Preparations (5)

I was back.

These days I believed my stronger willpower helped me with the process of resurrection. I was getting quicker at it.

According to my sparing partner's position, not a lot of time should have gone by since I perished. I slowly got back in a sitting position. I still felt slightly sore. But I knew it was nothing but phantom pains. I was already back in top shape.

"Are you ok?" The gravelly voice of Arum brought me out of my daze. Recalling the last thing I saw before dying I looked at him puzzled.

"I am fine, better than before." I wasn't kidding, I felt stronger. "I saw some pretty weird things before 'passing out'... Care to explain what were those?"

"You saw them?" Genuine surprise colored his voice.

The others had come near us at one point. Thankfully, it seemed the nonsensical sparing session was over. Though I lost, and badly at that, I wasn't disgruntled. I had learned something crucial about my willpower usage.

*I believe I was mistaken. If my assumptions are correct, I should see my ability skyrocket in the short term.

Arum had released his Valken form. The aggression had left him like snow melting under a spring sun. He explained with the very peaceful demeanor he used to have before the spar began.

"They are purple ghosts. Ghosts born of defeated foes' blood. Valken, the spirit of the bloodspilled earth gets his title from this ability. Much like the corpses of living beings making for an excellent soil fertilizer."

"Now, I have a question as well. How are you able to see them? Most sups cannot even perceive them. That includes mages as well. Though, some of them can do it." He looked at Chloe and Lorn.

"I can't perceive them with my senses." Though, I suspect that I would only need a lot more deaths to be able to.

"I can perceive them because similar to when I discovered the hiding Eric, I used another ability. The same ability that sent you flying earlier in our match. I must say that's quite the trick you have. "

"I see. I will have to be satisfied with this answer. Indeed it's quite handy. Because of these ethereal ghosts, most of my enemies believed I was some kind of supreme mage with mastery over time." Arum nodded with a smile.

Chloe clapped softly with her hands to attract our attention. "Great fight, both of you. I believe Samsara's worries are assuaged. And that everybody else obtained a certain measure of his competency."

"Indeed, Miss Chloe. Mr. Samsara is quite strong. I believe no normal top-level supernatural is his match."

*Well, thank you Arum, for the vote of confidence. If Arum was already such a cheated existence I do not doubt that the rest are savages as well.

Though, I believed the most dangerous of them wasn't Lorn, that stern mage-geek. It wasn't the blood sorceress Kelia or even the twins. The most dangerous should be the always smiling Eric.

At least this is what my intuition told me. Well, my intuition and the strange respect that colored Chloe's words when she talked to him specifically. Also, anytime she addressed him, it was by his title. I didn't think he was stronger than her but he should be the closest to her power level among the group.

"Yes Miss Chloe, we have witnessed his hardiness in combat. We are very impressed." The twins spoke together seemingly sharing a voice.

Kelia merely nodded. Though, I sensed it wasn't out of scorn. It was her default setting. Most likely, there weren't a lot of things in existence that warranted a reaction from her.

"A truly fascinating specimen. I would like to study him..." Lorn nodded then muttered.

*I can hear you! Tsk... Such a scary guy.

"Since we are done with this demonstration, we should head back inside. The refreshment must be ready." Chloe looked satisfied with the resolution of the issue.

Everybody agreed. Lorn made a series of hand seals and the pitted soil where I fought Arum, filled up. The ground became even and the flowers beds that were torn to pieces were fixed. He then proceeded to dispel the ward.

On our way back to the mansion, Lorn walked near me. I was curious about some things, so I started a conversation.

" I can wrap my head about what others can do except you. I know that you are a mage but I believe you aren't an ordinary one as I haven't seen a mage who carries a sword." Granted, I didn't meet that many mages.

The silence lasted for a couple of seconds, just when I thought he would ignore me, he spoke:

" There are many types of mages." He said.

I just continued to stare at him.

He sighed and started talking. I didn't know if it was because of Chloe or simply my natural charm.

Most likely the latter. Definitely.

"Mages come in a variety of professions. There are enchanters, elementalists, seers, conjurers, creators, witches, warlocks, arcanists, etc...

A lot of mages use weapons.

Though, I am the only one who uses a weapon meant for close combat in a fight. My family was made of glyph warriors. I don't suppose you know what a magic glyph is?" He paused as he looked at me. I shrugged, I didn't know for sure but I could hazard a guess.

"I guess they are some sorts of words carrying a meaning that can be used to produce magical phenomenons?" I spoke uncertainly.

"Close enough. In the beginning, we were purely enchanters. We used glyphs to create magic weapons or trinkets. This lasted until an ancestor invented a certain spell. This spell changed the very foundation of our family. From a slightly rich family of enchanters, we became an incredibly powerful family of glyph warriors.

The creation of this profession was naturally attributed to us.

Glyph warriors are capable of imbuing glyphs in our bodies permanently. Can you imagine the prowess we can explode with simply through their activations? Can you imagine the uses?

As such, we became terrifyingly adept at close quarters battles. We were even comparable to physically gifted supernaturals like vampires or werewolves... Still, this is a bygone glory.

I am the last living member of this glorious family."

He stopped talking after this. he had a distant gaze

He was the last member of his family. I could presume that his family members didn't die peacefully or naturally.

After all, this is the supernatural world we were talking about. Additionally, mages could live forever as long as they progressed in their practices or so Stella told me once.

I knew very well the pain of losing family. There was nothing I could say as consolation. I could only stay silent while he reminisced.

*Glyph warriors huh? So mage-hood can be further divided into a huge hodgepodge of professions. Depending on their approach to this magic thing. I wonder what path Atticus tread and how powerful he is currently?

As the thought crossed my mind, I felt chills.

For a moment, the eyes of Atticus appeared in my psyche. I was badly startled, to say the least. Even in-memory format, the guy was truly frightening.

I paused suddenly. An insight just crossed my mind but before I could grasp it, it had already vanished in the recess of my brain.

It seemed I was missing several logical links to sustain that insight.

"Samsara, are you coming?" It seemed that at some point we had reached the door leading to the room we left earlier. Chloe was standing halfway inside the living room, waiting for me.

"Yes, sorry. I was distracted by something." A gloomy feeling spread at the pit of my stomach. Somehow, I knew whatever I couldn't grasp just now was important.

*Welp, we will see.

Since I couldn't bring it back, I saw no point in worrying about something I was powerless about.