A Second Chance!

A stream of sunlight found its way through the curtains, landing directly onto Alessia's face. She frowned slightly, before turning away from the window and snuggling deeper into her plush duvet. Her eyes opened slightly, as her hand reached out to grab her phone from her bedside table. She checked the time before tossing her phone away and shutting her eyes. It was only 7:30 in the morning, so she could get thirty more minutes of sleep before….

Wait, what?

Alessia's eyes snapped open as she threw herself out of bed, sleep long forgotten, eyes wide as the memories from the night before began to bombard her. She could remember downing pills, dancing with that beautiful man, and then dying in his arms. 

So what the hell was going on?

Alessia finally decided to look at her surroundings, trying to make sense of what was happening. She stood near a queen-sized bed that had a bronze metal frame and pristinely white sheets and plushies she had collected from youth. There were three large windows covered by thin curtains that rustled in the air. To the right, there was a door that led to a spacious bathroom, and to the left, another door that led to a walk-in closet. There was a desk situated near one of the large windows and a bookcase full of novels that Alessia had read as a child. This was… her room! Her childhood room!

She had loved this room, spending hours decorating it, picking the light pink that washed the walls and the antique furnishings. And then she had destroyed it in a fit of rage when her father had forbidden her from seeing Nicolas. So why was everything perfect, and untouched? It wasn't as if she could have gone back in time? 

As that last thought crossed her mind, Alessia caught a glance of herself in the large and ornate mirror on the wall near the closet, once again shocked.

Alessia could help but gasp when she saw herself in the mirror. Her skin was flawless and shone with health, unlike the sallow and sickly skin she had been used to for the past 10 years. Her hair was a dark brown and fell in soft waves to frame her face and shoulders. She was tall and thin, but still possessed curves that made her alluring. Her eyes were large and full of life and her lips were a natural soft pink color, parted slightly in shock. She was truly a beauty.

"How is this possible?"

She murmured, reaching up to touch her face. She stood still for a moment before rushing to her nightstand where she had haphazardly thrown her phone. She grabbed it and inspected it carefully. As expected, it was an older model phone, the same phone she had in college. Alessia turned it on to see the date.

August 23, 20XX.

In shock, Alessia's legs give out and she sank to the floor, gasping and tearing up as the situation dawned on her. It was true. She had gone back to 10 years before her death. Before the destruction of her family. Before her baby.

It was a second chance.

She sat, staring out of the window in a daze, a swirl of emotions filling her. There was relief, gratitude, excitement. And then there was, grief, and sadness and a deep rage. She stood up, her wide teary eyes clearing up, and then narrowing, filling with fire and wrath. Her pink lips curled into a cold smile and her small hands balled into a tight fist by her side.

She would make the most out of this situation.

All those who had gone out of their way to harm her and her family, would feel what it means to suffer by her hands.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Alessia checked the time. It was about 8 am. It would be time to go down for breakfast with her family. Her heart clenched at the thought of seeing the people who had loved her most, both with joy and shame. Could she even face them? Alessia's eyes then darkened for a moment at the thought of the cousin that she would also see at the breakfast table, along with her aunt and uncle. Them, she would face without issue, giving them everything that they deserved.

Alessia entered the large bathroom and drew herself a vanilla scented bath. After a long and luxurious bath, she walked out of the bathroom in a long fluffy robe, and into the closet. She stood there, inspecting her closet, before frowning.

Why did she, the daughter of one of the richest families in the city, have such a meager selection of clothing?

Ah, yes. In her past life, Caterina had convinced Alessia that Nicolas preferred simple women who didn't flaunt their wealth. Because of that, and in order to oppose her parents, she only wore worn out jeans and hand me downs that barely fit her cousin, never wore jewelry or makeup, rejecting gifts and invitations out. Consequently, Alessia stopped being viewed as the heiress that she was and became overshadowed by Caterina.

Alessia let out a self-mocking laugh, while digging through her closet for something suitable. She would have to go shopping as soon as possible. She finally found a simple yet beautiful blouse in the deepest corner of the closet, light pink and off the shoulder. Alessia smiled, pleased at her discovery. This would have to do for now.

Now donning the pink blouse and a pair of light wash jeans, she sat down at her vanity. She brushed her hair and inserted a pearl encrusted hairpin. It was the only thing she had left, the rest of her accessories taken by Caterina or given away. The only reason this hairpin wasn't stolen from her as well, was because it belonged to Alessia's maternal grandmother. Taking one last look in the mirror, she felt as ready as she could possibly be to take on the day and start her life for the second time. Before she was able to leave the room, Alessia's phone buzzed. Curious, she took a look at the message that popped up. 

[Hey cousin! Just wanted to let ou know that I've got your back!! Gramps may not be happy with your decision to drop out, don't let him pressure you! It's your life!! ]

Alessia's eyes widened in surprise before narrowing once again. That's right! Today would be the day that she would tell her family that she wanted to drop out of school. The day where everything began to fall apart. She silently thanked whatever entity granted her a second chance to undo mistakes made. She then, nonchalantly threw her phone back on her bed, stood up and smoothed out the skirt of her dress before heading for the door with a mischievous smile on her youthful face.

Caterina wanted a show, then Alessia would provide a show. Just not quite the show she was expecting!