Chapter 159: Brazen, Crude and Rude

"Not to be absolutely rude, you are a... Bit... Just a bit... Intellectually challenged that talking to a wall has no difference with talking to you. It does make me look less 'weird' if you ask for the merit."

Wei Yi Yi immediately took a deep breath. "Be careful that I don't deck you. Why are you even here in the first place?"

"To see your rare instances at being a genius in death courting?"

It was around this moment that Jiang Liu finally snapped back to reality. Interrupting the two, he said with furrowed brows, "Although both third young master Wei and the empress is from the same household this is not an excuse to speak rudely."

The group pause in shock. Maybe because the other talkative one finally opened his mouth or maybe because he's the last one they expected to hear that from.

"A pot calling the kettle black," Wei Yi Yi snicker.
