Destroying The Lair (4)

As we stepped forward beyond the door, I found myself amidst a surreal sight - a horde of vampires had converged in a library-like space, relentlessly attacking two massive tigers, each one easily towering over a small car. It was a scene that defied logic and reason.

But I had no time to contemplate the absurdity of it all.

With the team and the twins at the back of my mind, I summoned all my willpower, and the world seemed to tremble in response. The air inside the library twisted and blurred, and a ripple coursed through the room before a deafening, earth-shattering clap broke through the chaos.

The mages, hidden behind bookshelves, had only enough time to curse before the thunderous roar rang out, leaving them reeling and disorientated. The entire manor shook with the sheer force of the explosion, and the vampires - in their heightened state of combat - were thrown into a frenzy of pain and panic, blood seeping from their every orifice.

Thankfully, I had given everyone a heads-up, allowing the twins to revert to their human form and take precautions against the jarring vibrations. They may have been weaker in this form, but at least they had better control over themselves, able to stifle their senses while still being able to withstand the onslaught.

Lorn simply did a reiteration of the fight against the suicidal pyromaniac and waved his hand the sword protecting everyone else in a radius of 4 meters. It was a pretty neat trick, I was forced to admit. The guy was truly prepared for anything.

Unfortunately, the vampires turned out relatively fine and, by that I meant they didn't die instantly. I had to rack my brain to come up with this attack. The Fae demigoddess had told me that willpower was the nascent version of a god's divine power, and since then, I did my best to get better at using it. The 'thunder' I called forth was simply the product of my Will affecting the very air causing it to vibrate violently.

A truly powerful mean, only in a moment like this did I realize the divine qualities of my gift. More exploration was needed until I could use it in more creative ways. Thankfully, since I got embroiled in the supernatural world, fights, strife, and bloody circumstances were in abundance. What better climate to grow quickly than in the midst of life and death?

One thing really dreadful about vampires was their self-healing abilities. Though I shouldn't be the one to speak, it was really hateful seeing them standing up right after suffering such a debilitating blow.

Case in point the same blow had put all the mages in the vicinity out of their misery. Granted the sudden nature of the attack contributed too. Unlike vampires who could react on the go and also had a dauntless vitality to accuse wounds, mages were more fragile, they needed time to prepare. A prepared mage was a nightmare for everyone.

Although it's a pity none of the vampires died, we didn't have to hurry about the disrupting and often fatal spells of mages while we were fighting those bloodsucking pests.

With an uncanny unisson, the vampires' scarlet eyes fell on me. A savage mixture of anger and bloodlust covered their faces. I knew that I had attracted their wrath. It was fine in any case we weren't going to shake hands in the first place.

I couldn't help but ask, "How dare you betray Chloe? Is it Sébas who gave you the guts? Does he feel vexed about being under the Crimson Clan?" I was truly wondering why they would rebel against their very instincts and go against their Master. Vampires kept a strict hierarchy, between servants and masters betrayal is very uncommon. Sure, most vampires were two-faced and often fomented devious schemes. But never against their superiors, only against those inferiors or equal to them."

The brutality briefly left their faces, "What can you understand of the aspirations of Master Sébas and the Primus!?" A vampire who was crouched on the top of bookshelves spoke disdainfully. From his tone, he had nothing but profound respect for the figure behind all this. As for Sébas' role in all this, it seemed that I needed to leave at least one alive.

"How can an unknown thing like you with nothing but delicious smelling blood get close to her majesty, I will have to offend her and help out the young lord get rid of you." He licked his lips as if he couldn't help himself. Despite the ceremonious discourse, his actions betrayed him. He hungered for my blood.

I looked at him with derision. What grandstanding, his true nature as a leech couldn't be hidden. Naturally, I didn't take him seriously at all, among the vampires we faced off against, he registered as the weakest to my senses.

On a serious note, Sébas really brought out the big guns. I didn't know it was possible to gather so many centuries-old vampires on such short notice. He must have panicked when we said that we found this location.

Individually they were not a match for even one of us but in a group like this, they were slightly dreadful to battle.

Lorn came up behind me and stated, "You really are a fatal attraction for vampires." I shrugged and answered, "Who told me to have such sweet blood? Maybe I should lessen my sugar intake."

He grimaced at my lousy joke, "Let's hurry with those." He pointed toward the vampires seeing that they were getting ready to pounce. The more time we wasted, the more likely the situation would degenerate. The twins had shifted back into their animal forms and Kelia was surrounded by blood.

Arum calmly entered the state he was in when we spared, he looked like a looming and deadly mountain. Lorn unsheathed his sword and took an open stance. His sword was gleaming with exquisite runes.

There was a brief pause before things devolved into chaos. The vampire fell on us like rain. Before long I was separated from the others and could only worry about my own situation. The first vampire got rid of, was naturally the one talking rubbish previously.

To the human naked eye, he was likely akin to a blur of motions. He still couldn't escape my senses I simply reached out and pluck him out from the ether. I could see the pure shock on his face as my palm pressurized his brain into mush. I directly threw his ashen corpse away and focused on the other vampires coming my way.