Preparations (1)

I was sitting with Chloe on the terrace of her temporary quarters. She seemed to be thinking about the attack we withstood today. I was content to let her reflect while I observed the stars. They seemed more beautiful now than ever before.

'Maybe they didn't change, it is I who did.'

In the past, I was far too busy, trying to make a living and not starve, to take notice of their beauty. My improved eyesight allowed me to watch them with greater clarity. Somehow it was reassuring. They would continue to be there for a long time, like me.

"Are you in a retrospective mood my dear?" Chloe broke me out of my musing.

"I am. I was pondering about what we meant in the grand scheme of the universe."

"Difficult line of reflection. I would venture that we create our meaning simply by existing. As such, If you feel burdened by your immortality because you haven't yet found meaning, don't. It's the process that's important." She looked at me straight in the eyes as if she was reading my soul.

"Do you read thoughts now?" I asked in a joking tone.

"I can smell your feelings. The rest is mere deduction. Also, you are not the first immortal to ponder about such things." She answered amused.

"How are you so wise? you are only slightly above me in age."

"We mature faster. By 'we' I mean the purebloods." She said with a wry smile.

I looked at her with sympathy. I understood what was implied of course. She didn't have a childhood. As my teenage years were somewhat cut short as well, I could relate to her.

When my parents passed away, I was forced to leave these years behind and embrace adulthood.

I drew the chair she was seated on next to mine. She looked at me and left her chair for my laps. She felt so fragile, completely unlike the amazon that unleashed hell on the battlefield earlier today.

She passed a hand in my long hair, before lowering her lips onto mine for a kiss. It was slow and unhurried, contrarily to our previous exchanges.

I reached for the back of her neck, to deepen our kiss. Her soft body pressed against mine felt like the greatest temptation but I didn't act on it. I knew she needed comfort now, not lustful satisfaction.

With my other hand, I stroked her back softly and rhythmically. A deep sigh left her rosy lips.

"Thank you." She murmured in my ears.

"Do you want to drink my blood?" I asked.

She slightly leaned back to look at my face.


"Nothing, it's just that you never offered before. Thus, I am a little taken aback." She answered. In her eyes, a certain emotion flickered.

From what I could read, she was moved. I didn't know my offer would be so significant for her. Still, it's proof of my lack of knowledge about vampires' culture. In the past she had a taste of my blood many times, I couldn't fathom what was so special about me offering this time.

Nevertheless, I brought her lips to my neck.

"Go ahead."

She hesitated no more and bit softly, carefully, and somewhat reverently. She melted into my arms, hugging me as if she never wanted to leave.

When she had drunk her fill, she raised her head allowing me to see her face. She had an enraptured expression and her eyes were glowing with a profound scarlet color. A drop of blood escaped her lip, which she licked languidly with her tongue.

My attention was drawn to her lips, painted scarlet by my blood. I brought my lips onto hers and for a moment we were lost to the world before our lips parted again.

Suddenly, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. If a normal human had been present, it would have been impossible for him to hear it as the sound was near imperceptible. It was as if someone had just lightly touched the door with his knuckles.

Chloe let out a wistful sigh and she rose from my lapse.


"Miss Chloe, I am deeply sorry for the interruption but your guests have just arrived." The steady voice from the house attendant came from behind the door.

"I understand, settle them in the 4th living room. The one facing the garden."

"It shall be done, Miss Chloe. Then, I will take my leave." He retreated noiselessly, or at least it would have seemed noiseless in the perception of a weaker being.

"Your guests?" I asked.

"Yes, it's time you met my team. I only call for them when I think a lot of blood will be shed. It's an extermination team." Chloe explained.

'An Extermination team huh?'

I reckoned they would indeed come in handy as I still remembered the place we were to assault. It was a heavily defended place.

I became curious to see what an extermination team led by Chloe would look like in action. I believed it was a thing of marvel and glory.

Chloe went and took a quick shower before we left the room to meet them. When we reached the door leading to the living room, I opened it and held it for Chloe before entering the room myself.

What greeted us was a team of 5 people seated haphazardly on the couches. Only two of them stood up when we entered.

The women who had stood up on our arrival quickly went on their knees and respectfully greeted Chloe.

They both had chin-length blond hair and looked eerily identical. The one, on the left, had green eyes and the one on the right had blue ones. From the familiar feeling I got when I scanned them with my willpower, I instantly knew their nature. Shifters.

As for the others present in the room, they all seemed like eccentric characters. One of the men reclining on the sofa was tall. Freakishly so, 2m at the very least. He had a simple face and a dazed look about him.

The other man was sitting straight and dedicated his focus to cleaning the blade in front of him. It was a double-edged longsword, that would be far more appropriate for medieval times.

The last guest was a woman with a hair full of white. Although she didn't look old, she had an ancient gaze. She had the stillness I had come to associate with vampires.

Chloe swept the room with her gaze before saying:

"Stand up, Liye, Vina. I already told you that I dislike those formalities between us."

"Yes! Miss Chloe." They stood up, with creepy synchronicity.

"Hello, Miss Chloe. It's been what? 3 years I believe since you last called a full gathering." The man with the giant frame spoke jovially.

"Indeed it has, Arum. Thank you for answering the call, as always." Chloe spoke warmly to the giant. He nodded with a smile.

"The target?" It was the man holding the longsword who had finally looked at us. Now, I could see his face. He was handsome with sharp contours and a defined jawline. Even the long scar, that went from the right side of his forehead to his cheek below his eye, couldn't mare his looks. His eyes were a murky grey color.

"An unknown group of supernaturals. We aren't quite sure of their numbers... Expect a lot of enemies." Chloe answered evenly. She seemed used to the bluntness of her crew member.

"Your majesty, would you please stop your tricks and reveal yourself." Chloe's lips were twitching. She just addressed a corner of the room. I was befuddled until I swept it with my willpower. In my mind eye, a silhouette appeared.

The air twisted and the faerie prince Eric appeared.

"Hello, Samsara. How have you been since last time?" With the same beautiful smile and face, he asked.