This Crack Show

That morning, Wei Yi Yi witnessed the ability these old people to put on a show.

The horses galloped along the edge of the forest. As if parading, the pace was slow and steady. At front, Wei Yi Yi was riding a few step behind Jiang Yu, leading the rest of the consort. She ride in horseback properly while the rest of the ladies have the servants hold the horse rein and lead their horses.

An animalistic roar came from Jiang Yu, then, he took off. Da Xian's loyal citizens copied the pack's leader like some mental child. Roaring and roaring, they kicked their horses and the animal cried out as well.

Wei Yi Yi shifted her gaze with wide eyes. Hey! People! Did you just scared the prey away?! She heavily question their IQ. 

Before long, the males broke formation and race to the front, leaving all the ladies in dust. Seeing all the guys taking the stage, Wei Yi Yi blood boiled and gave chase.