Destroying The Lair (7)

« Truly impressive! Such regenerative prowess and battle abilities! »

« Well, thank you I guess? So I take it I didn't do any damage at all? »

« Accurate observation.»

The clones answered in a single voice, the mocking intent clear in their shared voice.


I psyched myself up inwardly as I welcomed another wave of attack. This time I didn't opt for a frontal assault, I mobilized my willpower by visualizing a creature possessing multiple tendrils surrounding my body.

The tendrils whipped chaotically, sweeping the clones away. It was like I grew numerous arms suddenly. It strained my mind to control so many limbs at once but I held on.

This tactic allowed me to attack and defend at the same time. One tendril pierced through the chest of a clone while another one grabbed the leg of another clone sending it flying toward a tree.

One of the clones tried to launch a surprise attack from behind but I easily caught its fist. The tendril vibrated and its arm bone broke into dust. Another tendril whipped and it was reduced into a bag of bloody mist.

I couldn't tell how much time went by as I withered the attacks of the enemy. But as time went by I became more and more wary. The guy was likely fighting all of us at the same time. None of us was a pushover. Every single member of the team was powerful in his own right. Still, the man in the classic suit took all of us by himself, granted 'Glamour' helped a big deal. It was nevertheless an important feat of power.

When I thought about it this way, I could only arrive at the conclusion that we couldn't defeat him head-on. Would exhausting him, work?

I was quite confident in my ability to fight till the end of days but I couldn't see where the limits of this enemy lay. Nothing indicated that his glamour ability would be exhausted judging by the enormous clones he created each time I got rid of the previous batch.

As I was fighting, I couldn't help but cursed out loud, «Where is that freaking Fae prince !? »

If he was there we wouldn't be that ignorant of the full extent of the enemy powers. Profiting from my distraction several orbs of fire broke through the tendrils and reached my body.

The explosion of the several fire orbs blasted me away, not a single part of my body was left intact. I looked like a burned corpse but I wasn't dead yet. Once again I used my will to maintain consciousness. Although or because I was immortal, I thought of ways I could be fucked over while fighting supernaturals. One such way would be sealing my body away. Another would be, confining my mind forever. Or worse doing both those things.

Whether it was my body or mind if one of them was trapped, I would be done for.

That's why, while in combat I couldn't let my consciousness fade into darkness. I should always maintain a shred of consciousness whether it be for 'resurrecting' quicker or avoiding the fate of being sealed away, permanently.

Facing enemies using their physical prowess to fight, it was still ok but those with magic had various means at their disposal. In any case, a little bit of caution never hurt anybody. I quickly recovered and got back into the fight.

Should I die purposefully numerous times to become stronger? How many death would allow me to fight this foe? - My synapses were firing trying to come up with a solution.

No, such thinking could be dangerous due to the risk I mentioned earlier.

Funnily my most vulnerable state was the state between life and death. It was fitting for one such as I who violated those laws of the universe on a regular basis.

A light flashed in my mind.

Maybe, I shouldn't try to take him down head-on. - I had an idea. Instead of trying to destroy him with brute power, I should try to take away his means of attack.

Willpower or god power tapped directly into the sea of possibilities. In simpler terms, as long as I could think of it, nothing was impossible. If that was the case then let's see…

I stopped using my willpower to fight his clones. Instead, I went back to meeting their physical blows barehanded and avoiding their spells or withering them. At the same time, I focused my will on the Glamour itself.

I used my willpower to pry it open. At that moment, I felt myself colliding with another mind. It seems that this course of action was right, as I was meeting such resistance.


An intense pain shot through my head. The feeling was not unlike having a nail repeatedly hammered into your brain. I gritted my teeth in resistance. My willpower wasn't strong enough.

It felt like I was trying to move a mountain. It was not a question of ability but more one of raw power. He was stronger, his Glamour was more powerful than my willpower.

I felt a warm liquid in my mouth. I had a nosebleed. The very world seemed to be against me, pressurizing me to the point that I couldn't breathe properly.

So this is the power of the Fae, the ancient enemy of mankind. - I thought bitterly, no wonder the gods themselves intervened to put a stop to the ancient war. If Faerie inhabitants were already so powerful, I couldn't help but wonder how mighty were angels and demons who were the other parties involved in that war.

« Interesting, trying to break my glamour with an unknown power. You are truly a unique specimen. »

This time the man's voice seemed to come from the entire forest.

« Unfortunately you are still too weak to do that. » Although the voice was oozing confidence, I felt the strain hidden within.

« Stop your shameless boasting, although you are indeed stronger, resisting me is not as effortless as you make it seem, is it? »

He fell silent. I let out a smile despite the pain. I wanted to see which one of us would falter first. Could he compete with a freak like me in terms of stamina?

After all, I was not the only one he was facing. The others should be giving him hell too.

«Let's see who can last longer, shall we? »

«Arrogant fool, you want to face me? A Son of Faerie? » A hint of disdain appeared in the voice now. There was also an oppressive pride that could almost be physically experienced.

«Who is the fool? We will see soon enough, won't we? Also, you look dumb dressed like that, get with the times' fashion will you? " I grinned savagely while mocking him.

The ground started to tremble, trees' leaves fell off and the clones vanished. If I could say so myself, I have a true talent for attracting people's ire.

Judging by the land's reaction, the guy was mighty pissed.