind. His atmosphere was still peaceful despite the failed attack attempt.

"Do you only know sneak attacks? why don't we fight like men" I tried to goad him into a head-on fight. In response, he smiled as if he just heard the funniest joke.

"It's a pity you do not know our people's way of combat." He let out a sigh. "If you knew, our fight would be much more interesting."

"Our people ?"

"You're descended from the Aso continent too, at least partially. You should truly research your roots, Mr. Samsara Yu, I am sure you would find them enlightening. You have such an enormous life potential, it's a shame you can't use it fully. Well, I guess it's destined not to be since you'll breathe your last today."

'From his words, I can confirm two things, first, he knows about me or at least about my family history and second, like mages or druids who are humans but found a way to become powerful by the practice of magic, some humans on the Aso continent also found a way to power through some weird method.'

"You say such interesting things. Although you're right and I should get to know my roots, for now, I'll settle on making you meet your ancestors" I answered while smirking.


His vibe became more powerful as he got into a proper fighting stance. With a light shout, a deep pressure came from his whole body and his eyes turned sharp enough to pierce rocks. He took five successive rapid steps and vanished.

'This mysterious movement again, a normal vampire can't even move that fast'

As I was trying to predict the spot he would attack me from, I raised another barrier. This time he appeared midair, just above my head. Silently he brought his katana down in a deadly slash. I thought my shield would do the trick once more but to my surprise, as his sword neared the barrier, invisible ripples appeared. As those ripples came into contact with me, I felt a white searing pain, every single ossein of my very though body broke like rotten wood. I instantly vomited blood and the barrier dissipated. There was a flash and the sword cut me deep, reaching my heart, bisecting it even. The world turned dark for a second but my will surged to keep consciousness, I couldn't afford to die at a moment like this.

'Our enemies truly gave their best shots at us. Sending so many sups just to end us once for all. I didn't know if we should be flattered or pissed. Maybe both.' My speedy death healed the deadly wound. My flesh closed around the blade leaving no scar. This time the perpetual peace present on the white robbed man was gone. At its place, there was a deep puzzlement.

"How can it be this strike should have cut you down effortlessly."

"I guess one can't have everything go one's way. It breeds arrogance." I answered mockingly. My bones were all healed too from the damage inflicted by the deviously dangerous ripples.

"You, you are not what I expected. Your telekinesis is stronger than anything I've seen and your healing factor and physical strength are comparable to those old vampires. Furthermore, I bisected your heart, it should have been fatal for you. Instead, I felt your breath of life disappear then reappear in a matter of seconds. What are you?" he asked sharply.

'Breath of life?' I mused. 'I need to research this once I am free. He also seems to mistakenly assume that my power is a form of telekinesis. Well, I guess that's what each of the enemies I encountered must have thought.'

They were way off though I didn't expect them to be able to guess that it was divine, I was shocked when I was told the truth by the Demigoddess.

I caught the body of the sword with my bare hand. His eyes narrowed as he tried to pull it out of my grasp. Despite his struggles, he wasn't able to move it one bit. It was the only way I could think of holding him in place allowing my attacks to reach him. With his mysterious movements, he was usually too fast and stealthy making it a real pain to land a hit on him but now things were different. I raised my other hand and all the space in a radius of 10 meters around us caught fire. Even the very air we breathed became scorching.

In my red haze that covered my gaze since I lit up a bonfire with everything in 10 meters as the fuel, I could see the shock and panic settle over his face as he realized what I've done. His pure white rob caught fire and soon was reduced to nothing even the sword in my body was starting to melt from the intensity of the fire, so I pull it off my body. I started to think that I got him. His face recovered its calm. Focusing I noticed that it was only his clothes burning. He from his long hair to his skin was perfectly fine. I focused even more and could see some sort of force covering his skin like a protective film. I waved my hand and the sudden fire vanished.

The ground was incinerated, still a little bit red from the fire, the air was full of white smoke. He stood in front of me, his naked torso exposing lean and durable muscles. There were also faded scars coursing through his sculpted body, it gave him a very strong traditional warrior vibe. His pants and shoes were the only clothing he had left.

"Well, I didn't expect you to pull off a crazy move like this. In fact, how are you not ash right now?"

"That's my words, what the fuck is this mystical shit you've been using since we started fighting. It can even make you impervious flame with temperatures reaching 3000°C. That's ridiculous. And of course, I won't be hurt by my flames, isn't it common sense."

Right after saying that I used maximum speed to close the distance between us. I figured if he didn't have his fucking sword he would be less deadly. In half a second I was throwing a palm toward his stomach, He waved one of his hands to the left parrying my palm. His body moved weirdly and he stomped heavily on the ground leaving cracks.

'He just redirected the power in my palm strike toward the ground. Those warriors from Aso are truly frightening. Despite their lack of physical prowess, they can go toe to toe with the most physically frightening sup thanks to their 'way of combat' and this other weird force they seem to possess. At least that's my assumptions based on this guy.'

I launched a high kick with my foot which he caught easily. My strength seemed to dissipate every time I came in contact with his palm. I backflipped repetitively distancing myself from him.

"Losing such a good sword is a shame, but don't think it will affect my fighting prowess kid. That would be naive." He vanished as usual and appeared on my left. Before I could raise a shield I was hit on the side making air rush out of my lungs. His knee brought a world of pain to my face, blood spurt out of my nose and eyes. He grabbed my arm and smashed me heavily on the ground.

On the ground, I clenched my fists and air disappeared from the surroundings. I heard his heart miss a bit as he noticed the lack of air. He put a hand on his throat while retreating step by step. I stood up and pat the dust off my ragged clothes.

"I am guessing what you want to say right now is WTF? I am right?" I said while showing him my pearly white teeth.